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Day Z bugs are going to lead me to quiting Day Z!

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Day Z is amazing and i love it with all my heart. I know its only in alpha but im quiting not because of in game bugs like hackers or dying, im quiting because i cant join any servers and when i do im always on the beach.

Im not a new player. I have snipers and all of the shit needed to stay alive but since last week Ive been stuck on the loading screen for 30 minutes everytime i try and join a server. AND when i get in to the server i still have all my stuff i logged off with but in on the beach again! WHY?!?

Ive been told to wait untill its in beta or finished but what i want to know is why should i have to?

I expect lots of people have to same problem and ive posted this on the bugs forum many times but I NEVER GET ANY HELP! Sometimes i wonder if there is even any developers that look thought the forum because ive never seen a single one?!?!

I hope you enjoyed my rant about Day Z :D

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Best to wait for the finished game then.

And what the hell do you even mean by "why should I have to?". You have to because that's how games are developed.

Edited by Fraggle
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I found bugs, so I'm quitting.


The Shittiest Tester in History

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Alpha, is a pretty broad term. It seems throw around too much, like Minecraft. It went through its Alpha and Beta into final release and there were still a considerable amount of bugs that arose from previous beta versions in the final release, he has a point.

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dude, its alpha there are going to be problems! ALOT! if it really bothers you so much take a break from DayZ until standalone is released and then see if the bugs are still there

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Open Alpha: I just don't get it why people don't get it. lol.

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Hello there

You probably will not get much sympathy here as the game is indeed in Alpha.

Most games in this stage are not released to the public, so think yourself lucky in that respect.

If the game is too rough around the edges for you to play, then your best bet is to find something else more polished to play until the final release.

There was/is no guarantee that the mod will work on any level so getting no response from the devs or the members of the forum is common. I have a few posts here, it doesnt mean a thing. Just remember we are here to test and give constructive feedback. Anything else we get out of the game/forums is a Brucey Bonus.



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Sorry, but this excuse is not cutting it anymore. This is an alpha in name only, and is simply an excuse put forth by rocket and his apologists to explain away the nagging bugs in the game.

There have been 0 major feature releases since I started playing in May. Absolutely nothing of any substance has changed in the game in months. Sure, there have been minor tweaks to zombie behaviour and detection levels, and he took away the starter gun, but these are balance issues generally addressed in the beta stage of the game. Where are the broad sweeping changes to game mechanics? Where are the new features?

What has changed is game crippling bugs such as the beach spawning that has caused several of my friends to quit playing for the time being, and the graphical corruption which has seriously hindered the enjoyment of myself and others. These bugs aren't taken seriously because of the 'its alpha' mentality which is 100% completely undeserved.

Compare this to any true alpha and look at the changes introduced in the same timeline there. Huge sweeping mechanics changes, feature additions, new maps, new items, models, and textures. Hell, even DotA, when it was a a full release mod for war3 underwent far more changes, far quicker, without brutal game breaking bugs... And that was one fucking guy doing it in his spare time. You know how he handled it? He made a solid release and then experimented with that as a backup.

Sorry, this isn't an alpha, its a broken ass beta and has been for some time. Its far past time a stable release is given to the community. At this point, Rocket is risking doing damage to his credibility. I develop for a living, and this project has recently started smelling like some guy who's got his paycheque and is now phoning it in.

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Everyone knows the OP has a point.

No one is paying him to be an alpha tester, so he has the right to complain if he's not satisfied with the game at the moment.

Actually, i don't think this is a bad thing at all, since i believe that measuring the amount of people complaining will tell if there's something wrong, and what should be done about it to make things better.

You guys are free to express your opinions, but seriously, the *alpha card* every single time? NO, that's not the answer to every problem found in this game, just think about it.

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Sorry, but this excuse is not cutting it anymore. This is an alpha in name only, and is simply an excuse put forth by rocket and his apologists to explain away the nagging bugs in the game.

There have been 0 major feature releases since I started playing in May. Absolutely nothing of any substance has changed in the game in months. Sure, there have been minor tweaks to zombie behaviour and detection levels, and he took away the starter gun, but these are balance issues generally addressed in the beta stage of the game. Where are the broad sweeping changes to game mechanics? Where are the new features?

What has changed is game crippling bugs such as the beach spawning that has caused several of my friends to quit playing for the time being, and the graphical corruption which has seriously hindered the enjoyment of myself and others. These bugs aren't taken seriously because of the 'its alpha' mentality which is 100% completely undeserved.

Compare this to any true alpha and look at the changes introduced in the same timeline there. Huge sweeping mechanics changes, feature additions, new maps, new items, models, and textures. Hell, even DotA, when it was a a full release mod for war3 underwent far more changes, far quicker, without brutal game breaking bugs... And that was one fucking guy doing it in his spare time. You know how he handled it? He made a solid release and then experimented with that as a backup.

Sorry, this isn't an alpha, its a broken ass beta and has been for some time. Its far past time a stable release is given to the community. At this point, Rocket is risking doing damage to his credibility. I develop for a living, and this project has recently started smelling like some guy who's got his paycheque and is now phoning it in.

Still, Alpha.

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No, this is alpha.

It makes me sad that there are people out there too retarded to understand what the term means and what dictates what is alpha and what is not.

PROTIP: It's alpha until the dev says it's not anymore.

If you're too stupid to wrap your head around this game, please leave, you won't be missed.

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No, this is alpha.

It makes me sad that there are people out there too retarded to understand what the term means and what dictates what is alpha and what is not.

PROTIP: It's alpha until the dev says it's not anymore.

If you're too stupid to wrap your head around this game, please leave, you won't be missed.


And in the end, it doesnt really mater what anyone thinks. It only matter what Rocket thinks and does.

If you dont like it then GTFO.

Drink the koolaid, hang out and test the game like your supposed to.

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other than criticizing you for complaining, i'll offer a suggestion.

try out a dayz sanctuary server.

since they are private hive, they don't suffer nearly as much from alt-f4 nabs, there are NO ghosters, and ones that are well policed by their admins have very little hacking problems.

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No, this is alpha.

It makes me sad that there are people out there too retarded to understand what the term means and what dictates what is alpha and what is not.

PROTIP: It's alpha until the dev says it's not anymore.

If you're too stupid to wrap your head around this game, please leave, you won't be missed.

According to wikipedia:

'Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss. The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly.'

In conclusion, you're a fanboy idiot.

From the same article:

'The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be feature complete.'

So, what are the new planned features preventing the alpha from ending? This game IS feature complete, hence, should be in beta.

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It has never been said that features are completed. There is currently no "late-game"...

Has this forum turned into a looney-bin full of f***ing retards who can only complain about the same shit again and again? What is even the purpose of your post??? Whining? Pleaaase...we all know this, we all had this...deal with it. btw...in the description (you should read the "readme" file!) it lists "balls" as a requirement to play... ^^ ;-)

If you want to criticize, do it constructively. You are aware that this Alpha is not made available by a "Developer", as stated in your quote above, but by a few nutty guys around this Rocket-guy who program this mess on an engine developed for an entirely different game by a publisher who just announced a standalone game-version is going to happen. Just log back in, say in 4 weeks time? Maybe a lot of stuff is fixed by then...

When I think back to Counterstrike...beta 4 had all wepaons lying on the floor at the start of next round...it was e mess...but it became the game we played later, much later...

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If you think the concept of dayz is great and tired of the same old stuff that all the other game developers keep putting out every year, you will test and report every bug you can find.

Otherwise, don't be surprised when dayz is never finished and you'll just get the same old stuff that all the other game developers keep putting out every year.

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Ive been told to wait untill its in beta or finished but what i want to know is why should i have to?

Wow. Just Wow. You are using an unfinished product and want it to be finished without having to wait? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I ordered a part and they said it would take 5-7 days to ship it too me. Why should I have to wait?

Looking past the ridiculousness of your post, I shall try to help you (but don't get me wrong if you leave I will not give a shit).

Make sure you are on the latest patches (DayZ and Arma2 beta). Then join servers that also are on the latest patches (Again both DayZ and Arma2 beta). You should try to find a 'home' server or two. That way you can join servers that you know you have successfully joined in the past.

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