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Will Smith

Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

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So I know everybody told you and I know this is a fact but i have a message to all new players.

Trust NOBODY. And be careful. Even if you are on a open field far far away of any cities or roads,

even then you most be extremely careful and check your right and left every few seconds.

Why am I telling you that? Because i got shot a few minutes ago on an open field from a player that i used to help before.

He know it was me so why did he shot me? On a non pvp server? I dont know but what i know is that even if you think

youre safe everybody can easily stalk you and kill you when you become careless. And yes i know you already know that.

But mostly newbies begin to think that something like this would never happen to them. So be careful! I wish you

good luck and i would be very thankful if you don´t shoot me when you see me!

You have my beans, Will Smith/SiriLP (ingame)

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Play with friends you know. Running up to random people and asking them to go with you is to me "Lol, easy kill time".

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what the fuck is "non PvP server?". this is dayz, not WoW.

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I'm a major noob at this. I always get excited when I see another player and I'm like, "I'm not alone!" Go up to them say I'm friendly and get shot. xD

Well I guess they just do it to be on the safe side I rarely have a gun mostly just the hactcket.

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Even unarmed, a crafty player could steal stuff out of your pack when you aren't looking. It's just smart to shoot everyone you don't know. Even if you do know them, it'd be wise to keep an eye on them.

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NON PVP Doesn't exist, admins can't check logs to see who killed who lmfao. More bandits on Non-PVP than PVP Servers.

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NON PVP Doesn't exist, admins can't check logs to see who killed who lmfao. More bandits on Non-PVP than PVP Servers.

I joined a server that said PVP was a bannable offense in its name/MOTD, that server had waaaaay more pvp than any server I had been on... bunch of sharks looking for an easy lunch, but they just found other sharks lol.

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I joined a server that said PVP was a bannable offense in its name/MOTD, that server had waaaaay more pvp than any server I had been on... bunch of sharks looking for an easy lunch, but they just found other sharks lol.

If a server says that PvP is a bannable offense, then it must be a private hive, or else they'd risk having their server banned from the official hive, no?

A "non-PvP server"

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I see a lot of sites and posts about THIS IS DAYZ, There is no such thing as no pvp you're lame blah blah......

THIS IS A REALISTIC GAME OF DIABLO II zomg..... not really, But humor me.

Diablo II had the same "feature"/ "problem"

Diablo II had PVP/pkers that randomly joined newb servers and killed everyone.

Dayz has PVP where people shoot you in the head with a dmr from 50yards away as you spawn for the first time, and barely even had the game clear the "Setup complete" screen, only to throw you into shock/unconscious and die of bleeding.

Some People play games to actually GROUP together and try and think Humanity could actually SURVIVE a holocaust such as a zombie apocolapyse, Arguers of "No pvp? Lameass"? Really? Love how you like our race, You like our technology and stuff too? Enjoy not having that if we fail to overcome a zombie apocolapyse.

Its also a fact that ALOT of games have pvp where a LARGE population of the game don't even care for pvp. We like UNIQUE games, not necessarily all the FACTORS of a game. Who can say they have a zombie game, with realistic scenery, and minutes, hours, of full sprint running, map to travel across? with A TON of free-movement? I know one, barely, Dead Island. And its not very free roaming, you hit the end of the map, it kills you.

Minecraft, another massively played game. Has PVP too, It has a toggle though, guess we can't compare it. But It has plenty of people that dislike pvp, but like "PVP" games and tournaments, not random pvp, but planned stuff.

This isn't ANY of those games though, you're all right. As such, It should be able to cater to everyone, or lose several chunks of its playerbase. Nothing at all is more stupid though, Than spawning (yeah, um, Trying to be realistic and taking chat out? yet we spawn... yeah...) and being shot in the head and killed, before you even have time to figure out where you even spawned. This exists everywhere. not just new characters, You join a server and you have a chance to spawn right infront of some psychopath who hacks your limbs off.

I'll be honest, THAT last statement, was me, Not psychopath though, I was playing on a server with a "NO PVP" tag in the MOTD and server name.... I got shot in the face by someone with a dmr at point-blanc.. But he failed to kill me, me and my whole newb attire and hatchet of +1 nothingness, Hacked his feet off, he aborted the game, quickly, and then relogged, I hacked his head off, Telling him off cause he joined a "No Pvp" server just to pvp. I mean seriously, If you've got so many Veteran and pvp servers at your fingers, why not play with the big dogs.

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nonpvp server? are their actually nonpvp servers? That just ruins the game right their for me.

Anyways, yes. I can't trust people unless I know them in real life. Ihave been backstabbed quite a few times by some people i have met.

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in dayz there is no such thing as a non pvp server

I found a server that bans for a week if they see you kill someone.

It even has bots installed to enforce it.

So boring.

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I found a server that bans for a week if they see you kill someone.

It even has bots installed to enforce it.

So boring.

So...everyone can farm up gear there, and then go kill people on a normal server? How boring.

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I think you are missing the point of a zombie apocalypse. The real problem is not the zombies or getting what you need to survive, the real problem is the other people you meet.

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You can trust me if you ever see me ingame, I'll never shoot you.

Unless you shoot me first, in which case I'll only shoot back if I have no way of leaving without getting harmed.

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