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Astral (DayZ)

Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

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Why is a blood regen system not in place?

If we're all about realism here, your body does make more blood if you lose some.

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Basically our HP is blood correct? Seeing how this game is about realism doesn't your body regenerate blood within yourself? What do they do for people who loose blood? If its not a high amount nothing right? Cause the body takes care of itself when a person loose blood new blood cells are release to replenish what was lost. So to keep this game realism up, blood regain is a good idea. Doesn't make the game any different if done right, blood packs are still useful to restore large amounts of blood loss. Just make it so you don't restore blood logged off and you need to be in a rested state for it to work. I hear people always talking about keeping the game realistic and this is keeping it realistic.

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"Generally speaking, after donating a unit of blood (450ml), the body replaces

the fluid and white cells within 24 hours, and platelets and plasma

proteins within 48-72 hours. The red blood cells are completely

replaced in 4-6 weeks."

The health regen, if implemented at all, would have to be relatively small.

Speaking from a physiological standpoint the white blood cells (Leucocytes) are responsible for combating infection within the body. Haemoglobin, which is the blood plasma, where all the blood corpuscles are transported in is a transport medium for the platelets and nutrients. The healers in the blood are the red blood corpuscles (Erythrocytes) which transport oxygen, minerals and nutrients around the body, as well as the Thrombocytes which are responsible for the blood clotting.

Obviously the above-mentioned timeframe for regeneration doesn't translate very well ingame, but i personally feel that it should be introduced. The rate woulld have to be relatively small though say at about 10 points/hour.

Regarding blood packs or transfusion, I have to agree with Toez, the transfusion and gaining of blood points should bring with it a little "downtime" before one gets the points back up. IMO it should also not be boosted all the way up again.

Those are my 2 cents worth on the subject.

*End of the Doctor's housecall*

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I think blood should definitely SLOWLY regen as well, the current system is a bit wonky in my opinion.

Basically, instead of eating food giving you an immediate blood boost, your blood should slowly regen as long as BOTH your hunger and thirst meters are somewhere in the 75-90% range, and the lower you are on blood the quicker these meters will deplete (even while stationary). Blood bags will still give you a bigger boost quicker than this method, but the gain should still be gradual to simulate the time it takes for the bag to be completely depleted.

The rate of regen as people have mentioned already should be very slow, but still high enough that it can be a viable longterm strategy VS the quicker, but more risky method of trusting someone to give you a transfusion.

This means that when you are low on blood you will still have to continually scrounge for food and water if you want to get your blood back that way, so this method won't really encourage idlers or campers (unless you have a shit-ton of food and water packed away somewhere, but I don't think the majority of players have this luxury). Also, you won't regenerate your blood while being offline either.

Also, it would be interesting if certain foods and drinks kept your meters higher for longer, for example eating freshly cooked meats would make your hunger deplete slower for a limited time compared to canned food (thus increasing the length of time your blood can regen) while the same would go for pure water vs. cans of cola.

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After reading some of the replies I've rethought some of my opinions on this issue. I've always felt that blood should regenerate (definitely on the slow side), but I agree that increasing regeneration while idle wouldn't be a good idea. I do like the idea of taking a break now and then to take a knee and chat with my survivor buddies, but if we incentivize it with this blood thing, people will idle too much and it will slow the pace of the game.

My thinking is that blood regeneration should be a slow, constant process, which increases when you are in good health (high hunger or thirst should slow or stop regen), but that food should not provide any instant blood bonuses. It would instead keep your hunger low and also provide a regeneration bonus based on the quality of the food. Cooked meat would therefore still give X blood over a period of Y minutes on top of the base rate. Tweaking would be required to figure out the best values for X and Y to keep it from being too fast. Regardless of consumption, I think it should take a minimum of 5-6 hours of play to completely recover from <1000 blood.

The advantages I see to this system are that it would prevent abuse from scarfing down huge amounts of food (I've never done this and it seems rather inefficient, but the potential is there I suppose) to regain blood, and it would more accurately mimic the kind of slow convalescence that real people must go through after being wounded. We're not action heroes: we don't eat a steak and then jump right back into battle. The only concern I can think of is that people who are badly wounded might take an unreasonably long time to recover past the "blacking out" threshold.

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The advantages I see to this system are that it would prevent abuse from scarfing down huge amounts of food (I've never done this and it seems rather inefficient' date=' but the potential is there I suppose) to regain blood, and it would more accurately mimic the kind of slow convalescence that real people must go through after being wounded. We're not action heroes: we don't eat a steak and then jump right back into battle. The only concern I can think of is that people who are badly wounded might take an unreasonably long time to recover past the "blacking out" threshold.


So don't have them recover. Everything else you said would make sense: remove instant food effects, have slow blood regen based on current food and water levels.

But if you're critical (below a certain threshold) you should be in trouble from random blackouts. This is where other players come in to administer transfusions, beyond that, you're survival depends on how far you can crawl towards help.

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I think this is a good idea. Sure, the current school of thought is that you should look for food to recover blood, but when each can restores only 200 and you might be at 8000 or something, they're not very helpful. If they slowly regenerated your blood instead, unless you were below a point such as 6000 where your life is in danger, I think this would be a better system

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Good to see that this is still getting thrown around from time to time.

With the new sicknesses capable of draining blood to some extent as well, having yourself full and hydrated could act as another parallel system to becoming ill, countering those losses to some extent, and enabling you to recover from the ailments more quickly than if you were starving and dehydrated.

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NOT hating, just saying..

HP regen doesnt Belong to this mod, arma or any game that aims for realism! (Theres no Miracle Salvations IRL if youve taken bullet to the knee)

adding HP-regen would make this mod forgiving as any Mainstream FPS Game, and i believe thats not what rocket is after

Talking of Fast-paced HP-regen^^ even 10hp/min would be allready too much (600hp/Hour)

very, very Slow health regen wouldnt hurt the realism aspect and would be reasonable.. but it should take hours and hours & You should be in good shape (Food/Drink @ Green & No injuries)

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NOT hating' date=' just saying..

HP regen doesnt Belong to this mod, arma or any game that aims for realism! (Theres no Miracle Salvations IRL if youve taken bullet to the knee)

adding HP-regen would make this mod forgiving as any Mainstream FPS Game, and i believe thats not what rocket is after


I disagree. You heal over time in real life, from minor wounds at least. It's not like people always require a blood transfusion to recover from blood loss IRL.

I don't think we should have people regening from the brink of death, but minor wounds should heal over time instead of accumulating like they do now.

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Nothing will help your blood generate faster, but if you concentrate on giving your body nutritious foods for energy, your body can be more efficient with the blood it has.

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Blood regeneration is viable and more logical than instantly gaining 200 blood from eating baked beans and 800 blood from cooked meat. Surprise! Your body naturally produces blood over time. It would actually promote realism over simply consuming sustenance.

My suggestion would be to promote slow blood regeneration when the need for water and/or food is low (green to yellow). Even if you were to gain 1 drop of blood every 30 seconds, it will take 100 hours to regain 12000 blood, which is a little over 4 days which is a reasonable amount of time for a person to fully recover (definitely for a game). If the game requires your character to be constantly hydrated and fed to recover blood, the time it takes will be significantly longer.

All I'm saying is: I can regain 6400 blood in a matter of minutes by shooting a cow in the face, gutting it, making a fire, and cooking and eating 8 pieces of cooked meat. Finding a cow is moderately difficult, but generally this strategy isn't hard and I really doubt that you can make yourself over 50% healthier in real life by grilling and eating steaks.

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I would also not want an instant blood regeneration; regeneration by time influenced by some types of food and drink (electrolytic containing) would be fine

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I totally agree with you Gearbox.. IF there ever was gonna be health regen, it should be VERY SLOW and eating Food shouldnt instantly increase your health by 200/800 but regen that amount over some time..

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NOT hating' date=' just saying..

HP regen doesnt Belong to this mod, arma or any game that aims for realism! (Theres no Miracle Salvations IRL if youve taken bullet to the knee)

adding HP-regen would make this mod forgiving as any Mainstream FPS Game, and i believe thats not what rocket is after

Talking of Fast-paced HP-regen^^ even 10hp/min would be allready too much (600hp/Hour)

very, very Slow health regen wouldnt hurt the realism aspect and would be reasonable.. but it should take hours and hours & You should be in good shape (Food/Drink @ Green & No injuries)


Your reasoning is flawed, why would you consider 600 blood regen-ed in an hour to be too much when you can already regain that much in seconds by eating beans or meat? If anything, regening 10 blood a minute would make the game HARDER, not easier as you wouldn't have the instant healing effects of food to fall back on, instead you'd need to keep your avatar in fed and hydrated for the regen to be effective and stay out of dangerous situations for awhile.

Also, the argument for realism only goes so far in a mod that lets you instantly heal broken bones with morphine and a few bandages. :P

I find it funny that so many are vocal to a change that would actually increase the difficulty of the game and would bring the survival aspect of eating and drinking more regularly to a more important position in the game.

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I think a quicker health regen would be fine if you only had light wounds, such as 10000+ blood. You're not likely to stay above 10000 for long, and if you've previously dropped below this level and get above it by just eating a can of beans you won't get the quicker regen (you still have a leg wound, beans won't help that). If you happen to come across a bandit blood levels are largely irrelevant anyway, it's who can line up a headshot first

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i don't like this idea. Its much more tense to have to search all weekend while fainting from having too little blood, for knife, matches, wood, and hunt an animal, cook it and eat it (As i have had to do recently); or to risk having another player give you a blood pack. Regeneration like that would make the game easier, and less tense.

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"How long will it take my body to replenish my lost blood?

The blood volume is typically replaced within 24 hours. Red blood cells take between four to six weeks for complete replacement, which is why the FDA requires an eight-week wait between blood donations. Your body will not be affected adversely by the loss of the pint of blood."

From the Massachusetts General Hospital website.

Someone who knows more about anatomy than I do would have to evaluate how to realistically implement that effect in the game. Maybe you can only regenerate a percentage of your health lost when regeneration begins. So, if the percentage is 50% and you get chomped down to 6000, you can only regenerate up to 9000.

Although, the rate at which people need to eat has been accelerated; so, maybe blood regeneration could be, as well.

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"How long will it take my body to replenish my lost blood?

The blood volume is typically replaced within 24 hours. Red blood cells take between four to six weeks for complete replacement' date=' which is why the FDA requires an eight-week wait between blood donations. Your body will not be affected adversely by the loss of the pint of blood."

From the Massachusetts General Hospital website.

Someone who knows more about anatomy than I do would have to evaluate how to realistically implement that effect in the game. Maybe you can only regenerate a percentage of your health lost when regeneration begins. So, if the percentage is 50% and you get chomped down to 6000, you can only regenerate up to 9000.

Although, the rate at which people need to eat has been accelerated; so, maybe blood regeneration could be, as well.

Why wouldn't your body regenerate all of it's blood? The point of this suggestion is to replace the instant bonus you get from eating meat.

i don't like this idea. Its much more tense to have to search all weekend while fainting from having too little blood' date=' for knife, matches, wood, and hunt an animal, cook it and eat it (As i have had to do recently); or to risk having another player give you a blood pack. Regeneration like that would make the game easier, and less tense.


Please do us a favour and actually read the topic. You would still have to scrounge for food for the regen to be effective so this doesn't really change what you think it would, in fact water would play an important role as well. IMHO it's a much better system than the instant magical cure that food currently provides.

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Had a similar idea myself. I love it - it feels more natural than magive food = blood mechanic. Excellent suggestion.

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I just find it silly that our characters bodies do not produce their own blood. I think that the blood should regen on its own (Not trying to make this casual or anything) because the human body does so in reality.

[All the numbers below are just suggestions]

- Still keep cap 12000 blood.

- Blood Regens all the time very slowly except when bleeding. (Maybe 250 Blood Per 15 Minutes [0.27 Blood Per Second])

- Eating Food increases the regen rate for an x period of time or at a certain hunger level. (Canned food increases regen rate by 1.5x and cooked meat at 2x)

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Or provisions should be found at the doorstep of every single house, even those in which you can not enter. Being a game that wants to be close to reality, well, in every house there is at least a lighter, some matches, food, warm clothes, blankets, wood for fire (especially in villages or cottages) and so on.

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Or provisions should be found at the doorstep of every single house' date=' even those in which you can not enter. Being a game that wants to be close to reality, well, in every house there is at least a lighter, some matches, food, warm clothes, blankets, wood for fire (especially in villages or cottages) and so on.


I think your supposed to assume someone else already stole that shit.

Anyway, yeah I agree with the OP. I basically think if you are below 12000 blood you should regenerate it at a rate dependant on how well fed/watered you are, whether you have an infection etc.

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