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NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

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Trash talking in a thread about clan recruitment will SURELY get you recruited to said clan.....


I was giving them motivation to search, because they now know a UAV is about and working. I do not know where you got the impression that I was quote "trash talking" them. :dodgy:

Besides, even if I don't get accepted, I'm going to participate their vehicle search tonight.

Oh, and congrats on those lucky ones who have been accepted.

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I have 20 applications to read plus a WoW community to manage, so I'm sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring some of you.

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I bet that sooner or later someone will infiltrate your group and steal all your goods along with murdering anyone around when they do it.

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Steam USERname:Bone saw

Experience with DayZ:Not very , good at surviving tho

Are you willing to work in a team:Very much so.

Are you comfortable with the controls:yes

Do you have a mic:yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak:sey

What other clans have you been in:None.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):N\A

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I bet that sooner or later someone will infiltrate your group and steal all your goods along with murdering anyone around when they do it.

I'm aware of clan greifers. Reason we don't give the coordinates to our base right away.

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Name: Sluss

Steam USERname: matts44

Experience with DayZ: over a month

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Very also a decent pilot

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: No

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): N/A

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im the only no english speaking guy at ventrilo?, its frustating when you cant communicate with others!!! even more when youre nervous about if youre gonna said it right!!!

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I would like to report that 2 of your men shot my friend between 1 and 4 PM in chernogorsk on the UK 7 server, afther respawn, me and my friend took 1 of these men out and retrieved the stolen goods, please keep your men under control

yours sincerly,

a survivor

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I would like to report that 2 of your men shot my friend between 1 and 4 PM in chernogorsk on the UK 7 server' date=' afther respawn, me and my friend took 1 of these men out and retrieved the stolen goods, please keep your men under control

yours sincerly,

a survivor


What were their names? We're US based.

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Name: Evan

Steam USERname: Weeks

Experience with DayZ: A bit. I'm much more comfortable as a scout/sneak than an assaulter, though.

Are you willing to work in a team: Absolutely.

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yeah.

Do you have a mic: Yep.

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yep.

What other clans have you been in: See my groups here on steam.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): Haven't.

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Name: Michael

Steam USERname: Darkness

Experience with DayZ: Minimal (learning the ropes)

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes, please!

Are you comfortable with the controls: So far, learning them still

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: None

I am really interested in playing Day Z with a group of decent people, going at it alone is boring/suicidal and getting shot by every person you see is not so great, either.

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Name: Ben

Steam USERname: Da_Reapa1

Experience with DayZ: a few days, i know what im doing.

Are you willing to work in a team: yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: as comfortable as you can be with Arma II controls...

Do you have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: yes

What other clans have you been in: none

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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Name: Dan

Steam USERname: Pomegranate

Experience with DayZ: About a month.

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: None.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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You bastards declared war on CHRTB. Hope you had fun having one of your camps blown up by pipebombs :p

Oh and I do respect your name though, thats really cool. (I like fallout to)

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Name: Cory

Steam USERname: FreeKill0

Experience with DayZ: 2 or 3 weeks?

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes, playing as a team is the most sure fire way to survive.

Are you comfortable with the controls: For the most part. I can do everything needed, if I do need help I quickly search.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes...

What other clans have you been in: None, Lone wolfing it.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): --------

I'd love to be a part of an organized division of safety and counter-bandits.

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Wow, the organization has really improved. I like this thread! :D Good luck to you guys.

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Name: Kane

Steam USERname: Kane

Experience with DayZ: About 4 days. But on free Arma II before I got CO I played with a pretty good military clan known as ROC.

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: 100%

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: As I said, ROC. Or, rain of chaos. I was one of the three Co-Founders of the clan.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): I left when I found the clan was changing its ideals and became more anti-fun and anti-comradery and started splitting into little friendship groups instead of acting like one whole clan.

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Name: Marauder Shields

Steam USERname: That_One_Green_Elephant

Experience with DayZ: Played for a good chunk of time, familiar with the gist of it.

Are you willing to work in a team: Definitely

Are you comfortable with the controls: Of course.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yup

What other clans have you been in: None.

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Steam USERname:jsimpson667

Experience with DayZ:been playing for alittle over a month now, been some highs been some lows

Are you willing to work in a team:always im currently working with an anti bandit group, but am always on the look out for more allies

Are you comfortable with the controls:yes id say ive got an good grasp of them

Do you have a mic:yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak:yes im happy to use teamspeak

What other clans have you been in:Shadow of Humanity(anti bandit group)

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):nop still working with this clan, just looking for more friendly's to work with.

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Just got betrayed by a bunch of these fellas really would not recommend people join them looking for a survivor group, they are bandits.

Sorry it was just a clan with the same tag as this one, doh.

Edited by InspectorBumHat

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