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How much would YOU pay for DayZ standalone and Why?


151 members have voted

  1. 1. How much would YOU pay for the DayZ standalone (finished Product)?

    • $10-$20 US
    • $20-$30 US
    • $30-$40 US
    • $40-$50 US
    • $50-$60 US
    • Whatever it takes to make DayZ the best damn game it can possibly be!
  2. 2. How much would YOU pay for the DayZ Standalone Beta?

    • $10-$20 US
    • $20-$30 US
    • $30-$40 US
    • $40-$50 US
    • $50-$60 US
    • Whatever it takes to make DayZ the best damn game it can possibly be!
  3. 3. How much would YOU pay for the DayZ Standalone Alpha?

    • $10-$20 US
    • $20-$30 US
    • $30-$40 US
    • $40-$50 US
    • $50-$60 US
    • Whatever it takes to make DayZ the best damn game it can possibly be!

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Id happily pay $100 up front, $30 a month and still regularly pump money into DLC. Most players in this game are cheapskates who are stuck in the old profit models for video games though. The way I see it, the more money I put into a game the more justification there is to develop it, fix bugs, add content etc.

I'll have some of whatever your smoking :)

40-50 $ , i will never pay for that pay for monthly stuff, no matter how good.

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Despite trying to convinve myself otherwise, i would probably pay whatever amount Bohemia decides on.

I just cant imagine this game being released and me not owning a copy!

EDIT: Must admit that i am not keen on monthly subscriptions though.

Edited by DemonGroover
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To be honest?.. seeing the forum team giving all this shit and treating everyone like little piesses of shit and using the ¨this is alpha and this is rocket mod if you dont like it get out¨ i wouldnt pay anything for Dayz the way it is right now.

As stand alone with all the fixes that are to come i would pay a $9 american dollars for the stand alone. But keeping in mind that we wont be able to ask for anything or give any constructive critisims. Remember you WILL buy an alpha and when everything is broken, even when you ALREADY paid for the alpha, forum team and rocket will keep treating you like a walking wallets. and they will tell you ¨you already paid, but this is rockets game dont like it? get out of here¨ like they have been doing since dayz started to get popular. So yea.. possible a 9 and wait till its in discount on steam for 1 dollar.

Imagine this, you will get a lot of glitchs in the alpha and even when you paid for the alpha and a server for you and your friedns a hacker will join the server create 40 tents with all the weapons in the game ruining the experience in the server and they will ignore that and tlel you to get out if you dont like it. Again like they are doing right now. Be aware what you buy...

hahaha... NO

Hackers will be a thing of the past in standalone. Rocket has already said that.

Rocket does not treat us like walking wallets. How much did you pay for DayZ? oh right, it was free only BECAUSE rocket made it free for you. He has made 0$ of of this so far.

Also, Alphas are SUPPOSED to have glitches otherwise they would just be finished products. Ever play the battlefield 3 open beta? You spent more time walking inside the ground than you did actually shooting people.

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However much it costs, I couldn't find a shit to give if I wanted to. xD

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To be honest?.. seeing the forum team giving all this shit and treating everyone like little piesses of shit and using the ¨this is alpha and this is rocket mod if you dont like it get out¨ i wouldnt pay anything for Dayz the way it is right now.

As stand alone with all the fixes that are to come i would pay a $9 american dollars for the stand alone. But keeping in mind that we wont be able to ask for anything or give any constructive critisims. Remember you WILL buy an alpha and when everything is broken, even when you ALREADY paid for the alpha, forum team and rocket will keep treating you like a walking wallets. and they will tell you ¨you already paid, but this is rockets game dont like it? get out of here¨ like they have been doing since dayz started to get popular. So yea.. possible a 9 and wait till its in discount on steam for 1 dollar.

Imagine this, you will get a lot of glitchs in the alpha and even when you paid for the alpha and a server for you and your friedns a hacker will join the server create 40 tents with all the weapons in the game ruining the experience in the server and they will ignore that and tlel you to get out if you dont like it. Again like they are doing right now. Be aware what you buy...

Terribly wrong my naive little friend. Rocket hasn't made a single penny off of this mod, it all goes to Bohemia interactive since people bought Arma 2..not DayZ. And the forum team is right, if you don't like it then GTFO nobody wants someone with your kind of attitude here.

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hahaha... NO

Hackers will be a thing of the past in standalone. Rocket has already said that.

Rocket does not treat us like walking wallets. How much did you pay for DayZ? oh right, it was free only BECAUSE rocket made it free for you. He has made 0$ of of this so far.

Also, Alphas are SUPPOSED to have glitches otherwise they would just be finished products. Ever play the battlefield 3 open beta? You spent more time walking inside the ground than you did actually shooting people.

lol your a moron sparta, look at every major title like bf3, mw3 and skyrim to list some. they were all broken when they came out... 3 months later and they were still broken. you think this game is gonna be different cause "mighty rocket" made it and isnt charging us for the priviliged alpha testers (the millions, and more that keep signing up, some that are dupe accounts).. the standalone is gonna be released with just as many glitches and bugs as it has now. and its gonna be just as broken as many major releases that get let out, so i wouldnt pay much for this

Edited by trylan
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$20-$30 for the alpha version, assuming that counts as a pre-order for the official release.

$40-$50 for the finished game.

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lol your a moron sparta, look at every major title like bf3, mw3 and skyrim to list some. they were all broken when they came out... 3 months later and they were still broken. you think this game is gonna be different cause "mighty rocket" made it and isnt charging us for the priviliged alpha testers (the millions, and more that keep signing up, some that are dupe accounts).. the standalone is gonna be released with just as many glitches and bugs as it has now. and its gonna be just as broken as many major releases that get let out, so i wouldnt pay much for this

All three game you have mentioned are raking in the dollars. So I guess DayZ will also survive you not paying for it.

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I would pay $60 for a finished product if it is done well. When it comes put as Alpha, $20-$25 seems like a fair price.

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lol your a moron sparta, look at every major title like bf3, mw3 and skyrim to list some. they were all broken when they came out... 3 months later and they were still broken. you think this game is gonna be different cause "mighty rocket" made it and isnt charging us for the priviliged alpha testers (the millions, and more that keep signing up, some that are dupe accounts).. the standalone is gonna be released with just as many glitches and bugs as it has now. and its gonna be just as broken as many major releases that get let out, so i wouldnt pay much for this

Maybe you wanna stick to fucking consoles than? They're just little outdated and it's not like there's need to push some innovation trough right? I mean we all can play on consoles for next 5 years, don't we?

Yea that's right

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I don't think there will be monthly subscriptions.


Alpha will be heavily discounted paid project. The project will never be a full retail priced title, and the alpha will be heavily discounted. No prepurchase. But there will be a premium type purchase that contains some extra collectors edition type stuff like concept art prints etc... for those who want to throw money at the project

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I don't think there will be monthly subscriptions.


Alpha will be heavily discounted paid project. The project will never be a full retail priced title, and the alpha will be heavily discounted. No prepurchase. But there will be a premium type purchase that contains some extra collectors edition type stuff like concept art prints etc... for those who want to throw money at the project

Yeah monthly subs would be a total turnoff but i dont think this is gonna turn into an mmo type deal. I'll happily purchase a collectors edition just to give rocket my money

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Terribly wrong my naive little friend. Rocket hasn't made a single penny off of this mod, it all goes to Bohemia interactive since people bought Arma 2..not DayZ. And the forum team is right, if you don't like it then GTFO nobody wants someone with your kind of attitude here.

Eh im pretty sure rocket was employed by BI as soon as the mod took off.

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49.99USD for final release


It's using RV4 engine

Keeps the ArmA II feel and play


Adds Character Customization like APB or Saints Row The Third

29.99USD for final release

If it is just as this alpha only without arma 2 co, and keeps these humanity thing with lame "skins" (more like models) of preesxiting amra 2 onoes

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I would pay anything up to $100 for standalone to be honest

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If the hacking continues I expect Rocket to pay me for trying his game.

If the hacking is reduced to a minimal level then I would gladly pay 40 euros for a standalone game like DayZ

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I'd pay 60$ for the finished product, and 25$ per additional map with some extras(new skins, what have you.)

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Depends how the hacking issue is adressed. If it's shut down to a reasonable level, 50 euros. If not, 5 euros.

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I would pay 60 for a standalone, because.

This is so much more epic than skyrim, so much creepier than any other "scary game" out there, you make your own story, discover new stuff every day.

Being paranoid in a way that feels right, being just enough afraid to almost shit your pants.

It all just makes sense, if i havent had a girlfriend, a full time job or things to take care of, i would play this 24/7! its just an epic epic game :)

All in one condition, that all the graphical glitches and the load/login time was fixed, the random zombies spotting you while prone cross the fields, and offcourse the minor faults in this game :P

Conclusion: EPIC GAME! B)

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For an alpha version that represents slightly more than what we have currently I'd probably pay $10-15.

For the final version, considering Iron Front: Liberation1944 is only $30, I'd be surprised if it was much more than that and I'm not sure I'd pay any more for it though it's hard to say considering I don't know what is in the final product.

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Eh im pretty sure rocket was employed by BI as soon as the mod took off.

Wrong bro. Rocket was an employee of BI working on coding for multiplayer (i think) when DayZ was released and even before that.

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Not sure why people are posting prices for alpha and beta access. If this is used to help development, and those costs go towards the cost of the final product, fine. But if you have to buy access individually, making the cost stack, then I will wait for the final release and not pay anything higher than $60.

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I think since (even though I dont agree with the kids) a lot of players here have bought arma II MAINLY for dayz (ive been playing custom maps whole week).

The alpha should be $20 USD if you can provide proof of purchase for arma II.


$30 Alpha

$45 Beta

$60 Release

Edited by v1ktor
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