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DE 1306 - Threatens to ban + kill for pvp / random kicks

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Server Name:

DE 1306 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR][GMT-2] dayzmod.com - hosted by NO PVP OR BAN GERMAN SURVIVORS dayzmod.com

(Your) Timezone:





Server Administrator('s):

No clue, it must be one of the guys on there at the time.

In the evidence I'll include screenshots of who was there.

What happened:

They advertise their server as being a NO PVP server. Upon joining they also threaten they will not only ban you when you DO pvp but also kill you.

The translation from German says: "If you pvp you will be punished with a kill+ban"

When I joined I was also randomly kicked twice, no reason weas given. After that I just went ahead and found a different server. The server did not appear to be in maintenance mode as it had about 6 people on it at all time. I can only assume they don't want to be killed while looting.


People on the server #1 + 'welcome' message:


Scoreboard + server name:


Kicked #1:


Kicked #2:


People on the server #2:


(edited out GUIDs)

Edited by BluBH
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yeah ive joined that one a few times and i get kicked within 5 minutes with no reason

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And whats the problem thats the only server you can play on? Why not just goto another server? This is just a MOD guys no stats to keep up gear is easy and all over the place to find.

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And whats the problem thats the only server you can play on? Why not just goto another server? This is just a MOD guys no stats to keep up gear is easy and all over the place to find.

Looking at your recent posts you are obviously a troll so my answer is "Yes, it is absolutely the only server I can play on!".

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Holding down the "i" key won't give you the current playerlist. It will give you the scoreboard since the server started. However, hitting "P" will give you the current list of players.

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And whats the problem thats the only server you can play on? Why not just goto another server? This is just a MOD guys no stats to keep up gear is easy and all over the place to find.

Please stop shitting on server reports. Some people have home servers, servers that play on mostly. It's a damn shame if they screw up.

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I had a weird experience on that server too. I killed a guy who carelessly ran through the middle of an open field with an AS50 on his back, I saw his name come up as 'killed' in the left corner, so I started strolling to him to collect my reward (the one and only gun i've never owned) when I suddenly noticed his corpse moving, so I dropped to the floor to be greeted by what appeared to be 3 shots from an AS50 from the direction of the dead player I just killed, he had somehow respawned in the location he just died armed to the teeth again and made short work of me. I was kicked from the server around 10 minutes after. I remember his name but I won't say it as nothing will be done anyway and its pointless naming him. Unrelated yes, weird server, YES.

I always assumed PvP was part of the game and changing the game in any way was against the agreement of getting a server. I'll keep killing on them til I get banned anyway, this game is all about PvP.

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ah yeah i also can confirm this. I played on this server like 2 days before and got a chopper. Next morning i could not join the server because of the damn admins "L3G3ND" and "snoopy" who kicks everybody off the server, so i could not see if the chopper was still here. Today wanted to give it a try thought the admin "L3G3ND" war the whole day on the server so i havent any chance.

Edited by Mr. Me Gusta

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Please stop shitting on server reports. Some people have home servers, servers that play on mostly. It's a damn shame if they screw up.

TBH: If someone wants a home server, he should get his own and pay for it. Bottomline!

I am really getting sick about this pseudo police stuff. As evicence they show you some screens.... have you an idea if the OP did something wrong on the server before he made the screens? No. So please tell all this pseudo police officers here to stfu or to buy their own server and do better. FFS!

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[...] this game is all about PvP.

This game has no rules, not even „thou shalt do the pvp/pk for it pleases the mighty Rocket.“ If you decide that this game for you is about killing everything that even thinks of moving, well, that's your decision. For others it's about working together, exploring. You know, that boooring stuff.

On topic: was killed two times on that server. Once by a rock (WTF?), once by another player. I don't think he had to suffer any retributions for that. Also there were a lot of dead players around for a no-pvp-server. Either the server admins aren't that obidient to their own rules or they only punish pvp when they are around and happen to notice it. Who knows.

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"This game has no rules"

But thats the part where you are wrong,There are rules to this "game" many non-exsistant yes but there are many rules to this "game"

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TBH: If someone wants a home server, he should get his own and pay for it. Bottomline!

I am really getting sick about this pseudo police stuff. As evicence they show you some screens.... have you an idea if the OP did something wrong on the server before he made the screens? No. So please tell all this pseudo police officers here to stfu or to buy their own server and do better. FFS!

I admit, I did something horribly wrong, I joined their server while they wanted to loot and not be bothered, on top of that I also found a bike and took it offroad. Can you believe that? I didn't stick to the roads, the humanity...

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Do they not have a TS or website listed?

TBH as they pay for the server if thats how they want it then thats fine.

Rocket is like a spoiled child, "you can only play with my toys if you play with them the way I say".

Well that all well and good right until MY money is spent to play it.

Would you listen to the man who sold you a car and told you that you cant go over 22MPH or turn left on Tuesdays?

Would you lsiten to the man who built your pc if he said you cant use the internet on the weekend?

But you listen to the man who says you can play my game BUT only if you play like this and dont mind hackers cause I love them and they can always stay with all their hacked gear and never be kicked unless you want to lose your server.

Unless they say something racist, then I can ban them........not that I would.

Oddly enough my answer is no........ if your answer is yes, then congrats, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being and should go and throw youself off a bridge at once.

If Rocket wants all the stupid rules then fine, HE can pay for all the servers we play on. Then he can enforce whatever he wants.

As a side note, the EU has now ruled that we OWN all our digital games rather then rent them from the publisher. Hopefully this is going to put a bit of a dampner on Rockets rules for the standalone and we will now own it rather than lease it from him thus meaning we cant be made to use it a certain way on fear of banning.

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Do they not have a TS or website listed?

TBH as they pay for the server if thats how they want it then thats fine.

Rocket is like a spoiled child, "you can only play with my toys if you play with them the way I say".

Well that all well and good right until MY money is spent to play it.

Would you listen to the man who sold you a car and told you that you cant go over 22MPH or turn left on Tuesdays?

Would you lsiten to the man who built your pc if he said you cant use the internet on the weekend?

But you listen to the man who says you can play my game BUT only if you play like this and dont mind hackers cause I love them and they can always stay with all their hacked gear and never be kicked unless you want to lose your server.

Unless they say something racist, then I can ban them........not that I would.

Oddly enough my answer is no........ if your answer is yes, then congrats, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being and should go and throw youself off a bridge at once.

If Rocket wants all the stupid rules then fine, HE can pay for all the servers we play on. Then he can enforce whatever he wants.

As a side note, the EU has now ruled that we OWN all our digital games rather then rent them from the publisher. Hopefully this is going to put a bit of a dampner on Rockets rules for the standalone and we will now own it rather than lease it from him thus meaning we cant be made to use it a certain way on fear of banning.

Anyone who says that a person should commit suicide because their opinion doesn't match his own is "the sorry excuse fir a human being"

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Do they not have a TS or website listed?

TBH as they pay for the server if thats how they want it then thats fine.

Rocket is like a spoiled child, "you can only play with my toys if you play with them the way I say".

Well that all well and good right until MY money is spent to play it.

Would you listen to the man who sold you a car and told you that you cant go over 22MPH or turn left on Tuesdays?

Would you lsiten to the man who built your pc if he said you cant use the internet on the weekend?

But you listen to the man who says you can play my game BUT only if you play like this and dont mind hackers cause I love them and they can always stay with all their hacked gear and never be kicked unless you want to lose your server.

Unless they say something racist, then I can ban them........not that I would.

Oddly enough my answer is no........ if your answer is yes, then congrats, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being and should go and throw youself off a bridge at once.

If Rocket wants all the stupid rules then fine, HE can pay for all the servers we play on. Then he can enforce whatever he wants.

As a side note, the EU has now ruled that we OWN all our digital games rather then rent them from the publisher. Hopefully this is going to put a bit of a dampner on Rockets rules for the standalone and we will now own it rather than lease it from him thus meaning we cant be made to use it a certain way on fear of banning.

  1. Buying a server (piece of hardware) does not give you rights to the hive nor the software associated with it
  2. You do not pay for access to the hive, you pay for a piece of equipment. Dayz and the hive is provided to you for free so long as you obey the ToS
  3. You side note has no relevance, for starters the hive is not in the EU, you didn't not pay anything for it, you agreed to a ToS. Owning and leasing basically give you the same rights when it comes to games...

My favourite part is how inaccurate the analogies are;

Would you lsiten to the man who built your pc if he said you cant use the internet on the weekend?

Actually this is more like you buying a pc, plugging it into the wall and demanding the internet and rights over the internet.

Would you listen to the man who sold you a car and told you that you cant go over 22MPH or turn left on Tuesdays?

It's more like buying a car, then driving on the footpath, then complaining when your license is taken away. We all use the hive, so it's more like a public road. Your car (server) is allowed on the road so long as you follow the rules set for everyone.

Play by the rules or play by yourself, simple enough?

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I've never had the chance to see these no PvP rules in action since I've been kicked off DE 1306 around 20 times for just daring to join it.

I was searching for a nice friendly server, thought I'd found it, then keep getting kicked. I don't kill people, I have zero interest in taking any vehicles, I just wanted somewhere hacker free and well admined to hang around and raid a few supermarkets in the NE for food while my friends were all offline. It seemed admins were online all the time so I chose this server.

Despite all the arguments going on in this thread and others, it can't be right hosting a public server and then to kick every person just for daring to join your server. It gives all the honest admins a bad name :(

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Okay, so I logged in on this server to play a bit - wanted to respect their wish of keeping the server PvP-free as well (what's the harm?).

But but but.... as soon as I joined, I was remotely slayed and kicked a few seconds after I respawned.

I joined the server again, but was kicked immediately.

I kept on joining the server and being kicked (like 10 times or so), and at last I was allowed to stay on the server for a few minutes. I ran through Elektro, and noticed that there were absolutely NO zombies. They had somehow prevented zombies from spawning. There were 5 players on the server at the time, but '0/0' zombies.

I was kicked again.

I found another server, moved to where I had died, logged in on DE 1306 a couple of times until I could stay long enough to spawn and loot my old body (6 days old character). I succeeded in doing so, but was kicked right after (resulting in the gear not being saved to my account, and me being left with nothing).

Any idiot can clearly state that the server is breaking the rules. But it seems as no one is administrating the servers or what? In case there is, that guy/those guys should get their finger our their a*s and just attempt to join that server ONCE. Then you'll have enough proof to revoke their right to be connected to the hive.

I'm sick and tired of connecting to servers breaking the rules. I of course only connect to servers on the hive, yet 60-70% are breaking the rules, slaying people, restarting irregularly (whenever they loose a vehicle), or kicks/bans whoever joins the server.

This game suffers GREATLY because these players are allowed to be connected to the hive while clearly breaking several rules at the expense of other players. This is a way bigger problem than the hacker-situation!

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And whats the problem thats the only server you can play on? Why not just goto another server? This is just a MOD guys no stats to keep up gear is easy and all over the place to find.

Maybe later when you advance in the game, you will understand that it's more fun to stick with 1 server then to constantly change.

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Server banned you because you didn't follow their rules. Tough break, get over it and pick another one. We set rules in addition to the ones set down by Rocket, you don't like it then I point you to the 4k other servers which are out there.

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Okay, so I logged in on this server to play a bit - wanted to respect their wish of keeping the server PvP-free as well (what's the harm?).

But but but.... as soon as I joined, I was remotely slayed and kicked a few seconds after I respawned.

I joined the server again, but was kicked immediately.

I kept on joining the server and being kicked (like 10 times or so), and at last I was allowed to stay on the server for a few minutes. I ran through Elektro, and noticed that there were absolutely NO zombies. They had somehow prevented zombies from spawning. There were 5 players on the server at the time, but '0/0' zombies.

I was kicked again.

I found another server, moved to where I had died, logged in on DE 1306 a couple of times until I could stay long enough to spawn and loot my old body (6 days old character). I succeeded in doing so, but was kicked right after (resulting in the gear not being saved to my account, and me being left with nothing).

Any idiot can clearly state that the server is breaking the rules. But it seems as no one is administrating the servers or what? In case there is, that guy/those guys should get their finger our their a*s and just attempt to join that server ONCE. Then you'll have enough proof to revoke their right to be connected to the hive.

I'm sick and tired of connecting to servers breaking the rules. I of course only connect to servers on the hive, yet 60-70% are breaking the rules, slaying people, restarting irregularly (whenever they loose a vehicle), or kicks/bans whoever joins the server.

This game suffers GREATLY because these players are allowed to be connected to the hive while clearly breaking several rules at the expense of other players. This is a way bigger problem than the hacker-situation!

Lol this is such absolute bullshit.

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Almost all of the things he said can not be done by an admin but yet they're blaming it on an admin. They stopped zombie spawns? Really? Lol. He was killed in the middle of nowhere? He was teleported? It was a hacker in their Rcon probably, not an admin.

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i was playing on us61 a ny server until he banned me and said i was cheating the only thing i did was, setting up a camp, a little bit of server hopper top my old server to bring my stuff to the new one, and that mad him block me and say i am a hacker/ cheater admin to this too personal. Admins only need to just ban hackers, restart the server and update when needed that's all.

Edited by Dayz Elite

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Threatening to ban players for PVP is technically not against the ToS for hosting a Dayz Official Hive Server. However, actually acting on that threat is against the ToS and will get a server blacklisted from the Hive. The kicks for no reason are also against the ToS but if it's for a good reason, like a player causing massive desync/server instability because of a high ping or similar issue, then that's fine :)

To be honest: if you don't like a server's rules, find one you do like the rules in! It's really not worth complaining/reporting it, as it is a waste of your time and you could have used the time to play in another server that you spend on the report!

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