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TheDee (DayZ)

Rocket and team are Lazy/Incompetent/Do not know what they are doing.

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I love this posts....so funny....

this game is fuckin beta !! why dont u get it ?

and it is a mod. you did not buy Dayz !!!! you bought arma2!!

this is just a mod. Rocket does it for free....in...his free time...he does not have a lot of money he can invest in this mod like big companies! stop hating. make your own mod! If rocket doesnt feel to do this mod anymore...we are all screwed!

Besides that I guess they are working a lot on the standalone version right now. Wich is good ! I would prefer to play a buggy dayz for 2 more month to get a finished DayZ2 after!!


rocket - i love your work !

ehh... no

Rocket is employeed at Bohemia Interactive and has been re-employeed a month ago with a higher wage due to success with the mod

He does this for a living, not his free time

Totally agree people bought arma II, sure a lot bought it for dayz alone but again; that gives them zero right to cry about a mod.

No disrespect to rocket and his team but things need to be set straight with his fanboys

btw ALPHA not beta

Edited by v1ktor
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Oh, look! Another 'Rocket is the worst developer, I know exactly the direction this game should take' thread.

Alpha. Yes the excuse can be made here too.

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The fact that the standalone will be a different game is reason enough not to add new features to the mod to test.

They will be the same game but completely different in how some of the stuff works.

Read through the redit questions and answer stickied thread.

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lol, troll.

OP is lazy/incompetent/do not know what they are talking about.

ehh... no

Rocket is employeed at Bohemia Interactive and has been re-employeed a month ago with a higher wage due to success with the mod

He does this for a living, not his free time

Rocket was hired as a contractor to work on ARMA III's multiplayer, he was not BI staff

He was only properly hired as Lead for standalone DayZ by BI early August,

so from December until then DayZ was a one man project worked on in his spare time with no money.

Edited by ironman Tetsuo
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lol, troll.

OP is lazy/incompetent/do not know what they are talking about.

What are you talking about!? He always asks, "Do you want fries with that?" at his place of employment.

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After also playing since around May, I've been quick to defend Rocket. However, I'm starting to agree with OP. Think about it, BI just got a cash injection of around $30 Million. You'd think that they could hire a few people to work full time on this with Rocket. Instead, Rocket spends most of his time at conventions? This is starting to remind me of Notch and his constant vacations...

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I've been playing DayZ since mid/late May, but only been apart of the forums since mid June. In that time there have been zero updates to the gameplay for DayZ. The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it. Rocket and the team either have no idea where to take the "game" or are completely Incompetent in being able to finish the "game".

I'm not trying to sound like I'm some 1337 game designer because I'm not, but I am a gamer and I have been for years. I have been apart of betas and the vibe this "game" gives off is that it's not even in an alpha stage, a stage where content is added to see how it works within the game. Currently The feeling I get from this "game" is that it has no idea what it wants to be or do. We get updates that change the gameplay minutely, but it honestly gives us nothing. Where is the group play elements we were told were in development and "right around the corner"? They are nowhere to be seen. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.

What the fucking shit? It's been three months man, how the fuck much do you think a one-two man team can get done in that time frame? It takes years to develop games with full 200-man development teams.

Go, make a game and show Rocket how lazy he is working for free on a mod for a milsim that initially had nothing to do with zombies.

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After also playing since around May, I've been quick to defend Rocket. However, I'm starting to agree with OP. Think about it, BI just got a cash injection of around $30 Million. You'd think that they could hire a few people to work full time on this with Rocket. Instead, Rocket spends most of his time at conventions? This is starting to remind me of Notch and his constant vacations...

The deal just got struck for the standalone like what two weeks ago? Give the man a fucking break.

It's obvious shit isn't going good, and Rocket has said it himself repeatedly that the game exploded and outgrown his expectations tenfold. His response was to release a standalone product which they're doing.

The viral explosion of Day Z only really began in July. It's August now. One fucking month later.

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From that link:

You sir, have very clearly not played in many alpha testing phases, this game plays very smoothly considering it's dev state and the fact that it's a mod for an already buggy to all hell game (Seriously, go play the proper game, if you think you have it bad.

But more to the point of the OP

. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.

Short answer:

Long Answer: DayZ the standalone is being built on the Arma 3 engine, meaning that it will be it's own game, with optimization fine tuned for it's own specific needs and problems, rather than trying to piggyback off of a pre-existing game that -was never designed to support the kind of gameplay we exeperience every day in DayZ-

You ask what has changed, I ask what hasn't?

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I find that you have a bizarre perception of what Rocket & team have been doing over the last 3 months.

I don't believe you have been playing the game, either that or you are :

Lazy/Incompetent/Do not know what you are doing.

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I find that you have a bizarre perception of what Rocket & team have been doing over the last 3 months.

I don't believe you have been playing the game, either that or you are :

Lazy/Incompetent/Do not know what you are doing.

Oh snap.. forum team just threw down

what now bro


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I've been playing DayZ since mid/late May, but only been apart of the forums since mid June. In that time there have been zero updates to the gameplay for DayZ. The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it. Rocket and the team either have no idea where to take the "game" or are completely Incompetent in being able to finish the "game".

I'm not trying to sound like I'm some 1337 game designer because I'm not, but I am a gamer and I have been for years. I have been apart of betas and the vibe this "game" gives off is that it's not even in an alpha stage, a stage where content is added to see how it works within the game. Currently The feeling I get from this "game" is that it has no idea what it wants to be or do. We get updates that change the gameplay minutely, but it honestly gives us nothing. Where is the group play elements we were told were in development and "right around the corner"? They are nowhere to be seen. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.

That's not what your mom said last night!

Edited by Scott Pilgrim

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I've been playing DayZ since mid/late May, but only been apart of the forums since mid June. In that time there have been zero updates to the gameplay for DayZ. The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it. Rocket and the team either have no idea where to take the "game" or are completely Incompetent in being able to finish the "game".

I'm not trying to sound like I'm some 1337 game designer because I'm not, but I am a gamer and I have been for years. I have been apart of betas and the vibe this "game" gives off is that it's not even in an alpha stage, a stage where content is added to see how it works within the game. Currently The feeling I get from this "game" is that it has no idea what it wants to be or do. We get updates that change the gameplay minutely, but it honestly gives us nothing. Where is the group play elements we were told were in development and "right around the corner"? They are nowhere to be seen. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.

You sir, are seriously retarded. I personally wouldn't give a shit what rocket says or does because I didn't pay for this MOD(!!!!!!!).

All you guys complaining should get your shit straightened out because you are playing this MOD for free! No Charge, nothing, nada, niente.

That actually means, that absolutely NOONE (exept for the developer also known as "rocket") has a saying of what's happening to the mod.

He could just stop developing the mod/kill the database/flip us all off because he's done this as a hobby so far.

Luckily he'll get the opportunity to show if the concept of dayz will actually work on an industrial/global scale. And it could turn out to result in an awesome sandbox MMO :)

So I sincerely hope, that he puts ALL his effort into developing the standalone game because I probably WILL pay for that.

Just play the damn game if you like it or play something else, but don't waste your precious time by ranting on about ridiculous crap on the forums.

You might even be able to contribute by giving ACTUAL constructive feedback.

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I've been playing DayZ since mid/late May, but only been apart of the forums since mid June. In that time there have been zero updates to the gameplay for DayZ. The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it. Rocket and the team either have no idea where to take the "game" or are completely Incompetent in being able to finish the "game".

I'm not trying to sound like I'm some 1337 game designer because I'm not, but I am a gamer and I have been for years. I have been apart of betas and the vibe this "game" gives off is that it's not even in an alpha stage, a stage where content is added to see how it works within the game. Currently The feeling I get from this "game" is that it has no idea what it wants to be or do. We get updates that change the gameplay minutely, but it honestly gives us nothing. Where is the group play elements we were told were in development and "right around the corner"? They are nowhere to be seen. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.

Over a million people have played this game thats what changed.

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I've been playing with Real Virtuality engine for 11 years now.

You were saying?

Oh ho ho ho you sir have street cred now

we best be listening to your negativity for it is fact

because you're an arma hipster!

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To be fair as far as I can tell Rocket has been a one man band up until very recently, and has publicly admitted that he is not altogether competent at development. The whole thing blew up unexpectedly... just give it a bit of time I think, anyway as it stands I kind of like the fact that its somewhat of a blank canvas at the moment.

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To be fair as far as I can tell Rocket has been a one man band up until very recently, and has publicly admitted that he is not altogether competent at development. The whole thing blew up unexpectedly... just give it a bit of time I think, anyway as it stands I kind of like the fact that its somewhat of a blank canvas at the moment.

Someone saying something SANE? Gasp!

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The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it.

Have done nothing but make zombies more powerful

Nothing but make zombies more powerful

Make zombies more powerful

Zombies more powerful

Edited by RIGHTLY
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@ Jachim

"Someone saying something SANE? Gasp!"


"Oh ho ho ho you sir have street cred now

we best be listening to your negativity for it is fact

because you're an arma hipster!"


"Oh snap.. forum team just threw down

what now bro



WHAT NOW you ask ?

I deem spam as making a thread or posting a reply that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion.

1,2,3 day PPS.

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Definition of Alpha:

A very early version of a software product that may not contain all of the features that are planned for the final version. Typically, software goes through two stages of testing before it is considered finished. The first stage, called alpha testing, is often performed only by users within the organization developing the software. The second stage, called beta testing , generally involves a limited number of external users.

You are lucky to be in the alpha, if you hate it so much what the fuck are you still doing here?

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The mod is just for testing code now. The standalone is where they are focusing their attention.

this is a bullshit excuse IMO.

If you cant finish an alpha and make it work, what the fuck makes me think your going to finish a whole game and make it work?

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