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Another hacker gets owned by remoteexec..

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15.08.2012 16:55:03: dsadasdfadqwe () 097eed43bb0311f87b0183514734a18a - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '25547974') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

15.08.2012 16:55:03: dsadasdfadqwe () 097eed43bb0311f87b0183514734a18a - #6 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '25547974') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

15.08.2012 16:59:12: dsadasdfadqwe () 097eed43bb0311f87b0183514734a18a - #0 "titleText ["TROLLING BY - GOODGUYJASON.INFO", "PLAIN"];"

15.08.2012 17:00:06: dsadasdfadqwe () 097eed43bb0311f87b0183514734a18a - #0 "anarray = ["ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan","ActsPer cMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan","ActsPercMstpS nonWnonDnon_DancingStefan","ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDn on_DancingZOZO"];player playmove (anarray select (floor(random(count anarray))));"

15.08.2012 17:00:06: dsadasdfadqwe () 097eed43bb0311f87b0183514734a18a - #0 "anarray = ["ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan","ActsPer cMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan","ActsPercMstpS nonWnonDnon_DancingStefan","ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDn on_DancingZOZO"];player playmove (anarray select (floor(random(count anarray))));"

Lol. This is the only person this showed up for as well. He made everyone dance. Normally, this isn't THAT bad, but hackers get bored quick and move on to killing everyone so I took the server down and prevented it. Found him really quick.


It was that guy. To my knowledge. I was using dart rcon tool, so it showed his country flag as sweden next to his IP. Could of been an imposter. Now I almost feel bad. This guys videos are hilarious. If you're out there goodguyjason, nothing personal. Can't allow it on my server brah. :(

Edited by KField86
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That was me.

Glad you like my videos, I aint a bad hacker, I dont mass kill people, I dont destroy server, I just make the game more scary and more fun (sometimes).

My dance script works like this:

I teleport players to one location, make them dance to music.

When done, they get teleported back with everything and such.

I will probably get banned from here now, but yep.

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Like I said, I feel bad. :/ and you do indeed create a ton of comedy, but there are other ways to go about it mate.

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That was me.

Glad you like my videos, I aint a bad hacker, I dont mass kill people, I dont destroy server, I just make the game more scary and more fun (sometimes).

My dance script works like this:

I teleport players to one location, make them dance to music.

When done, they get teleported back with everything and such.

I will probably get banned from here now, but yep.

Can't wait.

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Well, that's what happens when you use scripts. Consequences, enjoy them.

You did kill a few in your youtube channel, still an unfair advantage over those who were playing fairly. I hold no remorse in calling you a shit muncher. Even if you are one of the funnier ones.

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Cheat reporting .... lol this subject is useless , its still going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on piiiiiiiiig!!!!

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GUID's added to my ban lists. I don't care if you are a "friendly" scripter, using scripts gets you banned. Deal with it.

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I think you guys are being a little harsh. Yes, he hacks, which is bad. But I'd much rather have him hack and simply scare the shit out of people, or make them laugh, than do what most hackers do and mass kill the server or spawn in a tonne of gear, activate god mode and go on a killing spree. I'd say Exzib almost improves the game with what he does, as it adds an element of terror that wasn't in DayZ before - especially as he becomes more famous and the "It's raining, it's pouring" becomes more iconic.

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I don't care the f*** if he's good or bad. And btw, he can change his mind every day. Whatever they do, nobody asked for it. All they do is break into our game, do their shit and they don't care if it ruins our game.

I don't want to hear any dumb excuses, i don't care. I hope he gets banned asap.

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I think you guys are being a little harsh. Yes, he hacks, which is bad. But I'd much rather have him hack and simply scare the shit out of people, or make them laugh, than do what most hackers do and mass kill the server or spawn in a tonne of gear, activate god mode and go on a killing spree. I'd say Exzib almost improves the game with what he does, as it adds an element of terror that wasn't in DayZ before - especially as he becomes more famous and the "It's raining, it's pouring" becomes more iconic.

No he doesn't improve the game. He was funny the first time I saw him on stream, now it's old and annoying. All hackers should be banned regardless if they are not killing people or not.

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No he doesn't improve the game. He was funny the first time I saw him on stream, now it's old and annoying. All hackers should be banned regardless if they are not killing people or not.

Well, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I personally still love what Exzib does.

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The sad part is, you have to pay for the scripts. People are paying money to screw up DayZ.

Come again? Half the reason cheating is so prevalent is because most scripts are open to anyone who knows how to use google.

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