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Approaching a survivor.

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This is something every one of us has dealt with in DayZ. We come across times where the mercy of a survivor is at your trigger. You choose three things, Aim and fire, walk away, or approach with caution. We usually choose the former, and some of us stick with the guilt of taking the life. I naturally perform the casual approach, though never letting my guard down. While this topic may seem very personal, I would like to ask, what was your best and worst scenario in coming across a survivor?

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Besides my friends, and one random guy in a ghillie, I have not come across any nice/decent/worth letting live survivor.

They have all either shot at me on sight, stole out of my bag and attempted to kill me, or deceived me in some other manner.

I usually just avoid people where possible, stay out of towns and do most of my travel in the dark of night.

When I have no choice but to confront a player, I do so with caution, scanning 360 before getting close, and letting them know that I have them in my sights but wont shoot unless they give me a good reason to (showing hostility or unpredictability)

Sometimes they will freak out and run, which i just keep an eye on them, other times they will attempt to find you and eat all of your beans.

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I've had a couple of situations where I ran into someone and I turned my gun away to try and show I'm not going to shoot them. From those times though I've had people flat out just shoot me, one person pulled out an axe when I turned around or people will say "Friendly" then 10 seconds later I'm full of holes.

I don't think I've been in that situation and NOT had anyone kill me :(

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Also, my first encounter ended with them betraying me and leaving me unconscious in a barn with no zombies around on 160 blood, I would have rather died.

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Normally I just go by the rule of "If they are armed they are dangerous" I know there are some genuinely nice players out there but I just cant take the chance anymore, So if myself or one of my clan members see's anyone it's "enemy --- meters away" *bang* "target down" and move on.

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Psst. Hey. Hey buddy, yeah you. Get down dont fucking move. What are you doing? Am I friendly? Are you dead? Im friendly enough, for now. Alright... im going to fuck off, don't try to follow me or i'll fuckin shoot you.

Ive had that or similar occur a few times, my whole gameplay feeds off interaction with players now as opposed to shoot and scoot, even on the occasions I have full intention of killing them.

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Tons of good survivors on private servers who just want to run n gun with you for a few hours. Like 75/25 ratio between friendlies and bandits.

Edited by charliedontsurf

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I just avoid them. I back off when I see them. Let them do their thing. If I approach a town and see someone looting I let them loot and watch them leave, then head in to loot myself. If I run into someone in the bush, I tend to take cover. I can usually see them by time there 100+ metres away. Run away from them if I can, if we stumbled into each other and got too close then I try to talk to them casually. TBH though, Ive only run into one friendly survivor who hasn't tried to kill me immediately and in this case I spawned right in front of him on a hill, he seen me before I had completely spawned in and strarted talking to me. I shit a brick thinking it was a hacker who had teleported to me to kill me, turned out he was just a friendly, he says "oh nice shotgun" and walked away.

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I usually just shoot on sight now.. but one time I decided to live a life of a "nice guy survivor" i ended up finding a guy in the school of Elektro named "Zed" who said "Friendly?" and I responded the same, then 2 more guys came in, they were friendly as well, we all exchanged skypes, and have been playing daily since. That was months ago, on my FIRST LIFE. I', playing with them as we speak. :)

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I walked into Balota airport on a new spawn looking to gear up.

ATc tower nothing, hangers just junk, get to the little sheds off the side of the hangers and bam waiting in one is a Survivor with an AKM pointed straight at me.

I think well that's it close my eyes and wait for the shots.

Nothing. I open my eyes and he's till there assessing me. He doesn't ask if I'm friendly he just gives me the AKM and some supplies and goes on his way.

His name was Father Tom and he plays on Australian and NZ servers and this is all he does. I wanted to interview him about his first murder but couldn't because he's never killed anyone. This is how he plays the game just helping new spawns and handing out guns and supplies. He doesn't judge, if you have a bandit skin he'll still give you a gun. I don't know if he's atoning for real life sins or just role playing but it's pretty cool. Back in the days of side chat anytime he got killed the side chat would go wild with questions. Who killed you, where were they and armed with that information almost every other survivor nearby would hunt for the killer.

I'm not a religious man but god bless you Father Tom.

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2nd survivor encounter, I parked an ATV (nearly out of gas) near the camp i took it from 30 seconds prior. i parked it straight in front of the previous owner. of course I only found this out after offering some steaks. he gave me a jerry can for his stolen ride. lol.

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All depends on the survivors armament.

F.e. we would never shoot a unarmed spawnie and I honestly can't understand people who do. I mean, his equip is barely worth a bullet. Oh wait, I just remembered we once shot one... who attempted to hijack our bus. But that's pretty much the only case.

If the guy is lightly armed (aka double barrel, or merely a pistol = something barely capable of killing players), we will usually approach with caution or just ignore.

If the person is 'dangerously' armed (AK, M4, stuff like that), we tend to shoot the second he's pointing his gun towards our location, whilst trying to stay low. If the unlucky guy (accidentally) moves towards our location, we'll usually shoot him down. Thank Rocket for removing any solid ways of communication.

Ah, and if he's wearing a ghillie or a high-end gear (f.e. M107) we'll usually try to take him out by default, given 90% of those people are either hackers or bandits either way.

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All depends on the survivors armament.

F.e. we would never shoot a unarmed spawnie and I honestly can't understand people who do. I mean, his equip is barely worth a bullet. Oh wait, I just remembered we once shot one... who attempted to hijack our bus. But that's pretty much the only case.

If the guy is lightly armed (aka double barrel, or merely a pistol = something barely capable of killing players), we will usually approach with caution or just ignore.

If the person is 'dangerously' armed (AK, M4, stuff like that), we tend to shoot the second he's pointing his gun towards our location, whilst trying to stay low. If the unlucky guy (accidentally) moves towards our location, we'll usually shoot him down. Thank Rocket for removing any solid ways of communication.

Ah, and if he's wearing a ghillie or a high-end gear (f.e. M107) we'll usually try to take him out by default, given 90% of those people are either hackers or bandits either way.

Thats not really fair, had an AS50 for weeks now and never killed when it was not needed - IE they were trying to kill my un armed team mate...

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