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Slobbergoat (DayZ)

Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

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The idea behind Dayz is awesome and could potentially be a blockbuster game, but because it uses Arma 2's engine and mechanics, it blows. I know they are going to make Dayz a stand alone game, I just hope the developer finds a different engine and goes in the opposite direction that Arma 2 has for its game.

Arma 2 is one of the most counter intuitive shooters I have ever played. They dont even try and make their controls user friendly. Just trying to climb ladders, open and close doors, go through doors, picking stuff up, using stuff is a chore. Just trying to run from the prone position is a joke. I have never seen such user unfriendly controls in a shooter. It's like the developers made this game and purposefully designed the controls from scratch, not bothering to take what works in other shooters and implement it. Spacebar for jump anyone? Nope, lets use V to do some weird half jump thing. There are multiple issues just like that in Arma 2.

Dayz' issues are not the hackers, the bandits or the fact that its in alpha, its issues are that it is an Arma 2 mod. Too bad this game wasnt made with the half life engine....left for dead anyone? The game would instantly be better.

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*waits for the Arma fanboys to rage*

You better put your flame retardant clothing on my friend!

But I agree, the RV3 engine is pretty crappy. There are better engines out there that could do this so much better.

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i dunno, didn't take me that long to get use to the different layout. It also give the game a completely different feel to that of any other modern shoota. Maybe give it another go or just hit up abit of l4d

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The engine has its quirks, but it isn't THAT bad. Most of the things you mentioned aren't even because of the engine's limitations, just how it was written. And unfortunately, the Source engine doesn't support open world environments to the extent of Arma's engine.

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you have 1 post, so im guessing you are new to the game. The game has a learning curve, the inventory takes getting used to. This game has a lot of functionality and because of this their are a lot of controls.

This is what a PC game should be, could it have more polish yes, its not perfect. But once you get used to it it does work well.

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You can change the keybindings if you want. ArmA2 has many options that you don't have in other games such as leaning, move your head, move your rifle (if you have deadzone enabled)

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Have you tried to go from a prone fighting pos to running?

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so, DayZ is a fps game now is it?

Depends whether or not you're in first or third person mode, now doesn't it.

*goes to Wikipedia to look up exact definition of FPS game*

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Depends whether or not you're in first or third person mode, now doesn't it.

*goes to Wikipedia to look up exact definition of FPS game*

no. the game can be played like a fps, but it isn't a fps.

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OP doesn't know the difference between "shooter" and "simulator".

I would still rather play ArmA than any other shooter out there any day of the week.

OP just wants to jump around like an idiot and run and gun everything on the smallest map possible with zombies.

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Problem with it? Gtfo.

What is it with you people and the mindset that there is no possible way to change anything? So what, the guy want a better engine than this garbo computer destroyer they call an "engine"?

It's like "NO! My game is very basic and glitched to hell, and that's the way I like it, and it will never change!!"

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What is it with you people and the mindset that there is no possible way to change anything? So what, the guy want a better engine than this garbo computer destroyer they call an "engine"?

It's like "NO! My game is very basic and glitched to hell, and that's the way I like it, and it will never change!!"

you won't change the engine the mod is on, and the engine for the standalone is almost certainly chosen (probably a rv4 branch)

Edited by Dankine

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LOL at comparison to L4D. Yes, I should be able to jump rapidly and endlessly while demolishing a horde of zombies with my baseball bat!

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no. the game can be played like a fps, but it isn't a fps.

I can switch into first person mode and shoot my weapon.

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you won't change the engine the mod is on, and the engine for the standalone is almost certainly chosen (probably a rv4 branch)

Well, you see, that is exactly what rocket is doing. Changing it to a newer, MUCH nicer engine in the standalone.

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What is it with you people and the mindset that there is no possible way to change anything? So what, the guy want a better engine than this garbo computer destroyer they call an "engine"?

It's like "NO! My game is very basic and glitched to hell, and that's the way I like it, and it will never change!!"

Nope, but YOU'RE not entitled to anything here. You get to play on this mod for a GAME YOU bought. Alright? If you're gonna QQ about the engine then you can leave. It's fine the way it is and for the standalone it will be improved on. Be glad that he is, not for you, not for me, not for anyone. But for DayZ.

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I can switch into first person mode and shoot my weapon.

That doesn't make it a fps game.

Well, you see, that is exactly what rocket is doing. Changing it to a newer, MUCH nicer engine in the standalone.

Take a second to (re)read what I actually said. Realise you didn't understand it at all.

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ArmA 2 engine it's not the problem, it is what makes this gameplay so unique and bast

BUT it does has limitations, Rocket and BI I won't get tired of asking this, you need to implement, a serious Character Customization system, with real morphs and different builds, not just replacing "skins" (models)

and Directional Melee Combat, attack and block, like Mount & Blade

All these of course to the new engine RV4 and standalone

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lets face it the engine has it's problems. I'm so glad you mentioned ladders, why the fu%k should we have to stop to scroll mouse button and then press climb ladder, and if your lucky enough you havent scrolled to another weapon as you press down on the mouse button to climb. Why not just walk in to the ladder to start climbing it?. Then its stupid how the charactor teleports from the position they are in to the terrible ladder climbing animation. This one problem pretty much sums up the rest of the game for me. The biggest issue is the animations/movement, and transition between animations. It almost feels like you are litterally playing short movie clips with an obvious beggining and an end and no gradual transition between any two anims or poses.

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Nope, but YOU'RE not entitled to anything here. You get to play on this mod for a GAME YOU bought. Alright? If you're gonna QQ about the engine then you can leave. It's fine the way it is and for the standalone it will be improved on. Be glad that he is, not for you, not for me, not for anyone. But for DayZ.

So basically, what you're saying is if I put my own money into purchasing a game, and it turns out to be a total POS, I am not entitled to even speak of what should be done about it? Just be like "OH, well then, they sure fuck'd me!"

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I do agree the engine has its quirks.

But you guys never had the pleaseure of playing Arma 1 I take it. :P

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