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Farting. I want it.

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We eat Franks and Beans all the time right?

How about about a side effect of eating franks and beans in your diet will cause you to fart at two random times during the next 120 minutes of play after consuming franks and beans.

Watch the hilarity ensue for players sneaking up on bandits/survivors only to be given away by a random fart, or that group of zombies you sneaked by suddenly aggros on you because of your dirty colon.

Pasta/Cooked meat will not affect you :D

Edited by Jikfive
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Nice Idea, but then u also need to shit, and when u cant shit, your character will explode xDD

Btw, can u tell me how i open a new Topic, because i just recordet 3 Hackers cheating Stuff like Guns, Backpacks ect, and i wanna post it ?:D

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I second this in some future update after the work on the standalone has been complete add this in as a little feature after eating a load of beans you can get random gas that can give you away and attract zombies it would be hilarious.

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I think they have to add in dying of a heart attack way before this gets into code.. I think it is more realistic from all of the running my character does.

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GREAT IDEA! But don´t forget that if you implement farting you must implement a 2 percent chance of crapping your pants completly! And if you don´t find fresh underwear you get an infection! Another sideeffect is that you sound like a corpse because all the fly will get attracted from your smell^^

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How about we NOT add any fetishes into the mod, hm?

Then again.. It would be a hilarious "Goodbye." addition as a last update after the mod loses its support.

Edit; Hooookay, you guys are going way too in-depth with this idea. Calm down.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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I would love to be able to lie down and have the fly effect around me

Imagine the joy of having someone arrive to loot your body as you put a gun in their face.

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Please, don't make this a reality by adding any further life functions.

Edited by Bukethead
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It would be pretty funny if one of my squad farted at the critical moment. Or if someone farted in a vehicle and everyone had to get out, or they would be knocked out for 20 seconds. Jokes ofc but id laugh :P

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you can speak in game so you can fart from ur computer for others to hear you with some voice program

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Oh god... Imagine if you're creeping through the forest, your group just saw a car go by, stop, and people get out, and you're tense, and then someone just lets out a massive THPPPBBBBT! Two people jump and shoot wildly, your entire group opens up on something, and then you finally calm down and the guy who farted says "That... That was just me... I farted..."

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