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The "you know you play too much DayZ when..." thread.

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You know you play too much DayZ when you're driving by the local airshow as the A-10 flies over and you yell out to your spouse in the car, "Fucking hackers!"

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Whenever you're really hungry or thirsty IRL and all you can see in your head is blinking water bottle or fork and knife.

Edited by KArowd
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You know you play too much DayZ when you look at the clock, thinking it must be close to sleep time.. and then realize you've been sitting there for hours and hours, its morning already and the whole sitting really only felt like 10 minutes.

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You know you play too much DayZ when I'm at work right now on the DayZ forum when I should be working.

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You know when you play to much DayZ when you run around your home village, shooting people with your BB guns and air guns, before going into the shop to look for coke and beans

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You know you play too much Dayz when you break into hospitals and steal blood.

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1) When you're at an automotive repair shop and see a car without a tire and say "I can fix that"

2) When you play another game and see a vehicle, automatically thinking you can drive it (CS:go)

3) When you switch from drinking coke to mountain dew because its rare

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You know you play DayZ too much when you go in someone's shed to try and find wheels to repair your car.

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When you need to resist the urge to suddenly go offroading to look for player camps

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You've played too much DayZ, when ....

1. when you take only coke and food cans in supermarkets (more than you actually need) without paying

2. when you mistake a campsite for a bandit camp

3. when you can carry 3 tyres in one backpack

4. when you sneak to fuel stations to steal fuel

5. when you enter hospitals by shooting at the windows

6. when you drink water in the lake next door without previously scalding it

7. when you avoid cities because of suspecting bandits being there

8. when you don't change your clothes anymore once you've got camo clothes

9. when you shoot on all people who claim to be your friend

10. when you start to gut animals on farms to cook them in the next forest

11. when you don't go swimming anymore because you're afraid of getting a cold

12. when you lay down into a burning fire to get warm

13. when you select cars by judging only the size of the trunk and the offroad abilities

14. when you develope paranoida when seeing a bush

15. when you shout around if someone might be in Chernogorsk

16. when you move in crawl-mode to avoid being discovered by other people

17. when you use smoke grenades to distract someone from yourself

18. when you reguarly check out port to scout for loot

19. when you hide bear traps in the forest hoping a survivoer will be trapped

20. when you're angry of having no matches around for a camp fire

21. when you can't move around without a map, a compass and a GPS in your own hometown

22. when you suddenly start to eat sardines like crazy

23. when you only see empty cans and empty bottles of whiskey on the street

24. when you're angry about every roadblock

25. when you start to eat tons of meat only to compensate your blood loss

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when you see a rabbit and think, "Hey, that only has 1 meat on it, what a waste of my time".

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When you start seeing canned beans as not only food, but post-apocalyptic currency AND a vote of approval.

"You have my beans, sir."

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when you go to a hardware store and only pick up red hatchets -.-

Edited by McLovinCR

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When your trying to fall asleep and all u hear are zombies spwnd all around you.

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When your trying to fall asleep and all u hear are zombies spwnd all around you. Damn phone double posted sorry lol

Edited by xFusion

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You know you play too much DayZ when you're driving by the local airshow as the A-10 flies over and you yell out to your spouse in the car, "Fucking hackers!"

This isn't reddit faggot. You can't make up random stories here for karma. Get out.

(User warned, 24 hour PPS. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck

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You look for alt and f4 when in danger.

You store your food in a tent and it never ends.

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You know you play too much DayZ when you're playing minecraft and get shot by a skeleton in a cave system and nearly shit your pants

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You know you play too much DayZ when you killed your boss with a shotgun because you thought he was a zombie...

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This isn't reddit faggot. You can't make up random stories here for karma. Get out.

You must be a very angry person. I've never been on reddit, is it even connected with DayZ?

Try not being an ass... reported.

You know you play too much DayZ when you have a conversation in real life and feel surprised that the other person isn't swearing, insulting and behaving like an angry 12 year old.

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my wife informed me she was having an especially "heavy flow" day, I told her not to worry cos I had plenty of blood bags, then explained that it would make me a better person for giving her a transfusion

Edited by DR@GON
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You know you play DayZ too much when you go to the hospital, see a guy bandaged up, and scream "BANDIT!!! EVERYONE OUT OF THE BUILDING!!!"

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You know you play too much DayZ when...

You yell G to open up a backpack

You kill all cows you see for '6 cooked meat'

You complain about airports not having attack helicopters and assault rifles

You go to the hospital, and try and fix broken bones with morphine.

You try to find auto shotguns at fire stations

You become a doctor to 'raise your humanity'

You go mad that you can't enter third person

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