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Are the AS50 and m107 going to be in the standalone?

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Absolutely fair point, however - miss your first shot with the dinner bell, which you are likely to do especially against a fast-moving survivor, and you've got a real fight on your hands. Especially against an opponent who is similarly armed.

Yeah, TBH I'd class the CZ500 as military loot for the purposes of this argument. Can be deadly at very long range, not hard to learn how to use it either. But for the most part the more 'military' the weapon, the best balance it will have between RoF, damage and accuracy. I'd rather have an FN FAL in a fight than an Enfield or AK (yes the AK is military but it is pretty basic). My argument is that the AK should be pretty much the best assualt rifle it's possible to get, barring exceptional good fortune, as it will make killing much more of a challenge. Perhaps the CZ550 the best sniper with the same caveats.

Just going to point out your classifying what is essentially a deer hunting rifle as a 'military' weapon.

Secondly making the AK the best thing you can get generally without great luck is not going to make killing more of a challenge. Assuming it does what you think it will (which I highly doubt) which is make people engage in closer range battles its not going to make killing people harder. It'll make it easier. Closer targets (what you're looking for with what you're stating) are easier to hit last I checked.

Now instead of dodging snipers where you generally know where they'll be and what their sight lines are in cherno and elektro you have to worry about the guy with the shotgun waiting for you to look for loot so he can shoot you as you come into the room for kicks. Limiting range does not increase tactical options.

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I don't see anyone mentioning it, but the .50's are necessary because, as long as there's vehicles, then there's a need to be able to take them out.

Yes, there's plentiful right now and yes, a simple hive wipe is way overdue. Right now DayZ isn't being played as a survival horror, it's being played as a noob-raping, military sniper want-to-be shooter for those who can't handle playing actual military sim's with other's online. But that's the nature of the mod in it's current state. It's making that style of gameplay possible so naturally people are going to play it that way.

When the standalone releases, these issues will be addressed and everyone that want's to play DayZ as it's actually meant to be played can get back to it.

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Complains about duped AS50

Proposes the removal of AS50 instead of proposing the removal of duping

I think OP is onto something here....

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Okay, so now it's rate of fire that's the problem? Not standing accuracy? Geez, talk about a moving target...

The AS50 can fire 5 rounds every 1.6 seconds. It takes a moment to reacquire a sight picture, which is true in the game as well when you're standing or crouched. Rapid fire is only really possible prone (in RL and in DayZ).

2 hits (On a vehicle), 2 jams, and his arms were shaking by the end of it. I think the vid is a great example of the logistical drawbacks that surround using a .50 cal weapon system. These "nerfs" are what need to be implemented rather than a blanket removal. You can't stow it in a pack assembled, it slows you down and wears you out, it is not as reliable as a bolt action, doesn't fit in a civilian vehicle, etc. This increases immersion and lets the .50's do what they are supposed to do, provide deadly long range fire from a set tactical position.

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More realistic. more fun. (except for the CoD kids.. oh well)

No. realistic, and fun are completely opposite when it comes to gaming.

If you want realistic go join the army. Bitch.

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2 hits (On a vehicle), 2 jams, and his arms were shaking by the end of it. I think the vid is a great example of the logistical drawbacks that surround using a .50 cal weapon system. These "nerfs" are what need to be implemented rather than a blanket removal. You can't stow it in a pack assembled, it slows you down and wears you out, it is not as reliable as a bolt action, doesn't fit in a civilian vehicle, etc. This increases immersion and lets the .50's do what they are supposed to do, provide deadly long range fire from a set tactical position.

Snipers in the game are only for PVP. There should not be PVP prioritized guns. Having a sniper is just encouraging PVP all together.

Edited by Timmie3054

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Snipers in the game are only for PVP. There should not be PVP prioritized guns. Having a sniper is just encouraging PVP all together.

It's a PvP based game, why should there not be PvP oriented weapons?

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The AS50 and the m107 specifically are not all that good. Cant be used with NVG's and they are useless at close range. YES they can fire up to 1800 meters but hey, if you get hit from that range only you are to blame for standing still for 5 seconds in the open. In my opinion the DMR is far more useful.

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No. realistic, and fun are completely opposite when it comes to gaming.

If you want realistic go join the army. Bitch.

Go play one of the plethora of other games that follow that same line of thinking, I'm sure you loved the electric knives with attached bombs in dead island....

Snipers in the game are only for PVP. There should not be PVP prioritized guns. Having a sniper is just encouraging PVP all together.

Sniper rifles can be used to protect a team from Z's or other players from an overwatch position also, just because you view them as PVP only weapons doesn't mean they are. Content should not be balanced or removed based on content thats gamey bs to appease the have nots that bitch about everything. Some things are much better IRL in certain conditions than others, snipers suck in CQB, but accel in long range fire, deal with it and avoid the conditions that favor your oposition or equipment you don't have.

The AS50 and the m107 specifically are not all that good. Cant be used with NVG's and they are useless at close range. YES they can fire up to 1800 meters but hey, if you get hit from that range only you are to blame for standing still for 5 seconds in the open. In my opinion the DMR is far more useful.

All snipers are garbage in CQB IMO, unless people are playing on noob servers with CH on. DMR is much more usefull and would not have the logistical drawbacks a .50 would have, the fact that it can be used w/NVG's is garbage IMO, no weapons that require specific eye relief should function with NVG's. If some has NV optic attachment that rode infront of the scope fine, but it should not work w/NVG's.

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"Are the AS50 and m107 going to be in the standalone?"

...why not??

They're no-skill noob weapons that a lot of useless bandits love to have so they suck a little less.

Yeah, I've had an AS50. I longer want one. Nor do I want them in the game. It lets little kids like yourself kill without risk, and you jsut love that.

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They're no-skill noob weapons that a lot of useless bandits love to have so they suck a little less.

Ahh, this old argument. It's been a few days.

With bullet drop, distance estimation, moving targets and vantage point selection these weapons require more skill than any other system in the game.

Help me understand how using one of these requires less skill than putting your AKM sights on a target and holding the mouse button down?

Try to be specific.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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i hope they are out, along with the saw. there should be more primitive weaponary, given the post apocalyptic scenario. the scopes should stay on cz550 or whatever, but its just too much military equipment for the context as is. who is gonna bother with possible survival weapons like bow/spear/other ideas, when there is so much military gear also? the crossbow is a fine example. at first your like wow, then realise you better not use that

Edited by Clatterbridge

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Stop bitching about stuff that rocket wants in HIS game....make your own game if you dont like it....Wussies

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Ahh, this old argument. It's been a few days.

With bullet drop, distance estimation, moving targets and vantage point selection these weapons require more skill than any other system in the game.

Help me understand how using one of these requires less skill than putting your AKM sights on a target and holding the mouse button down?

Try to be specific.

When servers have crosshairs and name tags on, you don't even need a range finder. Just scroll over your prey and their distance "magically" appears. You set your zeroing and bang.

So yes, the .50's clearly require less skill. The user doesn't have to use any tactic; they can just be lazy and camp on the wood's edge.

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When servers have crosshairs and name tags on, you don't even need a range finder. Just scroll over your prey and their distance "magically" appears. You set your zeroing and bang.

So yes, the .50's clearly require less skill. The user doesn't have to use any tactic; they can just be lazy and camp on the wood's edge.

Dont play on regular servers..play on veteren servers with the real men

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When servers have crosshairs and name tags on, you don't even need a range finder. Just scroll over your prey and their distance "magically" appears. You set your zeroing and bang.

So yes, the .50's clearly require less skill.

Yeah, if you choose to play on completely retarded servers then things get pretty retarded.

Thankfully you have the "not retarded" option waiting for you any time you want to swap.

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I want more snipers in the standalone..

give the CheyTac please.

and ooh can we have an LSW for british thrills?

ooh and the BREN! let's not forget the bren. we need more 7.62mm guns


They don't care man... they simply don't care... :(

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Ahh, this old argument. It's been a few days.

With bullet drop, distance estimation, moving targets and vantage point selection these weapons require more skill than any other system in the game.

Help me understand how using one of these requires less skill than putting your AKM sights on a target and holding the mouse button down?

Try to be specific.

Oh no, guesstimate range and adjust your gun and then click. Takes the mind of a real marksman to use these sniper rifles.

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Oh no, guesstimate range and adjust your gun and then click. Takes the mind of a real marksman to use these sniper rifles.

Right, so are you going to actually answer my question? How is that less skill than any of the other fucking guns in the game which don't require the first two steps? Aim and click. That's how ALL of the other guns work with the possible exception of the crossbow.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Yeah, if you choose to play on completely retarded servers then things get pretty retarded.

Thankfully you have the "not retarded" option waiting for you any time you want to swap.

You asked a question, and it was answered. You don't like the answer so your response is to throw "retarded" around to cover your tracks. Way to stay classy.

Dont play on regular servers..play on veteren servers with the real men

Learn to read. Not doing so simply makes you look the fool. A question was asked and an answer was given. If you couldn't comprehend what was being said then why respond?

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I hope not, it kind of destroys the feeling of 'post-apocalyptic survival' when you run around with a giant rifle, acting as if this ARMA II.

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I don't see why there need to be 2 semi auto 50 cal sniper rifles. Maybe one semi auto and one bolt action or single shot.

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You asked a question, and it was answered. You don't like the answer so your response is to throw "retarded" around to cover your tracks. Way to stay classy.

I asked a question and you had to qualify the answer with "if you play on regular servers."

That's like saying "It's impossible to drive!"

And when I ask "Why? Driving is easy."

You say "Well if you're eyes are closed it's not!"

So, like, open your fucking eyes, right?

Same deal.

Don't play on stupid fucking servers and don't answer questions about the design of the game by referencing servers with settings that shouldn't even fucking exist in the first place and are only hold-overs from ARMA 2 that haven't been removed and will most definitely not exist in stand-alone which this thread is about.

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and don't answer questions about the design of the game by referencing servers with settings that shouldn't even fucking exist in the first place and are only hold-overs from ARMA 2 that haven't been removed and will most definitely not exist in stand-alone which this thread is about.

Really, that's your retort?

You're really going to "pretend" that those server setting don't and/or shouldn't exist to make your statement? You really are grabbing at any excuse, aren't you?

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