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Whoa let me get this straight. You didn't enjoy a game henceforth it sucks, right? I mean just because you think/feel something must makes it true, correct? I'd love to get into a long discussion about religion, politics, & philosophy... would be a hoot listening to your "opinions" on those matters also.

Or I could just continue to feel and think you're an idiot.

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Someone give me a spoon.

This troll is getting some.

Hey..its a slow friday at work man :D

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If you keep going i may have an ephinany soon...i mean really. You are offering so much advice for and against dayz v leisure suit larry and other mighty games you have played that i feel like i am wasting my time enjoying myself in this game trying to compete with people and their 'arma vet' skills. btw ..i have arma since release, would not run on my home built sli machine as it was so buggy..tried t get it up and running for a long time , did not whine once on the forums and come across like a chump.

Want a running race when you go outside in rl ? I got the blue ribbon in primary school for the 100 and 200 meters..yes..im a track vet. Didnt even use W once either.

Love you man :)

I'm a hockey player, well former hockey, i dont play hockey anymore but I'l check you into the boards, you will drop like a sack of potateos, I don't see your point. BTW, track is for pussies.

Edited by AlcoholicJoker

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I would say OP is an obvious troll, but there is a possibility that he really is that shit-eating retarded and that thought makes me sad.

Edited by PoisonedAl

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Indeed. OP is either the most retarded person I have ever seen on the DayZ forums. Or hes just a Terri-bad troll.

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This thread is not constructive in the least.


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