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Killing unarmed survivors..

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One major thing that irritates me in this game is that you can destroy a vehicle using enough gunfire like that. Just shouldnt happen. Or at least should be the rarest thing to occur in the game. A rocket can make a car explode. The likely hood of gunfire doing it is very very very small.

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Nothing gets you more excited and your heart pumping than taking on survivors who are incapable of defending themselves.

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One major thing that irritates me in this game is that you can destroy a vehicle using enough gunfire like that. Just shouldnt happen. Or at least should be the rarest thing to occur in the game. A rocket can make a car explode. The likely hood of gunfire doing it is very very very small.

The thing about the vehicle "explosion" is that it's not really an explosion of note. It's just an animation to indicate the vehicle has been permanently disabled. Which gunfire of this sort would most certainly do in relatively short order.

If you're inside one of these vehicles when it "explodes" you will usually survive with very minor wounds, maybe bleeding. Occasionally a broken leg. Not much worse than your average zombie hit.

Also this belongs in the Gallery forum.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Cool video mate - you and your three mates teetering on the precipice of danger whilst taking on unarmed new players.


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Hey, if they're unarmed it means they haven't found anything useful in that life. Killing them won't do anything other than giving you satisfaction and having them reset after twenty minutes. Everybody wins - except people that don't know how to loot.


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lol for some reason I watched that video, the only thing I learned is that I hope to God if I'm outnumbered I hope it's your group with their horrible aim.

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well said come after peps like me with exp and big nasty guns to fill you full of bullits.

There is no skill to killing unarmed peps you fool.

and dont post video here there is a gallary for that

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To me shooting that guy was justified because he didn't lie down and he was having some animation like he was pulling something out. Also with their gear at the level they are at, I wouldn't take the chance of some noob capping me in the ass with a makarov and taking my SAW. No beans awarded or taken; just another day in dayz.

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wow what a group of real baddass' we got here..

killing fresh spawns in elec. with your GROUP of well armed toons..

and you posted a video to gloat about it to, hahah..


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Legendary. Four friends...taking on the unrelenting masses of unarmed players...Who will live? Who will die?

Stay tuned.

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I would agree to do this at any of the airfields, it's a very impressive tactic.

But why Elektro? The Fresh meat is not worth the ammunition.

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rest easy in the knowledge that karma has a way of paying people back in this game very fast so while it was fun this time remeber what its like when you are the one getting shot probaly in the next few days

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rest easy in the knowledge that karma has a way of paying people back in this game very fast so while it was fun this time remeber what its like when you are the one getting shot probaly in the next few days

Karma has nothing to do with this game at all. People will die in Electro and Cherno, purely because they are hotspots and everyone wants the best loot or simply needs to sate their urges to kill. Whether you die or not is up to positioning, adversary intellect and timing. Don't pass it off as though somehow a deity will shine it's divine light upon a fresh spawn and give him the power to kill them. No, he already has that power. Logic and gun-play work wonders together, figure it out.


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Whether you die or not is up to positioning, adversary intellect and timing.

With all due respect, I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that statement.

Whether you die or not is up to another player, and never in your hands unless you simply do not play at all. If someone else has a gun, they will kill you because that's how points in this game are earned. This isn't some survival game, it's another call of duty killbox designed to give casual gamers a sense of power because they're trying to be something they aren't. DayZ is for casuals, if you don't believe me, watch the video again. It was hidden behind the open world/niche market tag for a week, but the casuals now dominate the PvP scene. This video is evidence of it. If you KoS and Deathmatch, you're just another casual cunt.

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I think that the title is misleading.

If you actually see the vid there's nothing wrong with it. The last kill is completely fair; I will do exactly what they did. The survivor didn't respond to the group request = shot in the face.

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With all due respect, I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that statement.

Whether you die or not is up to another player, and never in your hands unless you simply do not play at all. If someone else has a gun, they will kill you because that's how points in this game are earned. This isn't some survival game, it's another call of duty killbox designed to give casual gamers a sense of power because they're trying to be something they aren't. DayZ is for casuals, if you don't believe me, watch the video again. It was hidden behind the open world/niche market tag for a week, but the casuals now dominate the PvP scene. This video is evidence of it. If you KoS and Deathmatch, you're just another casual cunt.

I see that you're irritated with how many times you've apparently been killed in this 'deathmatch'. But I also see that you're being blinded by emotions and not realising that it is YOU who allows yourself to die. Don't go to Cherno or Electro. Don't go into the airfields without back-up/help/cover and for god sake - don't walk up to someone and ask if they're friendly.

If you keep dying, it's YOUR FAULT. The only times where it isn't is glitches, bugs and scripters. With all due respect, learn to play Day Z and stop bitching about the current player-base.


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Legendary. Four friends...taking on the unrelenting masses of unarmed players...Who will live? Who will die?

Stay tuned.

3, dumbass go back to school and stop playing.

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Legendary. Four friends...taking on the unrelenting masses of unarmed players...Who will live? Who will die?

Stay tuned.

I'm betting my money on the jamie hyneman zombies. they will find a way... they always do.

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The saddest thing about this vid is it shows how utterly underpowered zombies are at the moment ....

Bring back bone-breaking zombies!

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