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The Manager

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  1. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I think you might have just been lucky for a month. I've tried completely removing DayZ and updating manually many times and also using six updater and neither fix the issue. One other person here even tried removing Arma2 completely and then reinstalling and issue persisted none the less. EDIT: Just updated the first post to include troublshooting so people don't have to read the whole thread to see what everyone's tried. Let me know if there's anything you've tried and I'll add it in.
  2. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    So I've updated my bug report to mention that this definitely occurs after the Debug Monitor disappears and delayed item use. I gonna take a massive stab in the dark and say this issue isn't between the client and the server but rather the server and the hive. Possibly some issue where the hive isn't/can't update your account. That's my guess. Would love for the staff just to mention what they think it might be.
  3. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Yeah this really needs attention at some stage. I'm still getting it intermittently and it can really ruin your dayz night. Yep I know it's alpha but this is a major issue for the few of us that are getting it.
  4. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    And still this plagues me. Why?
  5. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Nope my fix didn't work either, issue persists. Yeah I know one other person who gets this issue. For me it seems to be linked to my debug monitor disappearing, if I disconnect as soon as I see that's it's gone and log back on I can avoid telebugging. This is pretty annoying.
  6. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Ok so I tried a couple of things and played for 2 hours with no issues so I may have fixed it. Heres what I did: In Steam I verified the integrity of game cache for both Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA Installed 6 Updater and updated from that. Will keep you guys posted if it's still working or breaks again.
  7. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I'm also getting an issue with my Debug Monitor disappearing and coming back randomly. Also if I drink or eat something it takes about 1-2mins to action. Not sure if its all related?
  8. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I donno. I sure would like to hear something from the staff about it. I imagine they have a shit tonne of other stuff to get on top of though.
  9. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Let us know if this works. Hopefully it doesn't because I'm not really looking forward to paying for 15gb of data again. (retarded New Zealand internet)
  10. The Manager

    Guess what?

    Ban. Seriously, what do you want? A feature where you can submit your gun license when you make your profile so you can start with one?
  11. The Manager

    Force logout at a camp?

    I think there's something to this idea but I think it needs more thought.
  12. The Manager

    Pushing zeds over

    Sorry if this has already been suggested. I'd like to see a way of pushing zeds over as not to hurt them but rather just to buy some running away time. This would be good for when you start with no weapon and times when you know a bandit is around and you dont want to alert them by using a gun. Would be awesome if you could use this on other survivors too so in a situation where a hoard is on to a group of you, you could turn on a friend and push them down so the zeds go for them while you leg it. Obviously pushing would will be useless in a hoard situation and it should also have a small risk of getting hit so it wouldn't really nerf zeds at all. Thoughts?
  13. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I'd love to hear something from the staff as to why this might be happening and what we might be able to try to fix this. I'm perfectly willing to provide more information and/or test this further if some staff gave me a bit of direction.
  14. The Manager

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Ha I know what you mean, I got into a big argument with a friend just last night when we were following the power lines past Dubrovka on a rainy night. He somehow got way ahead of me and was telling me that I must've been heading the wrong way but I knew that I was always heading down hill. It wasn't until about 20minutes later that I got telebugged back to another old location that I clicked what actually happened earlier. I've since updated to and updated all the other mod files and beta and I still I'm having this issue. It makes dayz almost unplayable. At one stage for no particular reason using all the same files etc. I had a day or two without any telebugs. Disconnecting doesn't seem to make any difference for me, if it's happening it's gonna happen no matter what I seem to try. Are you guys running any other programs in the background? I usually have JDownloader and/or Firemin running in the background and I've had problems with these guys interfering with other programs and games in the past. I've tried turning them off while playing dayz but I still get the same issue.