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Starting with/without a gun

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Big con-traversal motion rocket made a while back was removing the Makarov at the start.

Curious after the time that has pass to test this feature out, should it be stay like this?

I'm pretty indifferent towards rather it's in or out and I don't really play with out gear so i haven't really experience it haha... I do want to know what the community thinks now that time has passed. Was it the right thing to do?

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Yes he should go one further and start you with nothing but a bandage.

You my friend are all kinds of bad ass, quoting Ben Franklin and NAMED AFTER ONE HELL OF A BAND!

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I think starting with no pistol adds a different dimension to the game than starting with one. Pre-firearm: im more prone to sneaking around and keeping a low profile (though losing zeds is still a breeze), but post-firearm: i get a little more aggressive with my play style even sprinting through cherno knowing i have the ability to kill something. Survival is still an aspect of the game, and starting without one and having to find one helps feel like there's a transition from surviving the zed problem and into surviving the player problem. Personally, I think we should start with the czech vest pouch and... that way it has a function in the game... and no flashlight :)

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Id rather a hatchet than a makarov anyways. You can pick a hatchet up almost straight away after spawning.

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I despise the kraparov and would rather go weaponless than pick that thing up. So starting without it is fine by me. Starting with a random tool (hatchet, toolbox, hunting knife, ect) would be interesting though.

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I'm perfectly happy without it, I don't see it as a necessary starting item. Weapons are pretty easy to find in the game.

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Read the two links in my signature.

I hope we'll start without a gun in the standalone, as well.

Don't have have to send me to Rocket's statements, I 100% know what he wants for this game, and I for one 100% agrees with him.

I feel like Rocket is the Thomas Paine of video games. What he's got cooking here could very well turn in to a "American" Revolution in the gaming community, I feel like gamers are tired of having their hands held by the mechanics, tired of being screwed over with yearly releases of the same game, and tired of producers controlling solid idea's.

Though that's just me being a nut case ;)

Honestly I hope we do keep it too, I kinda enjoy the feature.( this coming from someone who was strongly against it, I was wrong) though it's annoyances caused by trolls shooting unarmed players may be covered up by a bigger annoyance: hackers. I wouldn't be able to say that for sure.

Edited by Bullfrog

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I for one really really hope the no gun spawn isnt tampered with. What a tense feeling running around unarmed.

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Or start with a random pistol (common only) or start it near to where they spawn so they can choose, with 1 magazine with a random generated 0-full bullets in the clip.

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No gun start was one of the best things that happened. But initially everyone was not killing everyone like they are now anyway.

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I never played with the makarovs spawning with you but my personal oppinion is the first 5 times you spawn you should have a pistol and a countdown of lives before you no longer spawn with it, as it will give new players a better chance of surviving a bit longer on their first couple of play throughs

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I never played with the makarovs spawning with you but my personal oppinion is the first 5 times you spawn you should have a pistol and a countdown of lives before you no longer spawn with it, as it will give new players a better chance of surviving a bit longer on their first couple of play throughs


No no no no no.

Dear lord no.


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Without cause its so much more rewarding when you have to be on your toes to find a weapon in the beginning.

The only thing that might work is a knife. More common for people to start with, if it was irl, then with a gun imo.

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Spawning with a makarov makes the game harder. Everyone spawing with you will also have one and will happily use it. DayZ - seaside deathmatch between idiots with underpowered pistols?

No thanks.

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I've said this countless times before... Starting without a weapon is one of the things I like best about DayZ. It brings a certain seriousness to the game, and it makes it so much more thrilling in the beginning. It makes tension run high, as you know that in order to get a weapon, you first have to sneak past those zeds.

At the same time, it makes it easier to team up with another beginning survivor, while making you even more voulnerable to players with weapons. Again this adds to the thrill.

The only thing I would like to be different is this: Please let us start with a west pouch instead of the assault pack.

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