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Rather than the Respawn Button....

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Every player should start with a noose in their backpack so that they can walk to the tree line and say good bye crule zombie infested world. And their will be a forest just north of Kamenka full players swinging in the breeze.

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Now if you are gonna kill yourself, make sure to check the bodies on ur way. I found NVGs, rangefinder, and a Coyote Backpack on a dead person in Kamenka on my way to suicide XD

Needless to say, i didnt kill myself.

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You have my beans too. Little things like this add a lot to the game. With this can come the ability to forcibly execute people too. Take them hostage and hang them in the forest, or in the church!

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I thought the idea of removing respawn, was to stop peeps killing themselves to get a better spawn point?

Cool idea but dont give peeps the rope to begin with, cant we just have a good old lynching like the old days? Hated it when the council put an end to that, fucking party poopers!

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so... we commit suicide by hanging ourselves so that we can respawn...

uhh..... no thanks, i like my neck as it is

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yeah, like half the people who spawn in kamenka don't freaking kill themselves anyways.

Edited by Slide885

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As I've seen in some DayZ videos where there are zombies being hung by nooses, this would by perfect! You'd have to have the swinging affect in the breeze though!

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So kind of like a Day Z "Aokigahara"? (edit: sorry, didnt see the earlier post)

That place creeps me out...

Edited by the horror

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Awesome suggestion there,

On suicide, Its also a shame you cant shoot yourself. I have fallen off a deertower in the middle of nowhere without morphine once before. I had to crawl to find a zombie to kill me. It would have been nice to have the ability to blow my own head off.

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For some weird reason I was teleported to the debug hills upon entering my usual server. All my items were gone. Ran until I starved to death. Even a noose couldn't help me. D:

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For some weird reason I was teleported to the debug hills upon entering my usual server. All my items were gone. Ran until I starved to death. Even a noose couldn't help me. D:

If you had logged out and logged back in you would of been at the beach with all your gear....

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