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Darkwater (DayZ)

AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

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I'm not claiming to be any kind of knowleable about military grade weapons, nor weapons in general, but aren't these weapons designed to be used on Military equipment, like armored vehicles or the likes?

Don't get me wrong here, the fact that they one shot kill is more than alright, as the fact of the matter is that the poor sod being hit by one would very likely lose a limb if they were unfortunate enough to survive this, and being a cripple like that in a zombie apocalypse would more than likely spell death, but to use it against a running person just seems over the top. They seem to have been designed for large moving or stationary targets, and the usage of such weapons are mostly done in teams, due to heavy weight and the lack of mobility of the weapon. It's DEFINATELY not meant to fire from anything other than a proned position either, yet they are fired from crouched all the time.

Not to mention their sheer size! If you had one of them, you simply shouldn't be able to carry more than one side arm at best.

All I'm saying is this; If these weapons are in game, there should be some cons to them aswell, as they per now are extremly powerful, extremly accurate, seemingly extremely easily supplied with ammo, all around extreme, really.

This game/mod has taken inspiration from EvE Online in some aspects, most notably the brutal punishment of death, but it should also take atleast some from it's weapon aspects aswell; HUGE weapons are less accurate and require either their target to be big or stationary. Or atleast some kind of reprecussion for using them? They are loud aren't they? Make it so that they hurt the ears to fire.. you've done that with explosions, why not a weapon like those? Make it harder to aim, they are afterall massive. At the very least, they require some form of nerf, just not to their damage.

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Anti-material rifle. Yes you are right.

I saw someone make a epic suggestion for these (as50, m107) guns, since they so big and heavy make it that you cant keep a backpack when holding one, like the rocket launcher.

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Agreed. Those rifles are huge and they do require a 2-man team. :| I have never seen a real USMC soldier carrying 2 sniper rifles in my life.

I bet even they shake their head when they see this. It's like "omg, i cant believe it."

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I was speaking to a sniper recently and he told me the .50 Cal is prohibited or frowned upon but not banned from being used against human targets as its "overkill" but if you have to then do it... but rather waste 7.42mm ammo then a heavy calibre

Also the weight of the weapon is immense O.O and takes 2 people in modern warfare "spotter" and "shooter" to be effective.

Could be wrong O.o


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I was speaking to a sniper recently and he told me the .50 Cal is prohibited or frowned upon but not banned from being used against human targets as its "overkill" but if you have to then do it... but rather waste 7.42mm ammo then a heavy calibre

Also the weight of the weapon is immense O.O and takes 2 people in modern warfare "spotter" and "shooter" to be effective.

I was to be a sniper/scout in the military before I was discharged (too poor eyesight and no need anywhere else for soldiers at the time, Norwegian military isn't all that big) and I heard something along those lines aswell, that the size and calibre of the sniper made it, if not "illegal", very frowned upon if used on human targets that were not either driving an armored vehicle or fiering a turret from a defensive position, but still the car itself would be the prime target.

Glad to see people agree though, those snipers are very much overkill against a target moving on his/her own two feet ingame. I've been taken out myself by one while running across the field, a M107, and I ran in constant zigzag so I wasn't exactly a easy target. And a few other times aswell, I've probably died more to AS50 and M107 more than any other weapon ingame.

The rifles require a dramatic change, or at the very least to carry one does. I like the idea of not being able to carry a backpack if wielding one of the two, but that alone would be a weak nerf in comparison to their massive power. Some gameplay changes to them would be required aswell, in terms of aiming and ammo. When the standalone game is released, I hope we'll see far fewer of these since the duping problem will hopefully be taken care of.

Edited by Darkwater
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the two man team is for basically every high precision sniper rifle to be effective

i support the idea that the M107 and AS50 remove your backpack, but then also your other primary weapon

they are heavy anti-machinery weapons, just like the rocket launcher, makes sense to me

Edited by Zombo

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By my own experience from my days as a swedish airbourne ranger we had our own version of the m107. Its true u primarly use it for material destruction from long range but are some times used against soft targets due to its long range and if u hit, your target is more than likely dead. If u use it like u would use an 7.62 (L96a1aw) witch is mainly used against key personel you use an undercalibrated bullet. Its loaded as an .50 but has an bullet like ex 7.62.

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But then again..... This is an zombie apocalypse...we will do anything to survive right?

Edited by Sontana

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the ONLY reason that scout snipers use 7.62mm rounds over 50.cal

is that 50.cal rounds cost more.

but 50's do get put into soft targets where convenience calls

oh and there's no legality issues regarding putting large rounds into soft targets (just look at vehicle mounted 50.cals).. it's just more cost effective to keep the expensive ammo for higher priority targets.

Edited by Blindingsun

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I have never seen a real USMC soldier carrying 2 sniper rifles in my life.

I have.

and not just usmc either. I've seen sbs and sas doing so. and other british units. take em with you and swap them out where you're going dependent on the target situation. its not hard to shoulder a smaller bore when carrying the 50cal on a sling

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yes, i can imagine both, however making the M107 and the AS50 take up your backpack and primary weapon slot would make sense, since they are equally big to the rocket launcher

i'd like to see the M24 getting some more attention and not be frowned up on in dayZ... whenever i snipe with an M24 people keep saying the AS50 or M107 is better because of power, and regarding the AS50 the semi auto fire... and they are right

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@ zombo as50 and m107, while having there place as being the best are down right boring as FUCK. I much rather prefer a m24 or SVD to those 2.

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the ONLY reason that scout snipers use 7.62mm rounds over 50.cal

is that 50.cal rounds cost more.

but 50's do get put into soft targets where convenience calls

oh and there's no legality issues regarding putting large rounds into soft targets (just look at vehicle mounted 50.cals).. it's just more cost effective to keep the expensive ammo for higher priority targets.

There never was an issue of it being legal or not. If it were illegal, there's no law in DayZ anyway, and people do what they need to survive. It's just that they use them indiscriminately in the game, against people who would not be a threat in any way, just going from point A to B, while the sniper is sitting in point Z on the completely opposite side. The reason for this is because they're powerhouses when it comes to accuracy and power ratio, the ammo is far to abundant, and the weapons are far to easily procured and handled. We do need weapons that are designed to take out vehicles in the game, since they are present.. but in that case it's a role that should be taken by a player that gives up shooting on-foot players where it is not neccessary.

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well until the Alt-F4 issue is fixed ; I feel it's perfectly acceptable to have a 1 hit kill option available.

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They're useful because of the fact they work against both human and vehicle targets. For example I was once stuck in a situation where I spotted a bus with around 4-5 people in, but I only had an SVD Camo. Sure I tried to hit the driver which I certainly didn't do, but with an AS50 I could of but one or two rounds in either the engine block or the tire and got a bus full of people to loot.

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well until the Alt-F4 issue is fixed ; I feel it's perfectly acceptable to have a 1 hit kill option available.

That one I do agree with. Nothing is worse than seeing your sniper shot hit and then the bastard poofing away. And I never want the rifles to be nerfed in damage, it should stay as it is, just in a way that wouldn't want make you want to use it indiscriminately in any situation. Or if you absolutely want to hunt players with it, you should be penalized with something else, considering their sheer power and accuracy.

Besides, the Alt-F4 goes both ways. What's holding back a AS50/M107 wielding sniper from Alt-F4ing if their position is given away and those Winchester/Lee Enfield wielding players want some payback?

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@ zombo as50 and m107, while having there place as being the best are down right boring as FUCK. I much rather prefer a m24 or SVD to those 2.

me too, i just constantly have people flaming me for it

"why dont you take the as50? we all could still be alive"

or "why do you prefer a M16acog above a DMR? wtf?"

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They're useful because of the fact they work against both human and vehicle targets. For example I was once stuck in a situation where I spotted a bus with around 4-5 people in, but I only had an SVD Camo. Sure I tried to hit the driver which I certainly didn't do, but with an AS50 I could of but one or two rounds in either the engine block or the tire and got a bus full of people to loot.

That one is obvious. That's what they were designed for. The problem is their insane power coupled with absolutely no reprecussions for wielding them, with the exception of your right side screen being slightly obscured by the rifle.. which is fixed by playing third person.

I'm not raising the issue of having them removed, just altered in gameplay. It's far too easy to kill moving players, and if it's not easy it's just not punishment enough to waste ammo on no-risk/no-reward engagement (except the kill itself) when said ammo is supposed to be hard to find and far between.

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I can fully agree with this, but if they were to "keep space and weight" in mind then it woud lead to alot of changes and not only to the snipers.

I mean really, you can carry around 20 tank traps around in an ALICE pack, do you have any idea how much that would weight?

Not to mention that we all have unlimited stamina and can run around Chernarus as long as we eat and drink enough.

If the game was ultra realistic then nobody would play it.

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I agree, AS50 is a bit much to be running around with shooting off like an AK. Having said that, I submit this video for your entertainment.

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Yes it's technically illegal, as in against the Geneva Convention, to use anything bigger than a 7.62 round in a human, along with land mines and chemical warefare. Not that it's truely something to worry about if the shit hits the fan, but it is generally looked down upon if it's blatantly done.

.50 cal was designed and is definately for light armor. For example, on a gunnery table for M1 Abrahms, you use the main gun, a M2 .50 cal machine gun and a 240C .762 coaxle machine gun. Each weapon is designed for specific targets and the 240C is the only gun that has troop targets. The same goes for an M2A3 ODS CFV. We had to use 240C on troop targets, not our 25MM.

Not sure about the cost as a bigger bullet should be an obvious indication that it's more expensive to make, although not conclusive as it's probably one of the most common made bullets across the world, along with the .762.

Then there is a matter of range to consider. If a .762 round could travel as far and as accurate as a .50 cal then I think we would see a difference in weaponry but as of yet, the .50 cal round shoots the farthest.

As far as gear goes, well as a scout we like to load up! To have a m82 Barrett with 2 m-4's, plus spotting equipment for a two man DM team is not unheard of. But depending on the mission, It could be 2 m14's and 2 m4's.

And Never EVER be surprised at the amount of bullshit you have to carry in the US Army lol.

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If the game was ultra realistic then nobody would play it.

I would.

And: wind effects + a weight/sizebased inventory + stamina

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I was speaking to a sniper recently and he told me the .50 Cal is prohibited or frowned upon but not banned from being used against human targets as its "overkill" but if you have to then do it... but rather waste 7.42mm ammo then a heavy calibre

Also the weight of the weapon is immense

The AS50 weighs like 30 pounds.

Not quite "immense."

They do not require 2-man teams. A spotter is heplful but not needed.

They are also used very often to engage human targets. They are capable of engaging vehicles but that is not their sole purpose. Many .50 calibers are deployed against human targets.

More encumbrance features would be nice, and less accuracy while crouched, and maybe even some setup time but lets stop throwing around ridiculous and asinine misinformation for the sake of supporting the argument, okay?

Just say "They're bulky and take time to setup." That's all you need to say.

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