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Forum / Security Notice - They trollinnnn

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hey luke, nimbles mate? :)

also: Destroy this douche with the law.

I just hope your prepared for not storing the information entrusted to you safely :P

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I regret to inform you but nothing that I have posted and am responsible for reveals his actual name' date=' age, address, etc. The only things posted by me are is one of his known gaming aliases, other information posted by users is also related to his gaming aliases.

Also the article you have posted does not apply to DayZ as dayzmod.com does not reside within the EU, not to mention even if it did apply to dayzmod.com the act clearly states:

personal data are: address, credit card number, bank statements, criminal record, etc.

None of this information is located on dayzmod.com

Not to mention his personal information such as name, address, etc are posted on the internet via Linkedin and various other websites. I like that you want to preserve this users identity and I respect that, I to hold the responsibility to withhold such information but as I said, none of his actual personal information that is not public domain is posted on this website.


It doesn't really change the fact that to a certain degree your post incited some people to look up his personal info and use it to harass him. I'm far from saying that you openly asked other people to mob him, but still... not cool.

He accessed information he shouldn't have, i don't understand why you would back-up a prick as he is. If he didn't want his information leaked, then he shouldn't have been such an dumbass and get into our system.

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Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea, he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!

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Well nuts. All that campaigning I did to better the community is now gone. I have to start this crap ALL over again, which means dealing with every whine and moan from the word go.

Oh lord. I'm actually starting to feel a bit bad for this kid. Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!


If they do this, then they prove we don't deserve to have the internet.

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Oh lord. I'm actually starting to feel a bit bad for this kid. Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!


I'm sure the sheer awesomeness of this kid's ego and his mom's basement will shield him from the flames and/or bullets. I wouldn't worry about it.

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea, he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!

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This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Pretty damn sure the guy was joking. Lighten up!

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im still waiting for the picture of the lynch mob in the Toronto Sun Tomorrow morning

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!


Stop taking crap so serious lawl.

However the kid deserves a punch in the face.

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!



I never thought it was a good idea, if I did it'd be posted. Just go find him on Dayz if you ever see him and torch his virtual house. Stick to violent video games, that's why we have them.

Again, people calm down with this stuff, getting a bit extreme here.. It's only the internet...

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!



I never thought it was a good idea, if I did it'd be posted. Just go find him on Dayz if you ever see him and torch his virtual house. Stick to violent video games, that's why we have them.

Again, people calm down with this stuff, getting a bit extreme here.. It's only the internet...

So what type of accountability are you taking for having our info taken from the backup database as per International law you are supposed to be emailing all customers that may be effected you realize amoung other things right ?

and 3 week old backups seems a little ridiculous to me why not have a job that creates them it takes 5 minutes to write a script

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It's only the internet...

Internet and virtual itamz/posts/karma are SERIOUS BUSINESS! >:l

(Tbh, I don't think anyone would bother to do anything towards the guy or rather I think the majority are mature people and the rest is basement dwellers here...). :D

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As of 3am this morning, Apocalypse Gaming members were doing a car recovery operation. Yes, Apples aka Despected on our forums was a member of Apocalypse Gaming. He was ghosting us on our Team Speak and hacking us on our server, Atlanta 3.

We were all over the map looking for car parts to fix a vehicle, when [Apoc]Fox who was in Nedezhdino trying to link up with [Apoc]BallisticPanda was killed by a high pitched weapon, such as a Saw or m240. Then, [Apoc]BallisticPanda was shot out of the car within a few seconds by an automatic weapon ,such as a SAW or m240 at Staryoe. Luckily, he was incapicated and bleeding out, when [Apoc]Hobowithrpg came to bandage


[Apoc]Hobowithrpg saw the name tag, Apples.

[Apoc]Hobowithrpg asked Apples on Team Speak if he was shooting at us, Apples quickly said it was some hacker with a name changing user. [Apoc]Hobo then tried to kill him, when he saw 3 zombies chasing him into a bush, then, some of the zombies stopped chasing him in the bush, and for some reason ran off in a whole different direction. It was then concluded that apples was ghosting us, so we shut down the Atlanta 3 server.

We concluded it was apples when he told us he infiltrated another clan before to ambush them and take their gear. We then got both his IP from Team Speak when he tried to come on as a member under the name [Apoc]Nick.

When we did not have a member named Nick on the website, we banned Apples and his aliases on Team Speak. [Apoc]Inu was working on our server box to get his Arma GUID when he was interrupted and booted off the VPS as well as being locked out from the VPS. Luckily, he took a screen shot of the GUID right before he got booted, we then collected the information and handed them over to the Developers, specifically Matt Lightfoot and Tonic.

In conclusion, we did have a hacker infiltrate our clan, but we quickly and got rid of him once his true nature was uncovered.

On behalf of Apocalypse Gaming, we are deeply sorry the rest of you had to go through this ordeal.

If you want some pictures of proof, go to the bottom of page 7 and look at Justin.Beaver's post.

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Torch his house! Its legal aslong as they don't catch you! Everyone get out your riot pitchforks we're going to Toronto!

This right here is the main reason Tonic should've kept his mouth shut.

Oh my lord. Do you idiots realize what they will do to this kid if they find him? Tonic honestly thought posting his info was a good idea' date=' he is going to get killed, or his house firebombed...... good freaking job Tonic! Let the internet masses hand out internet justice!



I never thought it was a good idea, if I did it'd be posted. Just go find him on Dayz if you ever see him and torch his virtual house. Stick to violent video games, that's why we have them.

Again, people calm down with this stuff, getting a bit extreme here.. It's only the internet...

So what type of accountability are you taking for having our info taken from the backup database as per International law you are supposed to be emailing all customers that may be effected you realize amoung other things right ?

and 3 week old backups seems a little ridiculous to me why not have a job that creates them it takes 5 minutes to write a script

Users passwords are hashed by the forum software with a specific salt, cracking the passwords are not that big of a security threat unless your password is 123 then that just means you have a poor choice in passwords.

We're going to follow up with a mass wide email shortly along with a guide for users to be aware of security ways to protect their other personal information. Most of it is pretty common such as never using the same password for multiple accounts, never use any personal information in your passwords, etc.

The backup thing wasn't of high priority for a few reasons as we have a lot of other bigger things going on not to mention when we switch the forum software over in the coming weeks all data is going to be whiped and the new forum will be completely clean where users will have to re-register and posts, etc will be gone accept for the important ones.

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You realise his IP and his GUID are still shown in the pictures.

...I somewhat actually hope his IP gets passed onto reddit and 4chan. Script kiddie gets real hackers onto his ass, now that's quite amusing to watch.

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So, with this, I'm thinking of consolidating all that I have written into one large blog-post about harassment and the virtual community. Any idea on a good place to post it? It wouldn't be a continual blog unless people ask me, but it would be a backup in case this happens again.

Edit: from over 300 posts down to 180... x_x I'm not mad just...blegh...never doing that again.

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