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NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

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its called RP, and i really like the idea guys. Been reading the fallout bible, and its great stuff. I f i wasn't in a clan yet, you would have had me, but sorry im booked already

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Hi! excelent proposal!

English is not my first language, i speak it, maybee not too good but at least i can understund you , i hope this isnt a problem.

Name: Coin

Steam USERname: chantaje87

Experience with DayZ: 2 weeks, i walked the map almost entirely now in various directions, longest char life 6 days.

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: None

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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Steam USERname: Muto Kazuki

Experience with DayZ: Been on it for a few weeks

Are you willing to work in a team:Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls:Yes

Do you have a mic:Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak:Yes

What other clans have you been in: 10th Panzergrenadier regiment (I44 mod)

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): Wanted to try something new and I had been there a long time.

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Name: Abyss

Steam USERname: Geiss95

Experience with DayZ: Videos/Some gameplay

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: None

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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Name: Alexander

Steam USERname: aaron831

Experience with DayZ: Lot of experience surviving solo and playing as a large group of 10+, know the north east quadrant of Chernarus very well without a map.

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes, but please not Skype.

What other clans have you been in: None

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): N/A

Its worth adding I'm from the UK but usually end up playing on the US servers anyways, I don't notice any lag at all usually.

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Name: FredGavioesBR

Steam USERname: FredGavioes

Experience with DayZ: 1 week, still need to improve, but i pick up things fast

Are you willing to work in a team: Hell YES!!

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes, got everything!

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes YES yes

What other clans have you been in: None

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

Want to join a group, tired of getting shot by bandits and no trusting anyone!

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Name: FieldMedic

Steam USERname: FieldMedic (avatar: red cross inside a white circle with a black background)

Experience with DayZ: 2-3 weeks. Currently on a 10 day character looking for a group to survive with!

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes.

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes.

What other clans have you been in: None thus far.

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): N/A.

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Name: JorgenSF (Jorgen ingame)

Steam USERname: jorgen485

Experience with DayZ: Played it for about 2-3 months, had Arma for about a year.

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Skype and Teamspeak, but i can get vent aswell.

What other clans have you been in: None in DayZ

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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I'm willing to join. I just got my head blown the fuck off by some dude I was saluting friendly to. That is just wrong, I need team-mates. I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: sent you a PM on this site

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If some of you don't get a message from me it's because I got far more applications than I was expecting, give it time.

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Yo Jack I sent you a friend request over Steam like you asked, but you declined it?

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Yo Jack I sent you a friend request over Steam like you asked' date=' but you declined it?


I had about 15 friend requests, I may have accidentally passed yours. Add me again.

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I had about 15 friend requests' date=' I may have accidentally passed yours. Add me again.


All well and good. I understand, but now it's giving me an error when I re-send. Why don't you add me?:


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Name: Michael

Steam USERname: Egor

Experience with DayZ: Been playing alone and with small groups for about a month

Are you willing to work in a team: Yes

Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes

Do you have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes

What other clans have you been in: None

Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):

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Name: DrHellNo

Steam USERname: R.J. MacReady


Experience with DayZ: Been playing for about 3-4 weeks, usually run with a small group of friends (3-5) but they seem to be playing different things these days. I usually prefer to be the point man, but I can easily adjust to any role in a group setting.

Are you willing to work in a team: Absolutely, Lone Wolf gets pretty boring =(

Are you comfortable with the controls: Oh Yeah, found the inventory to be clunky at first but I've gotten pretty speedy with it.

Do you have a mic: Yep

Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Of Course

What other clans have you been in: Haven't been in any ARMA 2 clans.

EDIT: I have been in realism units in other games (battlefield, planetside and R6, to name a few) and really enjoy that type of environment. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy just messing around and having a good time. (After all it is a game!) Also, sent you a FR on Steam, Jack.

Thanks for looking!

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Had our first meeting today with a peak of 10 players in vent. All met up and raided a bandit camp a member found. Was quite successful.

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I sent you 2 emails, a private message, and I added you on steam. Why haven't you even acknowledged that you have gotten the app.? It is frustrated from someone who posts on how the clan is up and running, without even accepting all the applicants first.

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As you can see by the thread, Jack got a lot more interest in people joining up than he initially expected.

Also I'm pretty sure he needs sleep just like the rest of us :P

Just be patient man, Jack will get to you soon.

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Hey, your home server is Dallas 20 right? Well someone has a jeep. They saw me at Guglovo, a town southeast of Stary Sobor, and shot me. I just noticed that tonight you guys were going vehicle hunting, so I figured I'd taunt you guys with the fact that there is a working jeep out there already.

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Trash talking in a thread about clan recruitment will SURELY get you recruited to said clan.....


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Is side chat disabled on Dallas 20? I tried joining to see if I could meet up with some NCR folks, but I couldn't actually communicate and I didn't see anyone else talking. I'm going to try and see if restarting my client works.

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Goals updated' date=' as two have been met.


I don't think you've messaged me on steam...I sent you a PM on this site, so. Still waiting.

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Like I said before, give Jack some time, he will get to you this evening more than likely.

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