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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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I have this error now when connecting to any server. Not sure what caused it, my friend and I were playing earlier today and then died. Earlier in the day we had updated to 94209, which caused BattleEye to throw us off, so we went back to 94103.

Not sure how I look up my ID.

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same problem here. really frustrating. cant join any server! fix that pls

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I'm bugged too... grrr, just as I was walking up on an abandoned bus I got disconnected.

ID: 21411846

IGN: Randiesel

Also, If you'd like to replace the 3 extra STANAG SD Mags that were in my backpack before I joined the server, that would be fantastic too.

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Started last night for me and a friend. I patched the game to 94209 now but haven't gone online yet. Such a huge thread i'm wondering what this update actually is?

ARMA2 update?

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its simple to reinstall only the 93965 ... but it dosnt work for me :(

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Does your player ID contain letters ? If yes then it's a bug and you just have to wait but if no then it's something else

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Does your player ID contain letters ? If yes then it's a bug and you just have to wait but if no then it's something else

There are only numbers in my player ID

IGN: [T2DK] Rick Deckard

ID: 26106630

My current version after installing the update -tried both separately- linked in this thread is 1.60.94104

Version Required is 1.60.94209

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repatch wont work for me ...and im w8 since days...im a armaX user so i have letters!! the fix should have been out mondy...well i know all of u working for free and so on...(blabla) all ok for me!! BUT a) it seems like u guys fu*ked up (well it was working for arma x user befor) and not rly care about the few 100 armax players, and just say wait wait wait for update we want 2 release bothe at once... b) is u fix like 50 ids manualy and told us its just a tiny hive fix ...ahhhh wtf!? this is kind of unfair for the rest dont u think?! (im talking about 4or5 dayz)

so it feels for me basically u dont rly care about the armax players ...(go and buy normal arma or just w8 w8 w8 with no date since last mondy when the patch should be out) and i personally dont even care about the new update i just want 2 play like i did befor !!! sry,but slowly this is making me angry

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repatch wont work for me ...and im w8 since days...im a armaX user so i have letters!! [...] sry' date='but slowly this is making me angry


They still don't owe you anything. It was fucked up before because ArmaX users shared their ID's with other accounts. That makes people mad. Spawning somewhere else in the woods knowing that some douche died with your character and made all your equip dissapear.

Have a nice day!

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and now explain the rest of my post

Well, I'm an Arma X user as well. But I don't feel like they don't care about me, since they said they are going to fix it. Patience!

The rest of the post: egoism and bad mood.

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