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Dayz, fanboyz myths , and impact of hacking on the game [different approach]

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I've been playing the game for over a month and I've never met a confirmed hacker. On my recently bought server the vehicles don't spawn yet and when I saw a chopper today I reset it while it was in the air. I might be lucky... I usually played on servers with 10-20 people during the day, 4-8 night. I've had my share of pvp.

Well you're lucky, my last two deaths have been to hackers. The last one killed me before I even spawned, then revived me without my kit and dropped all the victims into the debug plains. Game is screwed, and anyone playing the mod in it's current state is mad, stupid, or PvP in Electro.

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This is why my friends and I play on a private server. until stand alone dayz is fucked.

PM me if u want to join our private server

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I was actually teleported twice, and one time my guy started to do a dance while I was running in the woods.

ESC-->Abort-->New Server each time worked.

So that's three hackers across probably ~15 different servers and lets call it 24 days since I probably took a day off here or there.

I'm not here to argue that hacking isn't a major issue. But it's big enough on its own without the help of silly hyperbole, questionably-conducted "studies," or the constant forum spam we have to deal with every day.

Well you must not try to engage in very much PvP, I 'fought' 5 people tonight, 2 of them were invincible god mode hackers.

It's about a 50/50 ratio of 'god mode' to legit players these days.

Luckily, like most hackers they sucked and even in god mode they couldn't kill any of us, which is a pleasant change.

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Well you must not try to engage in very much PvP, I 'fought' 5 people tonight, 2 of them were invincible god mode hackers.

It's about a 50/50 ratio of 'god mode' to legit players these days.

Luckily, like most hackers they sucked and even in god mode they couldn't kill any of us, which is a pleasant change.

when i read this i can say you are a regular dayz player and it makes me glad to read this as so many casual gamers can't understand this fact because they just don't play / engage / enough.

i won't be able to prove my numbers as the tool i developped is now banned by battleye ;)

i wanted to see if lingor was affected too , i tried to play that mod and the same happened got killed everytimes after 1hour or 2 of playing , whatever server low or high population.

i had nothing to monitor that time but its not required anymore as i know excatly knows when its due to hacking or not, some invisble guys would randomly teleport to me , sd shoot me , breaks my legs , make me blood in loops without any shots.. and so on.

i don't think im the unluckiest guy in the earth and i know that happens to other regular players aswell

only solution i found is actually playing on a private hive passworded server and this is exactly what im gonna do waiting for the standalone.

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I liked that he coded software to create his hack.

What language did you use - especially in correlation to Arma 2s own language?

How did you decide to bypass Battleye?

Nice story, OP, gave me a good laugh.

If anything you used the public release tool and got insta-banned the next day.

Especially because you got banned. There is very little chance a private bypass you developed and solely used got detected so fast - or even at all.

Move on, OPs a liar.

Also, yes there a lot of hackers.

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Only time I met a hacker was in ghillie

Vehicles, very very rare. Usually off map.

Sounds legit. Always wondered where all the vehicles were. Surely at least once you would find one at a spawn location.

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What you're saying might be true for high-pop servers but servers with ~20 people during peak-time don't seem to be affected by this problem. I have never encountered a hacker on a low-pop server, except for someone who saw me through trees in a very, very suspicious fashion hence I aborted just like when a hacker teleports me.

The difference between certain servers is brutal, at this point you are asking to get killed if you insist on joining high-pop servers. Find yourself a decent low-medium server and you'll probably avoid most of the problems you're currently experiencing.

From my experience in many situations people claim someone is cheating just because they don't entirely understand what happened, but more often than not it probably was a legit kill and given the current situation, it's hard to tell the difference and it simply comes down to a 'maybe'.

Fact remains, this won't change much in the coming months and all you can do is deal with it or wait for the standalone.

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Welcome to online multiplayer gaming. To be fair, DayZ has more "hackers" then any other game I have ever played and that's mainly because the ArmA engine is designed to allow scripting, a lot of that is what make ArmA great though. That being said, most of your conclusions are incredibly weaksauce.

No vehicles on a server at all, must be hacking? What about that common bug where all vehicles will vanish on restart, then reappear on a later restart? Repaired a vehicle and the next day found it destroyed? Must be hacking, couldn't possibly be that another player simply found it and destroyed it, I mean it's not like players actually go looking for hidden vehicles or anything and fuck your hiding spot was so good. Spawn at an airfield wearing a ghille and are killed, must be hacking, because nobody ever camps airfields, and hell that ghille suit pretty much makes you invisible, not like anybody uses thermal either. Killed at night, must be hacking, not like there is a piece of equipment in the game to give you vision at night or anything.

Since the introduction of the new BattlEye features last week, servers with competent admins can actually significantly reduce most of the hacking players experience each day, 100% of the obvious cheaters I have encountered since then (teleporting, spawning weapons, spawning vehicles, invincibility, parachuting cows, turning players into animals, players dancing etc) have shown up in the logs and they can be banned within minutes with active admins monitoring them, there are even rcon tools to parse the logs and automatically kick/ban when a cheater is logged. http://www.reddit.co...simple_console/

Obviously things like esp/radar/aimbots are always going to be a problem, that's not an issue unique to DayZ though, nor are the majority of complaints about them. You offered no solutions regardless, so you cheated and risked a global ban to tell us something we already knew. I hope it was worth it. Cheating is a massive problem in DayZ, no doubt. The only conclusion I could draw from your post though was that you are the type of player who will always blame cheating for your own ineptitude.

At least this gave me a laugh, ten meats you couldn't code shit.

the cheat was detected by battleeye since few days , but i wasnt banned because i used my own source and injected the reading memory process of my tool in a low level driver kernel (like a rootkit).

only the script kiddies got banned on that one. im still alive but not stupid i wont use it anymore.

i was just reading memory process. people who got banned on that used the original source code and got instant banned.

it was coded and tweaked in visual studio 2010 c++ then injected in a low level driver rootkit to avoid battleeye scans. ( i wasnt sure if battleeye was looking for the function i was using or looking at a process signature but after the instant ban i saw on kiddies i can pretty much tell they got busted by signature scanning.)

script kiddies got banned but not me

i admit im not the best coder on earth , but i can write some , i am more specialized in stealth and hidding methods and this explains why im still here while all the people who leaked that code are gone.

can i have my ten meats now ?

new battle eye function is for scripting and we are here speaking about teleporting / aimbot : locators it won't change anything actually.

as a veteran player and the numbers of game i played i can tell you i know the difference between a bug server that has nothing spawned and need a restart and a unealthy server that got hacked with all vehicles destroyed. dont make me be what i am not when you dont even know my experience of the game.

is quite easy to judge people and believe stupid myth and from what i seen you never get there yourself to check if it was the case or not risking your account to get banned , so next time before accusing me of nonsense , just try it ;)

i actually see 2 different kind of players

-casual that don't play the game enough to go over 10hours+ survival

those players wont die , they are rarely target of hackers (except when they are bored)

at that casual gamerate you will survive full weeks (and that happened to me asweel when i was a newb)

-veterans , as rocket said once you seen every aspects of the game and you are fully geared you then move on another type of gameplay : player killing, human hunt.

those veterans have usualy 10hours + survival and are fuly geared / NVG / coyote / range finder / any sniper + thermal gun (ready for swtich in backpack)

those veterans are target of frustrated hackers "Oh noes another pk let me be the justice and kill him"

this is is scenario that is happening to me everytime i am fully geared and 10hour+ of survival

this scenario never happens with shitty gear.

tonight i just died instantly after loging in electro for a player hunt. i noticed the hacker only killed me on the server which i presume the guys must be thinking they are player killer hunters or police or whatever (i can't tell whats going on in a 16yo fag head)

my 2 cents , but ghillie + full stuff = instant death for me on any servers (except the one that have 3players)

but this is pretty contradictory as rocketsaid the only goals left when you see the entire game is pvp so i just guess i have to stop right now as i can't explore that aspect of the game.

only way for me to pvp actually is get a lee enfield and kill newbs for hours.

if i take my 10hours + survivor fully geared the pvp session will stop even before it started. Wake up fanboys.... wake up.....

Edited by Shuggoth

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can i have my ten meats now ?

Nope, all I see is more shit talking from you and jumping to more conclusions with nothing to back them up, I don't need hacks to see that.

Electro is a real safe place to spawn champ, must be hacks, nobody ever camps Electro or anything, pretty amusing that you consider yourself a veteran of the game yet you are still terrible at it, worked out where you can and can't save tents yet?

Edited by smasht_AU

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i got instantly killed with no gunshot sound. not camping ;) when i say elektro i spawn 1kilometer away in forest at night then i thermal vision scout,i dont spawn in middle. so... i wont argue anymore with someone close minded and convinced that i am some sort of attention whore that made all of this to require attention.

i just wanted to help the community to point on real problems.

my tents save perfectly , where did you read that bullshit ?

see you later on the standalopne fanboy :)

i have no problems at all with tents or gear. and this is why im actually only doing pvp because except repairing a chopper there is nothing more to discover for me

by the way if you want my camps location and see how newbie i was i'll give it to you all as im quitting dayz for some time ;) free nvgs and all highend stuff , all legit scavenged with my clan on vehicles.

if you sruvive more than 15mins on any server you logs with the gear i offer you. i might reconsider your point of view.

wanna oganize the challenge ? ill give you the stuff and you have to survive for more than 15min on random servers .

if you can survive more than 3 attemtps , i will buy you the standalone and few others games. : challenge accepted ? or pissing your pants because you know you are wrong but you just try to make me rage in a subtle troll way ? (oohhh you a reddit fanboy ,i shouldn't even read your posts i understand better why im talking to a close minded martian that wouldnt even believe his own mother (reddit people)

Edited by Shuggoth

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Tons of conclusions that you had to leap to, no verifiable numbers, no data. This is not a study.

Hackers are a problem. Hacking sucks. Nobody needs to be told this.

But they're not everyhwere. I'm on Day 26 and play daily. I would be dead many times over if hacking was anywhere near as ever-present as your "study" implies.

And beside that point, even if it WERE as common, what do you think you've accomplished by doing this apart from hopefully receiving a global ban? Do you think they're going to go "Oh, we thought it wasn't a big deal until that dude posted that one thread now we're totally going to flip the 'allow hackers' switch to OFF.

Someone is a liar.

I cant play on a fucking server for more than 2 hours without dying to a hacker.

Typical routine:

Spawn in Elektro

Run to mountain

Loot dead hacker with AS50-TWS & all tools

Run to Stary

Either die OTW to Stary by a teleporting scrub, or, as was the case a few minutes ago, manage to hear him in time to kill him, only to die to him 1 minute later when he reloads in because I was so dumb I actually assumed the kid might have been good enough to tail me for over 3km (good show julia, teleport hacks and I still roflsauced you)

Exit DayZ and remember why I cant play non-lingor anymore.

At least on Lingor you can get well geared in about 20 mins no matter where you spawn, as well as the fact that they are all private hives which prevents people logging to move behind you, and they are usually owned by clans who - if they are not hacking themselves - are fairly good about stalwartly policing their servers, thanks to GLOBAL CHAT BEING ENABLED SO WE CAN CALL THE SHITTIES OUT

So sick of you kids saying "durr i dont see hackers" because you suck so fucking bad that you dont know youre dying to a hacker every 5 minutes - and BTW, scripters are the same as hackers as far as the game is concerned.

I can deal with some punk spawning himself shit in every time he dies, because thats a telltale sign that hes too godaweful to pose a threat without a giant handicap, but when the kids start spawning behind you etc, its just plain dumb, and makes the game completely unplayable. You cannot even play in fucking 2 man servers anymore, literally 1/3 people are hacking in dayz now.

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So basically you were sniped from long distance hence why you didn't hear the shot, must be hacks.

You haven't actually offered anything to help the community at all, you just made a bunch of stuff up and jumped to baseless conclusions with nothing to back up your findings. We already knew scripting was a massive problem, we see that every day, blaming everything on hacking when there are a number of more logical conclusions though is a bit of a stretch

http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51096-can-you-save-tents-in-the-wilderness/ derp.

I'll pass on the camps, I have no problem finding my own gear, not like it's difficult with gear inflation nowadays.

Edited by smasht_AU

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scripting is not the problem here , to be honest i don't give a fuck if a guy spawns a chopper or weapons like crazy.

because i still have a chance in a pvp situation against a guy like this. (untill he is on godmode)

the problem is actually aimbot and wallhacks / teleports / no recoil / broking legs (all those are not working with scripts)

and this is exactly the ones i monitored.

8 death on 10 today where actually invisible hacker + break legs or blood loss unlimited.

i never die to crazy vehicles spawner or thunderdome or whatever , i never seen those.

i just die to guy who teleport next to me after i log on.

i admit my conclusion are too fast and uncocrrect for people who love Exact numbers. the 50/50 coinflip survival is actually relevant .even without monitoring i can still clearly see that i will die everytime after i get fully geared in my camp 5min i go arround a pvp place (still undercover)

for my tent post that was a special question as i wanted to set that tent in wilderness for sometimes to repair a car.

not for a main camp. if you read carefuly that post you would understand that i wanted to basicaly knew if i could save some tent in wilderness (yeah i wanted to exploit)

you are looking at a specific question concerning one tent in wilderness it was not about regular camps.

i am french and sometimes is difficult to understand me well as you seen in all my posts.

have a nice day

beanking : pm me one of your golden server and i'll fraps all the things you pretend as a lie. and youll see the problems dosent come from bad play at all or suicidal tendencies.

Edited by Shuggoth

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I wouldn't worry about Smasht's comments, OP. He is incapable of expressing any opinion without using his anus to do so.

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That's not what I am experiencing, since the implementation of the new logs, every time we have witnessed someone teleport, been invincible, invisible etc they have shown up in the logs, even the paid subscription hacks are using scripts, they might bypass BattlEye but they are still logged for admins to deal with.

I would say one of the biggest problems now is that most server admins, either do not know how to use the new features/read the logs or do not have active admins monitoring them.

Aimbots, ESP and no recoil hacks are the only ones I've seen that don't execute scripts, they aren't a problem unique to DayZ though, every shooter has those types of hacks and each game is reliant on it's anti cheat service to deal with them. These will still exist in standalone, just like they do in every popular FPS. That is the reality of online gaming.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Pretty much spot on Smasht_AU. The Admins can activate an automatic kick for alot of the scripts that are being used as well. Unfortunately not all of them are even doing this.

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scripting is not the problem here , to be honest i don't give a fuck if a guy spawns a chopper or weapons like crazy.

because i still have a chance in a pvp situation against a guy like this. (untill he is on godmode)

the problem is actually aimbot and wallhacks / teleports / no recoil / broking legs (all those are not working with scripts)

and this is exactly the ones i monitored.

8 death on 10 today where actually invisible hacker + break legs or blood loss unlimited.

i never die to crazy vehicles spawner or thunderdome or whatever , i never seen those.

i just die to guy who teleport next to me after i log on.

i admit my conclusion are too fast and uncocrrect for people who love Exact numbers. the 50/50 coinflip survival is actually relevant .even without monitoring i can still clearly see that i will die everytime after i get fully geared in my camp 5min i go arround a pvp place (still undercover)

for my tent post that was a special question as i wanted to set that tent in wilderness for sometimes to repair a car.

not for a main camp. if you read carefuly that post you would understand that i wanted to basicaly knew if i could save some tent in wilderness (yeah i wanted to exploit)

you are looking at a specific question concerning one tent in wilderness it was not about regular camps.

i am french and sometimes is difficult to understand me well as you seen in all my posts.

have a nice day

beanking : pm me one of your golden server and i'll fraps all the things you pretend as a lie. and youll see the problems dosent come from bad play at all or suicidal tendencies.

I'm sorry, did you just say those things don't use scripts?

You really have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Stop posting your shit, you've got no idea.

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