[email protected] 131 Posted August 17, 2012 thanks man, i didnt think deadzoning did that, you got my beans :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted August 17, 2012 (edited) Thanks for the beans guys, glad it was helpful.I used to be picky about no third person, but lately I've been trying to play DayZ as non-pvp as possible, so I couldn't care less if the guy that kills me saw me through an object or not. But, if I played vanilla Arma2 online, I sure as hell wouldn't want it enabled. Edited August 17, 2012 by bad_mojo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsi24 227 Posted August 17, 2012 I play ARMA still. Lots of Veteran 3rd person servers for pvp still around. The fact that some disable it just proves my point. It is best left as an option to the host to decide on. If you are getting killed by snipers that camp using 3rd person to spot you then you are simply doing it wrong. Its not a FPS game. I know all the elitist cupcakes want it to be but it isn't and it never will be no matter how many tears are shed.>get killed by wallhackers>you're doing it wrongwhat kind of logic even is that 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramatakahn 38 Posted August 17, 2012 Other then the seeing around corners, 3rd person is realistic in that it simulates peripheral vision. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramatakahn 38 Posted August 17, 2012 there isn't a single PvP ArmA server that has 3rd person, and even most PvE groups disable it.Got any more loads you want to spew at us? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsi24 227 Posted August 17, 2012 Other then the seeing around corners, 3rd person is realistic in that it simulates peripheral vision.ArmA2 has an entire system dedicated to simulating peripheral vision. Stop ignoring the rest of the game in an attempt to argue for your wallhack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramatakahn 38 Posted August 17, 2012 Whatever, get over yourself already. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted August 17, 2012 Unrealistic, noobs play with 3rd.It's funny because look at games with 3rd/1st enabled none of them have better stats the other.Do your homework. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bazbake 456 Posted August 17, 2012 (edited) If 3rd person is easy mode...But everyone has access to it...Is it still easy mode?(Yes. Why are we even arguing over this. 3rd person is for people who leave nothing to chance. If you were concerned about peripheral vision, you would double tap - and get your realistic FOV on...if you were concerned about peeking around corners, you would tap q or e to...peek around corners...3rd person is easy mode. It doesn't make you a bad player, it just puts a booster seat on your gameplay.)It's funny because look at games with 3rd/1st enabled none of them have better stats the other.Do your homework.So wait...people with 3rd person have stats equal to those with 1st person? So basically people with 3rd person would suck without the boost?What are you saying here? Edited August 17, 2012 by BazBake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 25 Posted August 17, 2012 3rd person was intended for a PvE environment, there isn't a single PvP ArmA server that has 3rd person, and even most PvE groups disable it.The only thing 3rd person can do that 1st person can't is see through walls, it's an exploit. It's optional in the same sense as duping and hacks, and I hope you want to remove those options too.Through =/= around.Comparing third person to duping and hacks is just flat out absurd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsi24 227 Posted August 17, 2012 Through =/= around.Comparing third person to duping and hacks is just flat out absurd.Your character is still fully behind the wall, I don't understand how you people think something that has no risk and yet promises lots of rewards is ok. Just because you want it doesn't mean you should have it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted August 17, 2012 (edited) If 3rd person is easy mode...But everyone has access to it...Is it still easy mode?(Yes. Why are we even arguing over this. 3rd person is for people who leave nothing to chance. If you were concerned about peripheral vision, you would double tap - and get your realistic FOV on...if you were concerned about peeking around corners, you would tap q or e to...peek around corners...3rd person is easy mode. It doesn't make you a bad player, it just puts a booster seat on your gameplay.)So wait...people with 3rd person have stats equal to those with 1st person? So basically people with 3rd person would suck without the boost?What are you saying here?.On any game which is both modes, no gamer is better than the other, in direct response to the guy calling people "noobs".A guy playing in 3rd has equal stats to someone in 1st.The only difference is what you see.So the guy shouting noob at everyone is kinda stupid.Most people in 3rd albiet a few will aim down iron sights anyway, so when it comes to pvp it's not really relevant and anyway the game plays exactly the same and 3rd person people get a disadvantage due to how bis set the crosshairs - quite off center, so to have the same stats as someone in fps mode is quite some skill really.More to the point there are 100's of servers now that offer choice, none or one, why do people insist on playing servers that have it enabled? Edited August 17, 2012 by MessHall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redfield-77 315 Posted August 17, 2012 Just because you want it doesn't mean you should have it.Really!?. Should I point out the irony in that statement?.......nah I wont. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsi24 227 Posted August 17, 2012 The only difference is what you see.this is a fucking HUGE difference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted August 17, 2012 Yep i am not disputing it.Just pick a server that enables fps only, your PERSONAL problem is solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 25 Posted August 17, 2012 Your character is still fully behind the wall, I don't understand how you people think something that has no risk and yet promises lots of rewards is ok. Just because you want it doesn't mean you should have it.And just because you incorrectly consider it exploiting doesn't mean it actually is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsi24 227 Posted August 17, 2012 Yep i am not disputing it.Just pick a server that enables fps only, your PERSONAL problem is solved.That might work on your private hive, doesn't work on the Hive though. noobtard1 can exploit 3rd person on one server, get stuff he wouldn't have been able to without 3rd person, then join and use that stuff in a 1st person server. Exactly the same as hacking on a non-BE server then taking the equipment you hacked in into a BE server, and all of those non-BE servers got (are going to get, did that happen yet?) cut off the Hive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexHoss 9 Posted August 17, 2012 Great post, thanks for the help! Have some beans sir :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cgsprite 0 Posted August 17, 2012 I really enjoy servers that disable 3rd person, you know people aren't looking over walls, or roof tops. As for the deadzone, it's definitely a good thing to use for hitting people on the run you can track them quite easily. Just not too much deadzone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humbleuk 76 Posted August 17, 2012 That might work on your private hive, doesn't work on the Hive though. noobtard1 can exploit 3rd person on one server, get stuff he wouldn't have been able to without 3rd person, then join and use that stuff in a 1st person server. Exactly the same as hacking on a non-BE server then taking the equipment you hacked in into a BE server, and all of those non-BE servers got (are going to get, did that happen yet?) cut off the Hive.you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, lmfao!!!!!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted August 17, 2012 If you turn your head bob off you are easy mode! Why if you use night vision goggles you are easy mode, if you wipe your ass with toilet paper you are easy mode... Stfu already! Find a server with 3rd disable or pay for one yourself and stfu!Jebus T you fricken morons need to stop trying to dog other gamers and learn stfu!TLDR STFU! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syncmaster (DayZ) 63 Posted August 17, 2012 This dsi1 kid has been going on and on about how 3rd person is exploiting. Its makes up like 80% of his post count. Seriously he's like a broken fn record. Don't feed the troll. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted August 17, 2012 LOL...3rd is exploiting...That's good stuff.I tend to go with 3rd person most of the time. Knowing you can remove headbob is very nice though, cause it never felt right in the game. All the movement feels too extreme for what it would be. 3rd person makes long distance runs more comfortable and it helps when your trying to watch for zombies. I don't mind when it's forced, but I've only ever come across one server in the past few weeks that ever did that. If I can remove headbob, I wouldn't mind if I'm forced, but to me, the game plays better as a 3rd person, than it does first person, even if FPS is more realistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yarrick68 (DayZ) 26 Posted August 17, 2012 That might work on your private hive, doesn't work on the Hive though. noobtard1 can exploit 3rd person on one server, get stuff he wouldn't have been able to without 3rd person, then join and use that stuff in a 1st person server. Exactly the same as hacking on a non-BE server then taking the equipment you hacked in into a BE server, and all of those non-BE servers got (are going to get, did that happen yet?) cut off the Hive.I think Dsi1 just doesen't get the reality here....Regular servers are harder to live on than Expert servers... so the idea that someone can get gear easier on a 3rd person server is just a ridiculous statement.. its not even an argument. The fact is he doesen't like 3rd person and he wants you to play like he wants and if he doesn't get his way he might go cry to mommy. He has no valid reason for you not to play with 3rd person other than "because he knows whats best for all of us". 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redfield-77 315 Posted August 17, 2012 if you wipe your ass with toilet paper you are easy mode...LMAO! Pendragon wins! Fatality! Flawless Victory! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites