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Is this game dying?

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Seems to me this game is slowly withering away...

Most of the servers I frequent are now less than 1/4 full at peak times when 2 weeks ago they were full 24/7.

The servers where I have my hidden camps are apparently shutting down in 3 weeks...

Some of the other servers have simply not bothered updating to the latest version.

Not much buzz around the interwebs anymore..

Could it be the lull before the standalone?

What's going on?

Edited by uberwolfe
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The game isn't dying, there's plenty of carebear level KoS mentality to go around.

Now, the actual original theme and design of DayZ as something different? The wake was last week dude.

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We could possibly be in .... the eye of the tornado.

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Your only allowed to say that if you change your avatar to Dave :)

Edited by SeanOfTheDead
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I think it's just levelled off a bit. Don't forget the hype since May has been insane, so anything less than that seems like it's dropping off. If there is one thing causing people to maybe play a little less or take a bit of a break, it's the hackers/scripters, nothing else. I'm sure that will all be solved in the standalone.

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Right now, the mod is withering away a bit. The unfixable issues with the modification are making people give up. But the standalone won't have any of those problems, so DayZ as a game is definately not dying, it's just beginning

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I'm holding back a bit, saving myself for the standalone.

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The mod isn't worth playing with all the bugs and script-retards it has now. Also the DayZ staff are ignoring the community, they never post with progress reports or update news.

I think players are getting fed up with the lack of communication, there are a lot less people visiting the forums now.

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The mod isn't worth playing with all the bugs and script-retards it has now. Also the DayZ staff are ignoring the community, they never post with progress reports or update news.

I think players are getting fed up with the lack of communication, there are a lot less people visiting the forums now.

huh you must be new here. You do realize they've been off to GamesCom last week, doing nothing but talking about the state of the game and it's future?

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It's August, school starts for some this month.

September for others.

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huh you must be new here. You do realize they've been off to GamesCom last week, doing nothing but talking about the state of the game and it's future?

How long does it take to make a forum post?

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Well, its a case of barely working niche mod getting insane attention that exposes how badly made it is. Then the mod maker rushing a 'standalone' out before the player base realises he hasn't got a fucking clue what hes doing.

Either that or a very cunning marketing ploy for a zombie game based on ARMA with very little content.

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huh you must be new here. You do realize they've been off to GamesCom last week, doing nothing but talking about the state of the game and it's future?

Don't worry, i'm sure Rocket will post something on Twitter again while ignoring these forums.

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Your only allowed to say that if you change your avatar to Dave :)

Its halfway there ;)

Beanz for even knowing what i was talking about.

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It's practically un-fucking playable atm since they won't/can't fix the game breaking bugs like tents/vehicles/login death/login teleport etc.

Edited by Diz
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But the standalone won't have any of those problems

So the rushed standalone alpha based on the same code will be problem free you reckon?

Cool, I'm just off down to the floating marshmallow party mall on my freaking purple glowing gay unicorn, want me to get you a fresh tub of Fantasy?

Edited by Never
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I have just not been playing as much, just don't have as much time. So now all i do is log in once a day and check stary for lewt ;)

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So the rushed standalone alpha based on the same code will be problem free you reckon?

Cool, I'm just off down to the floating marshmallow party mall on my freaking purple glowing gay unicorn, want me to get you a fresh tub of Fantasy?

Make sure you use lube.

Edited by Aeoneth

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If there is not some kind of update from Rocket this week I will presume that the mod has been officially abandoned by the developers, and because of that:

1) Existing game breaking bugs are not being fixed.

2) Significant new content has not been added for months.

Also for all the hate WarZ seems to be becoming the new social media darling, it's getting a lot of exposure.

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Simply put, yes. Between the hackers and the CoD rejects thinking this is a fragfest ... the game is losing its appeal quickly. Remember when strangers could actually play together? The Humanity/bandit mask has helped a bit -- if you have a bandit mask, I will shoot you on sight.

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Just like every game it starts to lose it's hype. You can't say for sure until we see the stats

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The Humanity/bandit mask has helped a bit -- if you have a bandit mask, I will shoot you on sight.

Thats 'help' is it?

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Its stagnating for sure.

The biggest culprits are the hacking/scripts (which are decreasing thanks to some efforts by battle eye), the lack of a real meaty endgame experience, the proliferation of end game loot which makes the endgame easily achieved, and finally the lack of tent storage which makes progression impossible.

Edited by ytman
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