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M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

What is your opinion of the M107/AS50  

168 members have voted

  1. 1. I consider sniping with an M107/AS50 to be...

    • A legitimate, skillful display of sniping prowess.
    • About the same as the other sniper rifles in terms of skillfulness to use.
    • A point-and-click adventure game where the only option is "use bullet on man."
  2. 2. How prevalent would you prefer the M107/AS50 be?

    • I'd like for it's prevalence to remain unchanged.
    • I'd prefer if it was much more rare.
    • I'd prefer if it was removed entirely.

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I am fine with the AS50 in the game.

However this bullshit about it requiring skill is hilarious. The gun is plain simple & easy to use, I can pick it up and easily take out anyone without requiring to even think and im sure most of you could too.

Keep it in the game, make it abit more rare and once the duping is sorted it will be fine. However don't think that you are skilled in using it.

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Where have you found these facts??? Less than a thousand?? Over 10 times a year the Army produces 30-40 new snipers. That's just Army, this does not include the Navy, Coast Guard and Marines. Also not including graduates of the ASOC SOTIC classes. A half inch hole??? Really buddy? If you get hit by a .50 round from the M107 in the foot your leg is coming off. If you get hit in the hand, you'll be down an arm.<br /><br />

1. I don't know where you got your numbers from, but you seem to also be confused about the role of the US Army Sniper School -- members from any branch of the military can train there...which would be an odd mistake to make, since you say you attended. Anyway, there are less than 300 snipers in the Marines, and that's out of a size of about 180,000. Or 0.2% of the branch. Snipers are not common.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD23f5l99ag&feature=player_detailpage#t=107s (At 1:47)

2. Only if it's a Raufoss Mk211 round filled with tip-ignition RDX explosive compound. Or a grenade someone lied about. Just two examples of exaggerated stories about the terminal ballistic performance of a .50 caliber BMG round I've heard in my time. Back before the .50 caliber rifle became the gun of the week it was "The M2 can saw someone in half!" Now it's "One of those bullets can blow you in half!"

Here's the wound channel for a Hornady .50 BMG A-Max bullet. That's not blowing anything off anybody that's not at least 8 inches thick.

EDIT: At worst you can say a tumbling round might impact the pelvis or shoulder blade and bust a fat chunk of bone out when it flips through causing an exaggerated grievous injury. Or it might create savage deep tissue wounds if bone shards go flying out at a certain angle if it hits dense, brittle bone like a femoral diaphysis or something. Although I don't see that necessarily causing enough lacerations to leave a limb hanging, since the bone would be pushed out in the opposite direction instead of a sphere.

Hypothetically, the bullet might go through 2 inches of concrete, start to tumble, and if someone had their back against the brick wall it could impact the shoulder bone, splinter that, and then send those shards flying outward and maybe leave a pretty big hole and kill someone giving the idea that it busts fat chunks through people. There are a lot of possible ways people can be tricked into thinking the .50 caliber leaves a giant hole. Although the easiest is just to blame it for something a bigger, deadlier, uglier weapon actually did like a grenade or an explosive-tipped round.

Edited by BazBake

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Using my very own M107 for the first time, was one of the most fun experiences i've had as a loner. The first few kills were amazing, to the point where i was asking "Did i REALLY just fucking do that?!"

Then i've encountered other rifles, and realized that 50.cal's full zoomage + full zeroing + 1 shot murder is a point'n'click adventure.

If i had anything to say, it would be : limit the amount of .50 cal's per server at one time, but otherwise keep them as they are. Then again, they can just stay here for all i care.

Any threads and pools made here, or anywhere else, are rather pointless, though. Nobody up there gives a flying fuck, with delicious coins on their way (AKA Standalone).

Edit : Did 23 people REALLY select "A" on skill? Ha!

Edited by Stworca

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congrats youve done the math behind it, u should post vids of u killing someone running at 1200m with as50 / m107 since its so easy.

I've found two M107s in helicopter crashes and I soon dropped them. The scope is stronger than a pair of binoculars (for some fucked up reason). But the only purpose they serve is playerkilling when the other person can't see you. Perfect for bandits, shitty for high humanity players.

Sniping with the M107/AS50 is really easy. Again, 5 times easier than any other sniper rifles. Do you really think it isn't? I wonder how you would snipe in any other game other than COD hardcore mode if you couldn't get a one-shot kill on someone's toe. You probably haven't played the Battlefield series...


You have to understand. Sniping with a rifle that has an 800 effective range and requires two shots or a headshot isn't the easiest thing in the world. So, of course, sniping with a sniper rifle that has a 1200 effective range and kills in one shot can't be all that easy. I mean, 1200 is a bigger number than 800, so that has to mean something.


Edited by BazBake

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I just buried 2 M107's in the ground, not having this shit on my server, may even look at making it part of the rules.

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I just buried 2 M107's in the ground, not having this shit on my server, may even look at making it part of the rules.

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1. I don't know where you got your numbers from, but you seem to also be confused about the role of the US Army Sniper School -- members from any branch of the military can train there...which would be an odd mistake to make, since you say you attended. Anyway, there are less than 300 snipers in the Marines, and that's out of a size of about 180,000. Or 0.2% of the branch. Snipers are not common.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD23f5l99ag&feature=player_detailpage#t=107s (At 1:47)

2. Only if it's a Raufoss Mk211 round filled with tip-ignition RDX explosive compound. Or a grenade someone lied about. Just two examples of exaggerated stories about the terminal ballistic performance of a .50 caliber BMG round I've heard in my time. Back before the .50 caliber rifle became the gun of the week it was "The M2 can saw someone in half!" Now it's "One of those bullets can blow you in half!"

Here's the wound channel for a Hornady .50 BMG A-Max bullet. That's not blowing anything off anybody that's not at least 8 inches thick.

EDIT: At worst you can say a tumbling round might impact the pelvis or shoulder blade and bust a fat chunk of bone out when it flips through causing an exaggerated grievous injury. Or it might create savage deep tissue wounds if bone shards go flying out at a certain angle if it hits dense, brittle bone like a femoral diaphysis or something. Although I don't see that necessarily causing enough lacerations to leave a limb hanging, since the bone would be pushed out in the opposite direction instead of a sphere.

Hypothetically, the bullet might go through 2 inches of concrete, start to tumble, and if someone had their back against the brick wall it could impact the shoulder bone, splinter that, and then send those shards flying outward and maybe leave a pretty big hole and kill someone giving the idea that it busts fat chunks through people. There are a lot of possible ways people can be tricked into thinking the .50 caliber leaves a giant hole. Although the easiest is just to blame it for something a bigger, deadlier, uglier weapon actually did like a grenade or an explosive-tipped round.


There's the numbers. Granted, those numbers go down considerably due to drops but overall you can see the numbers.

Yep, you're right about any branch of service attending, however when we went I don't seem to remember another branch there. We were all 11B and 5 EOD techs. Marines have their own school (but have exchange programs with the army) and most SOCOM units send their operators to SOTIC (Special Operations Target Interdiction Course). Out of my recon platoon 10 of 12 men were B4 qualified. Nearly every other recon platoon in the regiment had the same composition.

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AS50 and M107 are redundant, period, end of story. IMHO they should both be removed. OP or not, I feel that anti-material weapons do not have any merit in a post-apoc survival game. In reality I wouldn't want to lug around these weapon systems or their ammo on foot. Vehicles can still be disabled with smaller caliber rifles but it all boils down to shot placement. Same can be said for machine guns. Lighter and tighter, more maneuverability and less things to draw negative attention to yourself.

Since the game takes place in some fictional satellite ComBlock country I'd like to see more Eastern Euro weaponry.

Edited by A-Dub

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Here's the wound channel for a Hornady .50 BMG A-Max bullet. That's not blowing anything off anybody that's not at least 8 inches thick.

EDIT: At worst you can say a tumbling round might impact the pelvis or shoulder blade and bust a fat chunk of bone out when it flips through causing an exaggerated grievous injury. Or it might create savage deep tissue wounds if bone shards go flying out at a certain angle if it hits dense, brittle bone like a femoral diaphysis or something. Although I don't see that necessarily causing enough lacerations to leave a limb hanging, since the bone would be pushed out in the opposite direction instead of a sphere.

Hypothetically, the bullet might go through 2 inches of concrete, start to tumble, and if someone had their back against the brick wall it could impact the shoulder bone, splinter that, and then send those shards flying outward and maybe leave a pretty big hole and kill someone giving the idea that it busts fat chunks through people. There are a lot of possible ways people can be tricked into thinking the .50 caliber leaves a giant hole. Although the easiest is just to blame it for something a bigger, deadlier, uglier weapon actually did like a grenade or an explosive-tipped round.

And that bullet was fired into that ballistic gel from how far away? If the ruler is accurate all of 18 inches away? Last time I checked we weren't talking about shooting someone 18 inches away from the barrel.

If you look at ballistic gel hit at distance with a .50 it will show a much different story.

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In all the posts I've read on this topic not once have I heard a single valid reason why these weapons should remain in the game, when I ask for a reason the question is avoided and the discussion changes to how realistic the 50cal damage model is.

All I can think is dayz is full of FPS noobs.

Alt + F4

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Last, but not lost ... a answer.

Pulling a quote out of context, way to go!

The point was that everyone who kills you has more skill than you do - which weapon he uses is irrelevant as long as it's not a hacked AS50TWS

If you get shot in DayZ then it's because YOU fucked up, not because someone else used a "weapon with a low skill requirement"

A weapon is a tool, you use the right tool depending on the situation

And if you get sniped in Elektro then you might wanna reconsider not going to Elektro without utilizing proper counter sniper tactics

Or maybe don't go to Elektro at all....geez

/Sign ... if you get shoot by a sniper, it´s your fault.

Maybe i have misunderstand that line ... sorry.

IMO is just the use of the 50.cal´s in closer range (50 - 400 meters) just a shooting on sitting ducks, because the gun fires damn fast ... its like a spray&pray.

The only thing is ... the 50.cal bullet kills you with one hit ... so proper aiming is nearly not required in these ranges.

Implying that everyone who uses a .50cal is camping in a pro-5n1p3r-cave and not just taking it along for long range engagements

I only say what my experiences with these guns is ... and nope ... i dont say that.

"Earnestly ... there are some real snipers and bandits, they know how to use that gun with all his benefits ..." <- my words ... and that is the good use of this poor gun.

What's so horrible on sniping new spawns?

Is a flashlight and a bandage worth all the rage?

There is no rage, only these little question "was that really necessary?" ...

If a new player found a gun and running in your direction ... take em out, its your bandit-job and okay.

But IMO shooting on new spawns with the words "He could be threating me ... in future ... maybe ..." makes for me no sense.

Which would be the case if it wasn't for the wanted and unwanted duping of gear through various loopholes

But you won't fix duping by removing the AS50+M107

Sad, but true ... so looking forward for the standalone.

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Nobody carries 3 or 4 handguns. And one box of my AR-15 ammo weighs about 30 lbs...so if you are talking reality, no, you could not carry all those guns and ammunition for the same weight. Lol.

Please show me where a half inch hole in an arm is based in reality. In reality, if it hit you in the arm, you would lose said arm.

I was hoping somebody would call him out on his BS....50cal only doing a 1/2 hole is just lol. Go watch Smoking Aces and watch the end where the black assassin girl starts UNLOADING her .50cal on the FBI agents. Those bitches start FLYING. You limbs would be blown off from a .50cal no problem. Get hit in the stomach? say bye bye to your lower half and if you don't lose that, say goodbye to your intestines, stomach, kidneys, etc etc..Either way you are dead....1/2 hole..jackass

And I Don't feel like reading all the pages, but the as50 is still a rare ass gun. i promise you if you try to find a legit as50 on a helicopter, you will notice nobody has one except a small %. HOPEFULLY when the standalone comes out, it will be mostly bug free at least with the bugs like duping..Here's hoping!

Edited by Ajvkorn

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right now it is easyer to find as-50 than cz sniper rifle. they need to balance those things. of course there is a lot of as-50 witch are hacked in but i am talking about my own expirience in searching barns and searching for heli loot.

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4 days have passed and I've found 3.50cals. 1 off a guy I killed and 2 from a chopper crash.

This was also on a fresh private hive passworded server with none of the loot spawns changed.

Yeah, where's your "Oh they'd be fine if they weren't duped" excuse now?

I've been looking for an M24 and SVD for ages but do you think I can find one? Nope.

50.cald are faaar to common, even when found legitimately. I always find them on chopper crashes

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I keep an As50 in my tent for whatever but I prefer to roll with the DMR if I'm going to be sniping. Lately though I've been far more entertained playing CQB with my FAL. That gun is a man-killer!

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I actually think, that the as50 and m107 shut be keeped, they can reduce the spawn chance of it, or use another mechanic to get rid of weapons, because the system spawns new weps in, while it's very unlikely for them to disappear as evrybody takes them and keeps them, so there have to be either a spawn rate, dependant of the amount of weapons of that kind currently on the servers/in the hive, so it gets stabilized at a fixed amount of weapons per player.

Or a system destroying weapons, like a lifespan until it get's destroyed, so you better get yourself a new one.

Those should work for all non civillain/residental weapons and in my eyes also for tools like the nvg, rangefinders and gps, so the high value gear stays high value due to it's rareness.

It would also keeps the bandits from the coast, as they have to constantly loot stary, nwa or crash sites, when they want to keep a good gear.

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I don't care if someone else thinks my weapon requires "no skill" if it is in turn possible to blow their head off while they are taking time calculating my distance and proper mil-dot.

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M107 is a balanced weapon considering the rarity, the AS50 on the other hand...

It was originally supposed to be "extremely rare", but now you see it everywhere.

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That was a direct hit on center mass. A limb shot (against a deer or a human) would most likely remove that appendage.

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Anti-Material rifles are not supposed to shoot tanks

I define skill by the ability of one to defeat his enemy

If you get sniped by someone using an AS50, he had more skill than you

You failed to prepare for a sniper attack, you put yourself at a disadvantage by walking through his LoS, you died

Not him

Now quit crying about your lack of tactics and stop blaming it on a specific weapon

Actually, I have never been killed by a sniper.

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Honestly, the .50 snipers to me are just a counter for battle loggers.

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M107 is a balanced weapon considering the rarity

How exactly ? i just buried 2 in the ground on my server (this server has just been wiped of all tents and shit) and every helli crash is constantly respwaning high end gear... its only a matter of time before we have a problem again.

And also considering the damage, the 10 round mag and the scope, M107 is the most OP weapon, the noobs think the As50 is "the best" (meaning OP) sniper rifle, just isnt the case at all.

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