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[GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

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"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

Welcome to the Guardians of Chernarus recruiting page. I just thought of making this today because i can't seem to find any one person to be on consistently and at the same times i play and i want to form more of an organized fraternal group amongst a few folks here. Our main goal here is to watch over the post apocalyptic land that is Chernarus as best we can and assist anyone that we can.

Requirements to join:

  1. Must be 16+
  2. Friendly, no bandits allowed
  3. Friendly, don't be a dick and QQ about people in the clan
  4. Must have Teamspeak, i hate skype, don't have mumble, and ingame voice chat is asking to be killed
  5. GMT-5 preferred but will take anyone from the US, sorry to my fellow European gamers, but with school starting soon i think you guys would be left in the dark since you are 5 hours ahead of me.
  6. Must have Mic


  1. Share the loot that you find such as bandages/sodas/beans/etc. If you find like 4 cans of beans, share it with somebody if they need it, don't hoard it all to yourself like an ass
  2. Military loot is finders keepers, but if you need AKM mags but find stanag mags and you know somebody needs them, let everyone know what you found so they know its there and they can tell you to bring it back if they need it
  3. Watch each others back
  4. No debauchery such as randomly shooting as a joke to attract every zombie in town and possible bandits
  5. DO NOT SHOOT/KILL ON SIGHT, if they are running the other way, don't kill them. If you heard shots before you saw them, followed by somebodies name saying that they died, THEN feel free to KOS but if you just heard shots, try to stay clear as they were probably just killing the undead
  6. Only people we KOS are snipers, nobody likes a sniper unless it's one of us or they're friendly
  7. Don't play out of position (will get to this later)
  8. Feel free to blow up TS with nonsense such as girls/guys/games/the weather, w/e idc, but if somebody has something important to say regarding the task at hand, i as you to stfu
  9. This is a democracy, if we don't have anything to do, ideas will be put to a vote, don't force everyone to do something by putting a gun to somebodies head, we will kill you
  10. Failure to follow these rules will result in punishment that i see fit

**What We Do**

Scavenge and raid small towns/cities

Hunt for camps/vehicles

Assist new players/players in need

Search for helicopters/crash sites

Raid the airfields and military encampments

Play jokes on each other


Kill Bandits


1. Sniper - Provides over watch for the group when we raid cities and scavenge small villages. Needs to be proficient in sniping, no beginners (it isn't rocket science though, anyone who's played battlefield bad company and up can sniper). No specific sniper is necessary as long as it has decent range, range finder is also unnecessary

2. Medic - Carries all of the medical supplies such as bandages, morphine, epi pens, etc. Position is also not required to engage during battles as a dead medic is useless

3. Support - Must have a heavy machine gun such as the m240 or the m249. Just needs to be able to suppress any bad folk we may engage in our travels and to cover our friends. May even have to eliminate an entire cities worth of zombies if that should occur

4. Assault - Pretty much no description needed, just a regular grunt

5. Scavenger - No gun, just a hatchet or crowbar. You will be responsible for making hospital runs, grocery runs, firehouse runs, etc. while the rest of the team covers you from various tactical positions

6 Spotter - You sit with the sniper on over watch duty as an extra pair of eyes and as a body guard to the sniper should any bandits get the drop on you guys



Ingame name:

Steam Name:



Preferred role:


How often do you play a day and at what times:




Hacker or scripter:

Note: add me on steam, Littleassassin2. If you fail to do this you will not be considered for joining.


Littleassassin2 - Clan leader/Assault


Doc - Medic Leader

Asai - Medic

Thrakz - Medic inactive

Zigon - Medic


Vladimir Nerrak - Assault Leader

Holynevil - Assault

Bangarang - Assault


Kuribons - Sniper Leader

Watch Your Six - Sniper

Nicoly - Sniper


DrCrusher - Support Leader

Bulf - Support

Intenzifier - Support

Jushe - Support


Anthony - Scavenger

Paul - Scavenger

Sandrock62 - Scavenger


Krellin - Spotter inactive

**inactive just means they're taking a break from the game and have let me know that they are going to be away for a bit and didn't just drop off of the face of the Earth.


"Who's the guy in the ghillie?"

"Who's in the grocery?"


"Who's shooting?"

"What server is it?"

"How do you get gear out of the bus?"

"What is your position?"

Edited by Littleassassin2
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I wish GoC luck,

Have fun with this clan guys ;)

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Ingame name: Ryan

Steam Name: FlappyFire

Age: 17

Mic: Yes.

Preferred role: 1. Sniper

Timezone: GMT + 1

How often do you play a day and at what times: I play alot, I can play at anytime if I join a clan, I dont go to school so I can change my sleep pattern.

Edited by RyanH100

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Ingame name: Vladimir Nerrack

Steam Name: lordl3496

Age: 16

Mic: Mic just broke yesterday, hopefully going to get a new one today.

Preferred role: Assault, willing to do whatever the GoC needs.

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)

How often do you play a day and at what times: Play just about every day during the summer, will play 1-3 hours a day during school if possible.

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Vladimir, if you added me on steam, please do so again, i accidentally deleted possibly you and Ryan. I readded Ryan but can't find you. Also, thank you for applying to the GoC and i look forward to us talking to see if you can join.

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Ingame name: Hai Nguyen (might change that)

Steam Name: Holynevil

Age: 21

Mic: Yes but rarely speak

Preferred role: Assault (regular grunt is good enough for me haha)

Timezone: UCT -8

How often do you play a day and at what times: A lot. Usually around 11 AM to 2 AM the next day :P

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Ingame name: Doc

Steam name: thehemophile

age: 26

mic: have mic, have teamspeak

preferred role: was a Medic in the US Army, would prefer to stick with what I know, but will provide support elsewhere when needed.

timezone: EST (GMT-5)

How often do you play a day and at what times: As often as I can, mostly evenings (between 3 pm and 3 am)

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Ingame name: The Badger Man

Steam Name: mikejb69

Age: 21

Mic: Yup

Preferred role: Sniper or Scavenger

Timezone: GMT +1

How often do you play a day and at what times: I work some days but on my days off I can play from 11am to 2am if needed.

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So i've decided since i'm not trying to run anything strict, as long as you're not a dick you can be accepted and as i get to know you guys i'll put you into leadership positions and such. As of now you're all in so if you guys could all add me on steam, I'll be on Dayz in around 8 1/2 hours as i have to go to work soon and i'm trying to fix my schedual for college <_<

Again, please add me on steam. My name is Littleassassin2, when i'm on later i'll get you all set up on the teamspeak server that i'm on. Also, if you dont have teamspeak, if you could please download it! :D

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Ingame name: Kuribons

Steam Name: fatalz24


Mic: Yes have mic

Preferred role: i would like to be a sniper or assault, but i can fill in for what you need

Timezone: Est (GMT -5)

How often do you play a day and at what times: I work during the week but i can play anytime in the evening.

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Ingame name:Mtn_Dew

Steam Name:mtn_dew0



Preferred role:sniper/assault

Timezone:same as you gmt -5

How often do you play a day and at what times:until school start im up at 7am and might play a little until 2am(some times i play with my British friends thats why i get up early)

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Ingame name: Bulf

Steam Name: I'm Definitely buuulf

Age: 16

Mic: yes

Preferred role: Assault/Support

Timezone: GMT -7

How often do you play a day and at what times: I'll try to play on most days of the week but this varies. Times may change though

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Ingame name: Sam

Steam Name: Lordsam167

Age: 15

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Sniper/Rifleman


How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually after 5 pm est and about 12 hours in the summer and 2 in the schoolyear

Side note: I am 15 when this requirements are 16 but i am very mature for my age and i would love to join

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Ingame name: Anthony

Steam Name:Thetechieguy



Preferred role:Assault/Support(when I get the right weapon)/Scavenger

Timezone: EST

How often do you play a day and at what times: Varies on my schedule, Usually after 10pm though

Just looking for a mature group to watch my back as they watch mine. Am willing to fill any role as needed.

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Ingame name: DrCrusher

Steam Name: gbl_champ

Age: 24

Mic: yes

Preferred role: support

Timezone: EST

How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually after 8pm at night

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Tons and tons of applications :D This sure looks like it's turning out to be a great group.

Also, resent steam friend request. Display Name is Inquisitor Incarnious (account original is lordl3496)

Edited by VladimirNerrack

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Ingame name: Loot!

Steam Name: wi7s

Age: 24

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Spotter

Timezone: EST

How often do you play a day and at what times: 1-2 Hours for the most part but I can play longer if the clan is in the middle of a raid or anything like that. 8-11Am and 7- 10pm

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Ingame name: Wulf

Steam Name: JakChub

Age: 17

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Assault

Timezone: UTC-5

How often do you play a day and at what times: In the school year in the evening for roughly a hour, maybe more depending on the day. Weekends roughly three hours a day (evening) but yet again that is subject to change depending on other commitments.

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Ingame Name: Morasmus

Steam Name: Sniper19440

Age: 21

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Anything but Scavanger

Timezone: Central Time

How often I play: Varies. But i dont have a job and dont do much else besides video games. So often i guess.

Edited by Morasmus

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Ingame Name: Asai

Steam Name: Asai

Age: 28

Mic: Yes

Preferred Role: Medic/Sniper

Timezone: Central

How often I play: Weekdays, around 10am until 1pm and then again around 11pm until 3am. Weekends vary depending on what's going on irl.

Edited by Asai

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Ingame name: CodyHDx

Steam Name:King_Flux

Age: 15 almost 16

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Medic, i will do any role

Timezone: UTC-5

How often do you play a day and at what times:about 2 time, when i wake up (10:00) and when ever next time i want to.

Note: Upon sending in this request, add me on steam and send me a message so i can get to know you and decide whether i'm going to let you in

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Ingame name: Clint Eastwood

Steam Name: lolatoaster1


Mic: Logitech

Preferred role: Assault, comfortable with anything

Timezone: Central Standard Time

How often do you play a day and at what times: Every day, occasionally every other day. Whenever

Note: Upon sending in this request, add me on steam and send me a message so i can get to know you and decide whether i'm going to let you in

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Ingame name: Thrakz

Steam Name: -=HP=- ABeetFarmer MD

Age: 20

Mic: Yes

Preferred role: Medic / Spotter

Timezone: Central

How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually any time between 7:00 pm - 6:00 am

Edited by Thrakz

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Ingame name: Fatty McButterpants

Steam Name: mr_dicklesberg

Age: 18

Mic: Roger

Preferred role: Sniper (Have M24 currently)

Timezone: GMt-6

How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually every day, MWFSa, afternoon and night. Su,Tu,Thur noon or so, then after 8.

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CLOSING APPLICATIONS FOR NOW, You may still apply but nobody will be accepted for now as we're reaching 20 members and i want to get leadership and whatnot established so when we gain members, it makes things more manageable

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