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Your character dies if you don't play for a few days

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Your character dies if you don't play for a few days.

What's the logic behind this? Why do you force people to constantly play this mod?

This has to be the worst feature ever invented into a game.


Forgot to mention: I'm talking about Hunger and Thirst. Your character constantly consumes food and water EVEN IF YOU ARE LOGGED OUT. What the fuck is that shit?!

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Are you sure? I know that your thirst and hunger can increase up to the point of flashing red. But you are saying that you will pretty much instantly die after loggin in?

I can't try it out myself because not playing this mod for more than a day is simply impossible for me...

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Yeah I find this hard to beleive. Were you bleeding out when you logged off? Or maybe someone shot you as you connected?

Maybe it was actually a glitch? Can you give more information please?

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You don't die. But you will spawn starving and dehydrated if you havent had enough food on you.

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Why do you force people to play the game constantly every day?

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Forgot to mention: I'm talking about Hunger and Thirst. Your character constantly consumes food and water EVEN IF YOU ARE LOGGED OUT. What the fuck is that shit?!

Oh this thing.

There is already a thread on this here:



You don't die. But you will spawn starving and dehydrated if you havent had enough food on you.

I thought you said the code that consumes your food and water wasn't in. Or have I misunderstood you?

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I noticed the same thing. I just lost character I had played for 10 hours.

How am I supposed to play this game if I'm employed or actively studying or going to vacation? Start new character for every play session?

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Put food in your backpack and not in your active slot so you have some ready when you log in...assuming it does consume food. Which I am not sure it even does.

I don't like the feature myself but would like to know the reason it was put in though...

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I agree with that your character is dehydrated and hungry after continuing after a long time (like you just slept for a long time and need breakfast), but I think it's weird that you're consuming food and water items while away.

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So far it wasn't much of a problem to be, but yeah getting hungry and dehydrated while not playing doesn't really make sense and is somewhat unfair to those who only play for short periods a day.

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Alright alright. Enough already!

I've taken it out for 1.5.4.

And I've put some soft-toys and My Little Pony skins to make up for it.

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I like this feature, it makes the survival aspect more important.

Food/Water should be a first concern, I think it is more realistic. Plenty of games have things that happen when offline you work around it. If you can't play, no one is forcing you to... you die, you restart.

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Alright alright. Enough already!

I've taken it out for 1.5.4.

And I've put some soft-toys and My Little Pony skins to make up for it.

"BURN" -Michael Kelso

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Alright alright. Enough already!

I've taken it out for 1.5.4.

And I've put some soft-toys and My Little Pony skins to make up for it.

Make sure they don't have small parts that we can swallow!

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And I've put some soft-toys and My Little Pony skins to make up for it.

One question, will rucksacks work with the new skins or should I drop my backpack first before switching, just to be safe?


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  'Snipes12 said:

I like this feature' date=' it makes the survival aspect more important.

Food/Water should be a first concern, I think it is more realistic.[/quote']

I agree on that. Personally I wouldn't mind if we'd generally need more food/water or just find less. Makes it more challenging.

Just not those offline-mechanics, they put some people at a disadvantage.

*yay* 1.5.4 we'll get to beat each other with soft-toys :heart: Lovely.

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it is okay if you starve and dehydrate after being offline a long time, but you shouldn't die of it right after spawning. players should have some time avaible to get the chance to find food n water asap, except they got it in their backpack.

That would allways be a pretty dangerous situation if they had no food ready. I had it today, i starved badly and was in panic ran out of my sleeping place into the warzone of cherno like a crazy fool and attracted a horde...

starving and dehydrating while because of being offline longer times, shouldn't be removed, there just shouldn't be a instant dead right after logging in, people allways should have their last chance if they forgot to store food.

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  'Magnet said:

One question' date=' will rucksacks work with the new skins or should I drop my backpack first before switching, just to be safe?


Just use your new Hello Kitty backpack.


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  'Tajin said:

I like this feature' date=' it makes the survival aspect more important.

Food/Water should be a first concern, I think it is more realistic.[/quote']

I agree on that. Personally I wouldn't mind if we'd generally need more food/water or just find less. Makes it more challenging.

The Opposition made a better argument on the first page.

Some of us just aren't unemployed. We don't have the time to play every single day. If I had the time to play this game 8 hours a day, I would be fine with this feature.

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"Phillip is not good at real life fights - but when there is a fight amongst toys, his super dinosaur always wins!"


Sorry, I couldn't resist after reading Rockets posts. This forum needs to HTFU :P

(to avoid any copyright issues; picture was borrowed from mikaartblog.blogspot.com)

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A hello kitty backpack as a sort of easter egg would be kind of awesome though. Make it have more space than the alice one to compensate for the ridicule and the fact that it paints a big target on your back.

Reminds me of the spongebob one that was (still is?) in ACE.

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I do not normally kill survivors unless threatened but Id drop you like a stone for a my little pony backpack

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Nice to see this feature was changed.

Would make it more of a need to play game, then a want to play game - possibly taking some fun out of it, if it feels like a job you have to do.

Coming back low on food/water fine but dying instantly is crazy. Thanks for the change! :)

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