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Rename DayZ to "Alt F4 Survival"

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Cause its nothing more than that.

EVERY single fucker Ive encountered alt F4 IMMEDIATELY as soon as they hear someone shoot towards them, or if they just see you.. I mean this game used to be fun, now its nothing other than people duping items and people pressing Alt F4.

Ive yet to encounter a player who didnt alt f4... However Ive shot SOME people and succeeded in killing them, but they alt f4 and their corpse vanishes into the ground, thus you cant loot em.

Find a way to punish these players, like a keypress logging where excessive Alt F4 would result in server-wide bans or something (temporarily)

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Well you would think that if people are that scared of their character getting killed, they could just not play the game.. That is effectively what they're doing.

Nevertheless i'm sure it's not an intended 'feature' and will likely be patched.

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Cause its nothing more than that.

EVERY single fucker Ive encountered alt F4 IMMEDIATELY as soon as they hear someone shoot towards them, or if they just see you.. I mean this game used to be fun, now its nothing other than people duping items and people pressing Alt F4.

Ive yet to encounter a player who didnt alt f4... However Ive shot SOME people and succeeded in killing them, but they alt f4 and their corpse vanishes into the ground, thus you cant loot em.

Find a way to punish these players, like a keypress logging where excessive Alt F4 would result in server-wide bans or something (temporarily)

Yea i can say that i use alt+F4 just when i am attacked by a huge horde of zombies , never alt+F4 when a player was nearby maybe just hiding :) also it happens to me too , killed some dude and he logged off after that , so i couldn't loot him:(

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Lol, it's funny I had a dream last night that I was playing dayz and some dude was trying to ghost me everytime he heard the sound of someone crouch walking. He would appear and look around and then appear behind me. Was awoken from the dream with a charliehorse and ended up tripping over my cat... Alt F4's fucking with me in my sleep WTF!

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We understand your anger, but wait until you're hack killed twice a day. I hope i get some of these cheaters with my AS50, let's see who's faster. And after a while, most of us don't need their gear, so they loose in any way. I had hope with the latest patch, that AltF4 let's you start at the beach, they probably still use the last version ?

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Zombies or players doesn't matter. If your fingers go anywhere near alt+f4 when playing DayZ you are Captain Ultipussy.

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I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that the dev team is aware of this as a current problem.

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please only take care of the hackers. If we can't play, we can't meet any combat loggers.

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Easy fix.

Part 1: If a player dies and logs out or alt-f4's, their body MUST remain.

Part 2: Do what MMOs have done. If you log out or alt-f4, there is a 20 second grace period you must wait. If you don't wait, your body will still remain on the server for 20 seconds. Thus if killed, your body remains to loot.

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Zombies or players doesn't matter. If your fingers go anywhere near alt+f4 when playing DayZ you are Captain Ultipussy.

I never alt+F4 , i abort then exit :D

And anyway , i don't like get killed by zombies because i can't find a weapon because there is no loot on server O.o

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I never alt+F4 , i abort then exit :D

And anyway , i don't like get killed by zombies because i can't find a weapon because there is no loot on server O.o

So sneak around. The game is meant to be a survival simulation.

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So sneak around. The game is meant to be a survival simulation.

Exactly, If i can't find what i need, then another one got it, don't blame the server. Some people always find a reason for server hopping.

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I have what I need.

There is no goal in the game so what should I do? Search for fucking tin cans the rest of my dayz life? No. I hunt players becasue there is no other goal.

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Do not get rid of ALT F4 until the hacking is under control. Right now it is my only weapon against them. In the last week I have had to ALT F4 about 4 times ( I only play for about a hour a day) each time saved my ass from a hacker.

1. I was running around minding my own buisness, next thing I am teleported to a killing area - Alt F4 and saved my ass.

2. Lying in a forrest edge and a "robin hood" hacker spawns next to me and asks me what gear I have and proceeds to give me every good item in the game. - Alt F4 saved me, when I logged back in I had my previous gear.

3. Running across a field, suddenly my avatar stops and my Pistol and Axe disapear - Alt F4 again saved me. Logged back in with my gear.

Alt f4 is annoying and lame in a legit fire fight, but it's far more annoying to have a hacker ruin your all your gear etc. Actually, the knowlege that ALT F4 can help me combat Hackers is one of the reasons I can keep playing given the current plague. If it wasnt there I doubt I would be playing. I would of had my character messed up too many times by now to be bothered.

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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Do not get rid of ALT F4 until the hacking is under control. Right now it is my only weapon against them. In the last week I have had to ALT F4 about 4 times ( I only play for about a hour a day) each time saved my ass from a hacker.

1. I was running around minding my own buisness, next thing I am teleported to a killing area - Alt F4 and saved my ass.

2. Lying in a forrest edge and a "robin hood" hacker spawns next to me and asks me what gear I have and proceeds to give me every good item in the game. - Alt F4 saved me, when I logged back in I had my previous gear.

3. Running across a field, suddenly my avatar stops and my Pistol and Axe disapear - Alt F4 again saved me. Logged back in with my gear.

Alt f4 is annoying and lame in a legit fire fight, but it's far more annoying to have a hacker ruin your all your gear etc. Actually, the knowlege that ALT F4 can help me combat Hackers is one of the reasons I can keep playing given the current plague. If it wasnt there I doubt I would be playing. I would of had my character messed up too many times by now to be bothered.

exactly... without a means to escape the game hella quick, theres little to no chance i'd still be playing right now..

dieing to something your own fault is one thing but when your about to be killed by hackers/cheaters, well im sorry its ALT_F4 time...

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You're so right. I hate combat logging, but AltF4 saved me today of getting hack killed by some mortar hack or whatever. Some weeks ago i didn't even think about dc'ing and now it's part of my survival.

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So sneak around. The game is meant to be a survival simulation.

yea and not for pvp but u guys pvp so viewing distance is at 600 meters for everyone if u dont shot on sight nobody alt f4 u and u dont get it this isent meant for pvp but ur stupidy wont get it anyway

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I don't want to get killed by children with AS50s who don't even loot my body and I have no intention nor ability to retaliate, for now I'm just here for grouping with my comrades and going into the wild for the PvE experience. So I Alt-F4 when being shot at.

Not like they need to loot it, with the rampant duping.

Edited by LatinGeek

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I don't want to get killed by children with AS50s who don't even loot my body and I have no intention nor ability to retaliate, for now I'm just here for grouping with my comrades and going into the wild for the PvE experience. So I Alt-F4 when being shot at.

Not like they need to loot it, with the rampant duping.

You sir totally miss the point of the game, its about surviving.

Go play another game... DayZ is hardcore.

I never got killed by a kid with an AS50... I got killed by experienced snipers who knew how to get to good sniping positions and were able to stay out of my radar... those are not a kid to me and even if they are they are acting very mature. I sometimes go to the Airport at daytime on a crowded server, knowing that I maybe could die and I fight myself trough all the meat balls who want to get my stuff... some of them Alt-F4 like you do... and those are pussy's... and pussy's are of lower worth than a kid in my opinion.

I heard that http://www.hellokittyonline.com/ has a very good PvE mode... maybe it suits you.

Edited by YassirX
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You sir totally miss the point of the game, its about surviving.

Go play another game... DayZ is hardcore and not meant for pussys.

"Welcome to DayZ. This is your story."

And I'm surviving alright. I don't think survival is the main concern of the guy on the hill a mile away from me, to whom I pose no threat, either.

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"Welcome to DayZ. This is your story."

And I'm surviving alright. I don't think survival is the main concern of the guy on the hill a mile away from me, to whom I pose no threat, either.

Well Snipers used to snipe from 800 meters and more... otherwise they are no Snipers. How does he know that you are not a threat to him?

Maybe he wants to kill people in his surroundings to make sure he is safe... or maybe he just wants to kill you to reduce the player population?

Who cares... if he hits you than you should be death, not on your desktop. That's it.

Binoculars and Rangefinders are meant for spotting and if you are not able to spot a sniper and counter him or even move around him, than you deserve to be dead.

I once got sniped while looting a Deer Stand... people need to learn from their mistakes.

Edited by YassirX

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I myself have only used quit game abort against zombies if some guy ambushes me its my fault he has the right to kill me even if it's hopeless eg me with m1911 vs 2 guys with Aks I just suicide run I only quit against zombies cus no honor in dying to them except 1 time but thAts a different story ;)

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