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DayZGame graphics...

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RV4 HELLS YEAH!!! thanks guys, for clearing this out.

only thing I hope they exclude all that phsyx stuff out of dayz game. I hate to see an 2500k intel cpu struggling to generate decent fps while some cheap ragdoll effects on screen just cuz of amd gpu.... /place [FUCK YOU NVIDIA I WONT BUY ANY OF YOUR PRODUCT] here

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RV4 HELLS YEAH!!! thanks guys, for clearing this out.

only thing I hope they exclude all that phsyx stuff out of dayz game. I hate to see an 2500k intel cpu struggling to generate decent fps while some cheap ragdoll effects on screen just cuz of amd gpu.... /place [FUCK YOU NVIDIA I WONT BUY ANY OF YOUR PRODUCT] here


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RV4 HELLS YEAH!!! thanks guys, for clearing this out.

only thing I hope they exclude all that phsyx stuff out of dayz game. I hate to see an 2500k intel cpu struggling to generate decent fps while some cheap ragdoll effects on screen just cuz of amd gpu.... /place [FUCK YOU NVIDIA I WONT BUY ANY OF YOUR PRODUCT] here

You can't blame Intel for your poor choice in graphics processor.

ATI were the best for years and years (I sold them over nvidia for about 10 years) until one day they sucked, and have since never recovered.

I'm not a fanboy of any company, I just buy and sell to my customers, whichever is best at the time.

PhysX is actually quite awesome... are nvidia assholes for making it proprietary? Sure are... but that doesn't make the technology shit.


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