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About Bulf

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Bulf

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Squeaker scripters for the loss!
  2. Bulf

    For the Wasteland Medic Bodyguards

    Definitely don't trade it, it's probably one of the most valuable guns in the game. Great for almost all scenarios
  3. Bulf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Passed out and bleeding with low blood in Grishino. I'll donate my antibiotics to any medic that helps. PM me for details please
  4. Friends and I were regrouping near the spawn of the hatchback and we saw someone spawn in down by the building. Next thing I know my friend is being shot by a Remington from behind. As I turn to engage him my other friend starts taking hits, he had been maybe 30 yards away from us. Lastly he started teleporting in front of me and shooting like crazy. I didn't see who he was because nameplates are off on the server but he did have a soldier skin
  5. Bulf

    Is Arma Worth buying for Day Z

    I'd just wait for the standalone if I was you. It'd be worth the wait
  6. No thank you, I'm not looking for Bizons
  7. Bulf

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    You guys aren't even pirates! I haven't seen one boat in your pictures
  8. Sounds like a deal. Pm me details about the trade
  9. nothing really unless you want 2 packs i guess
  10. I haven't managed to find even 1 belt for the thing so I'm deciding to trade it away for something hopefully better. I have found a large quantity of Coyote backpacks so I'm starting to sell them. I'm looking for multiple NVGs, an L85, or something of equal value. Post your offers, you never know what I'll accept