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About Rakanishu

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    Escaping from hackers and hoarding weapons and equipment that I will never, ever use. I also enjoy failing to play the guitar.

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    What, you want MORE?
  1. Hey, I'm a girl. You should bring me to your camp where you keep all your guns and vehicles, so we can be all alone with none of your backup-... I mean nothing to distract us. Also, if you PM me the coordinates and the server where the camp is right now, I'll send you a sexy picture of me. It's really a win-win for you.
  2. Rakanishu

    Found Mtn Dew, what do with it?

    Should you gather 7 Mountain Dew cans, bring them to the top of the Green Mountain radio tower and drink them. This will cause the legendary Faygo Cola can to manifest at the top of Castle Rog, Zub or the Devil's Castle. Drinking the Faygo Cola will grant invisibility that lasts until you die. However, you must beware that summoning the can also draws aggro from every zombie currently in the map, no matter how far away.
  3. Rakanishu

    Severe Admin Abuse, Please Read

    Ghillie suits spawn in some residential buildings, and are pretty easy to come by, especially in one of the dozen or so apartment buildings in Fallujah. As for the AS50, fine, don't un-ban me because I can't prove that I didn't hack that in, even if I worked hard for it and almost got killed finding it. At the very least, as a matter of principal, un-ban MethodInMadness. The only weapon he had was a thermal L85, which spawns on heli crashes in Fallujah. You can't keep him banned because he all he did was stand next to me when I had a gun you happen to find suspicious. At this point, all we want is to get our gear out of our truck we left in the desert so we can leave.
  4. Rakanishu

    Severe Admin Abuse, Please Read

    We'd still like the opportunity to discuss our ban with the owners of this server, hence the ban appeal. That's the last any of us should say of it until we get a response from somebody in charge, even if that response is just "fuck off".
  5. Rakanishu

    Severe Admin Abuse, Please Read

    DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF KENDRA LIKE THAT. She's a very beautiful gun, and I had to go through a lot to get her. Also, this is indeed the place to post ban appeals, hive or no hive, it shouldn't matter.
  6. Rakanishu

    I pitch my tent but it doesn't show?

    Hehehehehe... dick jokes... Seriously though, tents are still a bit buggy and are prone to disappearances from time to time. If it's simply not there, I would recommend spamming "pitch tent" until your tent has been successfully pitched, although this might create a "tentpocalypse" where 50 tents are condensed into the space of a single tent. If it pitches and then disappears, well, it might be back the next time you log in or the server restarts.
  7. Rakanishu

    The True Cause of The Infection

    I guess that would be the tl;dr version of this post.
  8. You can see the "infected" shambling about in every corner of Chenarus, constantly searching for the sweet. tender flesh of the living. We've all had to deal with them at some point or another, but where do they come from? Why are they here? The simple truth is this: It's not an infection, natural or man-made, that turns men into blood-thirsty savages. They're not the living dead, magically resurrected from their graves. They simply suffer from severe malnutrition and vitamin deficiency To date, there are only 10 super markets in all of Chenarus, and they all have the same things in them, which is beans, beans, spaghetti, beans, sardines and a metric ton of Coke and Pepsi. Nowhere in any town will you find a single piece of meat, shiny apple or sprig of parsley. The human body naturally craves certain vitamins, such as those that you would get out of things that AREN'T BEANS AND PEPSI. If you don't get these vitamins, your skin might turn pale or your bones might break just by brushing against a door. "But...", you might say, "... what about all the gardens and crops I see while running across the countryside? What about all the deer stands and bear traps I find that are used to hunt wild game?". Well, tell me this. How many animals do you actually see running around in the woods on any given day? Can an entire country really survive on 1 boar every 30 miles? And those crops? If there are so many, why are there no products associated with them ANYWHERE in Chenarus? You will not find a single shred of evidence in the country that says the people of Chenarus ate what they grew. All they ate was beans, whiskey and coke because there was no other food available. Combined with the recent war portrayed in Arma 2, the citizens of the land are probably suffering from massive food shortages and a crippled infrastructure, making the delivery of supplies into the country extremely difficult, if not impossible. The human body, however, has plenty of iron, fats and other things non-crazy humans need to stay alive. If you already are driven insane by malnutrition, well, how hard could it be rally a few neighbors to tackle a scared, unarmed survivor and take a few bites out of his leg, especially if you had to feed your family? Think about it. The alternative is that zombies are real, which would be quite silly.
  9. I'm looking for 3 people I've done terrible things to: "hardKORE" (I think that's how you spelled it): You gave me a free ride to Zelenogorsk ater you found me freshly spawned on the coast, and I systematically killed everyone on the bus except you while we were scavenging and I stole everything I could from the gear compartment. I'm sorry. I have a pair of NVG's for you to make up for it, but you need to tell me what the last thing I said to you outside of the bus was so I know I have the right guy. (Denalb US1 Chicago) "Julio": You were hardKORE's friend, and I asked you to come with me into the Zelenogorsk grocery so I could shoot you while you weren't looking and tell the guys back at the bus that the zombies ate you. I have a pair for you too, but you have to tell me the weapon you were holding when you died so I know it's you, or you can have hardKORE verify. (Denalb US1 Chicago) "Kids": I told you to get on the ground and give me your flashlight while I had you at gunpoint. Then I screamed at you to run and we ran you down in a white pickup truck. Tell me where we ran you over or what you were holding when you died, and I'll give you a pair of NVG's. (US 2003) My in-game name is Rakanishu.
  10. Rakanishu

    Throwing smoke grenades.....

    I almost killed myself once with a smoke grenade. It was on my very first life, and I was inside of one of those tiny metal warehouses with two doors on opposite sides with the catwalk going around the inside. I found a grey smoke grenade in the little room at the end of the catwalk, and I accidentally threw it, collapsing the room I was in along with half the building. I got knocked unconscious in the fall and it took about 30 seconds to get back up.
  11. Rakanishu

    Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

    Even unarmed, a crafty player could steal stuff out of your pack when you aren't looking. It's just smart to shoot everyone you don't know. Even if you do know them, it'd be wise to keep an eye on them.
  12. Rakanishu

    What Exactly is Dayz & a Few Questions

    If you have a Steam account, you could buy and download Arma 2: Combined Operations for $29.99 US, which is the minimum of what you need to play. Then you could download either Six Launcher or Day Z Commander to install and manage the mod (I would recommend Day Z Commander because it doesn't suck: http://www.dayzcommander.com/) unless you're feeling adventurous and decide to do a manual installation. Trust me, this will most likely be the best $30 you've ever spent after you get over the learning curve.