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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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Hello. I waiting third day, but i cannot play, cannot connect any servers. Please help.

Name: Speedway

Id: 13210630

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plz check my profile, why we waiting so long!

Name: Volodja

ID: 3165956

dayz 1715

arma 16093965

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Мое имя: MakapoHa

ID: 2053380

жду 4ый день

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Жду 3ий день

I'm waiting third day !

Nickname : Doupe

Id : 2706244

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All you people saying HELP HELP OMG three or four days without dayz, i have been without dayz for 1 month because of this bug and they will not fix it so we will not be able to play until its released. Thanks for reading and just cause u cant play for 3 days doesnt mean ur life's over

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Was playing last night ok after patching to 93965 then get this error this morning but I havent changed a thing? WTF?

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lol, Mr.White Knight I love it. I have not been able to play for 2 months+ because of this and another bug. Just have to wait until the Devs have some time on their busy busy hands. I just pray Dev Jesus will deliver me.

Bump for love

My player ID: 11026054

Name: Joaquin

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Please fix! the last life i had i found a crowbar and some ammo and the game let me load the ammo into the crowbar and shoot.

Username: Jameski

ID: 24836358


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I also faced this problem. Helped nothing what to do?

Or if there is a possibility it is possible to null an account?

if Yes, pls do it account steam spark_tm.

PS, Sorry for my English :D

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