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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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Any ETA on when Bliss 4.3 will be sorted? Just checking as it was over a week ago you gave a "tomorrow" almost two weeks ago. If it's sorted, then it isn't showing in TCAdmin as a heads up.

Also, some advice, the ability for customers to change their PhP/Admin tools passwords to something other than the default would be great. Or, if you could actually ask people what they want their passwords to be. Just being constructive. :)


Hey Blane I appreciate the input. The reason we do not allow anyone to change their DayZTools or PhpMyAdmin password is because when we setup new servers, the username and password are automatically and randomly generated for phpmyAdmin and DayZtools. I will see if there is any alternative that we can come up with for the current method. And about Bliss 4.3, we're actually holding off on this update for another week or so. Reason being is because we can still offer you anything you need on our current Bliss version. We offer Tavi 2.0 and Namalsk .73 (manual updates done by us, send a ticket request). Right now we are working on adding DayZ+ and DayZ 2017, as well as a few other mods. We are also about to release a new admin map tool. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



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Hey RJ please hear me out on this one. We've really changed for the better.

Our updates have been faster, average ticket response time has dropped below 12 hours (used to be 24 hours).

We now have more staff, and a better overall business plan with a moneyback guarantee.

We have the newest BEC and DayZAntihax as well as support for the newest maps such as Namalsk .73 and Taviana 2.0

We have tons of happy customers right now. We're adidng DayZ+ and an awesome new admin map tool. We're really doing the best we can to provide our customers with the support that they deserve.

We have a new forums and guides and tutorials that are more detailed than what any other server host offers to my knowledge. Guides on how to edit the MySQL database specifically to ones liking.

I am very sorry if you had a bad experience with our hosting but please understand that we have changed. We listenned to what people like you were telling us in the forums and we've slowly changed for the better. We really appreciate anyone who has suggested ways we can improve our business and we continue to take suggestions for improverment all the time.


-Chad (Survival Servers Co-founder)

A little to late as we have dropped SS for less then desired customer service. DayZ.ST was so welcoming and what took SS 24 hours take's 2hrs with ST, all 3 server's were up in less then 3 hour's. They have all the tools that you need to run a server as to SS's who are working on them, don't get me wrong SS is a good company just needs to work on their customer service and their tools which all other hosting service's have already, i won't get started on their forum's Edited by Sleeper68

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If A little to late as we have dropped SS for less then desired customer service. DayZ.ST was so welcoming and what took SS 24 hours take's 2hrs with ST, all 3 server's were up in less then 3 hour's. They have all the tools that you need to run a server as to SS's who are working on them, don't get me wrong SS is a good company just needs to work on their customer service and their tools which all other hosting service's have already, i won't get started on their forum's


I understand your concerns and appreciate your input.

Just so you know and anyone else who reads this message, we have now added much better spam and bot protection to our Forums. You will no longer see a forum cluttered with bots and useless posts.

There are tons of Tutorials available in the FAQ section for any DayZ admin that needs help.

We consider our level of customer service to be on par with the majority of all DayZ hosts. Average ticket response time in the last week has been below 10 hours (some tickets go longer depending on the issue).

And as far as our tools go, I'm not sure what you mean when you said, "tools which all other hosting service's have already".

DayZ.st does not have FTP access, does not have BEC or Antihax either. All 3 of which we do have. The only thing that DayZ.st has that we do not is their Admin map tool.

We will be releasing our own Admin map tool Monday/Tuesday of this week. So I'm really confused why you say that every host already has these tools when DayZ.st is the only host currently offering an extensive admin map tool.



Edited by SurvivalServers

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We will be releasing our own Admin map tool Monday/Tuesday of this week.

I sure hope so!

I'm looking forward to some more user-friendly control.

Please keep us updated.

What kind of features can we expect from the map tool?

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I sure hope so!

I'm looking forward to some more user-friendly control.

Please keep us updated.

What kind of features can we expect from the map tool?

You'll have to wait and find out!

It will be updated constantly as we add more features to it as well.

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I understand your concerns and appreciate your input.

Just so you know and anyone else who reads this message, we have now added much better spam and bot protection to our Forums. You will no longer see a forum cluttered with bots and useless posts.

There are tons of Tutorials available in the FAQ section for any DayZ admin that needs help.

We consider our level of customer service to be on par with the majority of all DayZ hosts. Average ticket response time in the last week has been below 10 hours (some tickets go longer depending on the issue).

And as far as our tools go, I'm not sure what you mean when you said, "tools which all other hosting service's have already".

DayZ.st does not have FTP access, does not have BEC or Antihax either. All 3 of which we do have. The only thing that DayZ.st has that we do not is their Admin map tool.

We will be releasing our own Admin map tool Monday/Tuesday of this week. So I'm really confused why you say that every host already has these tools when DayZ.st is the only host currently offering an extensive admin map tool.



Have you seen their forums, I was just on there YESTERDAY looking for help to problems and upgrades.... USELESS!!

Tutorials section is EMPTY!!

10 hours!?!?!?! I've been locked out of my own server for 24 hours because I yelled at them in a support ticket and hurt their feelings, so they retaliate by NOT helping. I sent this to them ticket @0928 YESTERDAY

"Now I get this.... You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (DayZ Anti-Hax (Object Access Flooding))) What is that and why am I getting it??

Also, I have tried MULTIPLE times to set the server to 24/7 daytime I have it set to time "static" or "dynamic" (either one with the time set as "always daytime" and NOTHING works, Yes I saved it with the server stopped....

One more item, we have set restarts @0400, 1000, 1600 and 2200.... NONE OF THEM ARE RESTARTING, could you please advise us on how to ensure these work?

Ken" It is almost 24 hours later and NO RESPONSE OR HELP YET, maybe before all the players leave our server?????

It is Tuesday, where is the new tool?? You guys talk a real nice game, but offer nothing in return. THREE PEOPLE CANNOT RUN A COMPANY I ASSUME AS BIG AS YOURS!! HIRE MORE PEOPLE AND MAKE IT WORK!!

I have to go in DAILY or more and re-add destroyed vehicles in because they do NOT re-spawn for days on their own with server resets, even when you set their tool to re-spawn chance of "1" which means every time!! That's right, the server is not auto-restarting as scheduled, my bad.

So ultimately, my crew is supporting me by playing on other servers, we pay for one but because I cannot get in and play, we have to resort to playing on someone else's server. I'm SO GLAD I PAY $35 for them to host and manage my server for us............................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they read this, they will retaliate by leaving me locked out of my server. BUYER BEWARE!!

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You'll have to wait and find out!

It will be updated constantly as we add more features to it as well.

So it's Tuesday... What's up?

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Just ordered a server (DayZGamers) !

@ninja! I ordered mine a few days ago, took about 24 hours to get up and running.

I hope you have some experience running other servers, because I think I'd be going insane right now if I didn't fix some problems by myself.

My customer service experience has been friendly, but expediency doesn't seem to be their forte just yet... Though this is my first experience with a DayZ server to begin with, so for all I know this may be "normal".

I'm looking forward to seeing if they actually hold up to their "Monday/Tuesday" promise on the Map Tool...

This will make or break my DayZ hosting decision, so we'll see.

Good luck with your server :-)

Edit: @SS: So it's 6 PM Pacific and it is tuesday, my server is running wonderfully but no word on the Map Tool yet.

What timezone are you guys in? (no sarcasm intended, I'm just wondering if your Monday/Tuesday is the same as mine)

Edited by Hop_Salot
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OMG, I wish I had done a little more reading before I pulled the trigger. My server went live last night and it's already giving me a status unknow when I logged in this morning. ALready had to send a support ticket and it has not even been 24hrs.


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Wednesday afternoon and we're still eagerly awaiting the map tool we've heard so much about... At least give me a screen shot! :rolleyes:

[Edit] Alright, well, it's a little after 5 PM (PST) on Wednesday and no updates yet.

Please do yourselves and us a favor and don't quote times if you can't stand by them. I understand that things in this business can be unpredictable and with lots of fresh orders you've probably got your work cut out for you...

But I'd rather know that you're unsure about when things will be done than be sitting around waiting.

Edited by Hop_Salot

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Wednesday afternoon and we're still eagerly awaiting the map tool we've heard so much about... At least give me a screen shot! :rolleyes:

[Edit] Alright, well, it's a little after 5 PM (PST) on Wednesday and no updates yet.

Please do yourselves and us a favor and don't quote times if you can't stand by them. I understand that things in this business can be unpredictable and with lots of fresh orders you've probably got your work cut out for you...

But I'd rather know that you're unsure about when things will be done than be sitting around waiting.

Just so everyone knows, they ONLY HAVE THREE employees, the owner (Ryan) and two others. They cannot "afford" to pay more people to work. Hopefully they start using some of the KKKKKs they make monthly and start putting it towards a better company and a reliable product!! I've been locked out of my own server for three days now (are they getting me back in, NO.), as long as the $$$$ rolls in monthly, they don't care about anything else!!

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Just so everyone knows, they ONLY HAVE THREE employees, the owner (Ryan) and two others. They cannot "afford" to pay more people to work. Hopefully they start using some of the KKKKKs they make monthly and start putting it towards a better company and a reliable product!! I've been locked out of my own server for three days now (are they getting me back in, NO.), as long as the $$$$ rolls in monthly, they don't care about anything else!!

I've already bought a new server with DayZ.st... Instant Setup (like, the moment I clicked the Pay Now button). Go figure. <_<

I'm not going to go comparing the two, but one works, and one doesn't. I'm going to continue paying for the one that works.

Edited by Hop_Salot

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Wednesday afternoon and we're still eagerly awaiting the map tool we've heard so much about... At least give me a screen shot! :rolleyes:

[Edit] Alright, well, it's a little after 5 PM (PST) on Wednesday and no updates yet.

Please do yourselves and us a favor and don't quote times if you can't stand by them. I understand that things in this business can be unpredictable and with lots of fresh orders you've probably got your work cut out for you...

But I'd rather know that you're unsure about when things will be done than be sitting around waiting.

Map tool is very near completion, doing more testing tonight and will update you shortly!

Sorry for the wait and incorrect ETA. We want to be sure it is working properly before release.

Just so everyone knows, they ONLY HAVE THREE employees, the owner (Ryan) and two others. They cannot "afford" to pay more people to work. Hopefully they start using some of the KKKKKs they make monthly and start putting it towards a better company and a reliable product!! I've been locked out of my own server for three days now (are they getting me back in, NO.), as long as the $$$$ rolls in monthly, they don't care about anything else!!

I am able to easily join your server and play like normal.

I responded to your ticket with a detailed response on how to unban yourself etc. I said "What you need to do is go into your bans.txt file either through FTP access or File manager in TC Admin or through the configuration files in TC Admin."

To fix your scheduled restarts, simply delete them from TC Admin the add them back in with a daily schedule. I have tested this works 100% of the time.

Anything else you may need help on I am happy to assist, just let me know if I did not address one of your issues.

And you also said there are no tutorials in the forums, that is incorrect please check the FAQ

UPDATE: We now are officially offering SilentWarrior Anti Hack at SurvivalServers.com

You do not have to have a server with us to buy it, anyone with a private DayZ server can purchase off our website.

Supported maps are Chernarus, Namalsk, and Taviana.

Click Here to go to order form.

Youtube tutorial:

Edited by SurvivalServers

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I am able to easily join your server and play like normal.

I responded to your ticket with a detailed response on how to unban yourself etc. I said "What you need to do is go into your bans.txt file either through FTP access or File manager in TC Admin or through the configuration files in TC Admin."

To fix your scheduled restarts, simply delete them from TC Admin the add them back in with a daily schedule. I have tested this works 100% of the time.

Anything else you may need help on I am happy to assist, just let me know if I did not address one of your issues.

OKay SS, we just had several players attempt to log in to the server you say you can play on..........

When anyone tries to log into the server, we are all getting the following disclaimer....

"This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."

You have NOT responded with ANYTHING about the bans, although I know how to unban, but it keeps putting the bans BACK IN after I save the db and deleted the bans!!

Do something about the lack of action on your part Ryan. RIGHT NOW!! WE STILL CANNOT GET INTO THE SERVER. And BTW, we have to provide protection for YOUR server? You are telling me to rotate between my player's computers to have Gotcha antihax on them so our server can be protected?? SERIOUSLY, that is crappy to do to a customer.... "SS provides the servers but is gonna leave the protection of the server up to you, the customer?????

This has gotten VERY ugly and all you have to do is provide the kind of service you brag about on your website and in here................. Unless you are already providing the $35 service we should expect. I REALLY want to believe in SS, despite the crap I read and see, and have experienced. Help me to believe in SS Ryan, please??

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So let me get this right... it's not included with the packages we have currently? The map tool costs another $18.50 to set up?

Yeah, see ya.

This is not our map tool, The SilentWarrior Tool is an Anti hack tool that we are also supporting!

We are releasing our own free map tool with our servers also!

We are in the final testing stages of our own tool.

OKay SS, we just had several players attempt to log in to the server you say you can play on..........

When anyone tries to log into the server, we are all getting the following disclaimer....

"This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."

You have NOT responded with ANYTHING about the bans, although I know how to unban, but it keeps putting the bans BACK IN after I save the db and deleted the bans!!

Do something about the lack of action on your part Ryan. RIGHT NOW!! WE STILL CANNOT GET INTO THE SERVER. And BTW, we have to provide protection for YOUR server? You are telling me to rotate between my player's computers to have Gotcha antihax on them so our server can be protected?? SERIOUSLY, that is crappy to do to a customer.... "SS provides the servers but is gonna leave the protection of the server up to you, the customer?????

This has gotten VERY ugly and all you have to do is provide the kind of service you brag about on your website and in here................. Unless you are already providing the $35 service we should expect. I REALLY want to believe in SS, despite the crap I read and see, and have experienced. Help me to believe in SS Ryan, please??

I'll take a look at your Server side application error.

We offer the same hacker protection as every other company! Please do not say "SS provides the servers but is gonna leave the protection of the server up to you, the customer"

That is false, It is impossible for us to Setup Gotcha AntiHack server-side. It is a client side app.

EDIT: This issue has been fixed, customer's server had incorrect starting character loadout which was causing an error in the DB


Anyone getting server status "Unkown" or "Stopping" This is an error with the TC Admin monitor that will usually resolve itself within 30-45 minutes.

Your server is still online and playable during this time. Please submit a support ticket and we will take care of the issue if it continues.

UPDATE Friday 1/25 7:22 PM

We'll be granting access to our new tool for all of our private hive users over the next few hours!

Edited by SurvivalServers

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[. . .] Although I know how to unban, but it keeps putting the bans BACK IN after I save the db and deleted the bans!!

We had the same issue on ours but it was due to DayZ Anti-Hax. For us anyway it was due to Anti-Hax re-applying bans for things still in the logs. Such as "Banned for xxxxx remoteexec" *remove ban in bans.txt* "Re-bans player upon log-in". We had to go in and delete the logs files from the File Manager and (this part may not be needed) reupload a blank file with the correct name/extension. It gave that log a blank slate to work off and Anti-Hax didn't ban for old "incidents" again. Anti-Hax, for us anyways, is so annoyingly sensitive to things it does get annoying as hell but we try to keep on top of it. :)

We actually have an issue with BEC atm that SS is helping us resolve and, unless we're special, aren't having any issues with responce times or 'lack of help' that so many are mad about. Then again I have helped people from a tech support type role before so I've learned to be extremely patient. Did have 1 ticket that was a bit 'lack-luster' but my mood likely didn't help how I saw it. Having used small companies in a few games I've learned it may take time but for the most part they try their best to help, people just have to be patient and level-headed.

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Ever since this new update my server is screwed. It will prob Mon or Tues day before its fixed. The tools dont work because they didnt associate at server ip to them. This inturn has made it so that once a player dies they can't respawn now.

Edited by Kingjohn

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Ever since this new update my server is screwed. It will prob Mon or Tues day before its fixed. The tools dont work because they didnt associate at server ip to them. This inturn has made it so that once a player dies they can't respawn now.

On the players not being able to respawn:

That is impossible for the Tool to mess up your server as you have stated. It is likely a completely unrelated issue.

"The tools dont work because they didnt associate at server ip to them"

This is an easy fix just submit a support ticket and we'll fix your dayztools access.

Edited by SurvivalServers

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Hi! i am waiting now for my server for over 24h hours. And i would like to know when will it be set up?

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Hi! i am waiting now for my server for over 24h hours. And i would like to know when will it be set up?

Please let me know your ticket # or send me a private message with your transaction ID from paypal.

Paypal was having a brief issue last night where no transactions were showing up, the issue has been fixed we just had to manually import a few payments.

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Well the servers are good if you dont mind waiting around for support i know most sites give support in under 2 hours or some are even under 1 hour..

It has ftp access which is nice but... Bought silentwarriors antihacks and i need the rcon password tried the password from the file on 3 different tools it wont work so i opened a ticket admin is replying on forums saying please wait 24 hours.. (Why he didnt just help there and then is beyond me).

Shall keep you all informed how my experience with these guys are.

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