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Mountain Dew

My problem with Dayz(INFORMAL so fuck how you feel)

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I'm going to start off this post by saying Fuck Dayz, the only reason why i am saying this is because of all the hackers and fiends that made it possible to even hate this mod. A lot of people just want to play a "survival" game like dayz, a free world/ real life game that create the "fantasy" that you have been always asking for in a game like the ones you see in the movies and other zombie games all in one big epic world. But now you have to worry about hackers(4), fiends(3), glitches(2), and just dick head players(1).

(4)Hackers why hack items that you can just find by playing the game, why blow up towns and teleport people to one place just so you can kill them. Is it so you can take their stuff?... no you dont need to do that if your already hacking the game why not just spawn the crate with every weapon and item in the game. I don't mostly blame hackers for the game not being fun anymore to play,i blame all the fiends.

(3)Fiends: them player who want to prove they are the best in the game so they go out of their way to be the best like staying i one spot just to snip people. Start a clan just so you can establish a group just so you can say you are the best, recruit people and make them fill out shit that is unnecessary just to be in your clan. Buy a server just to have complete control like ban and restart when ever you die or lose your car(happen to me before) just do the world and everyone a favor and stop being a fucking wanna be and maybe people wouldn't hack.

(2)Glitches i dont give a fuck if this mod is a alpha or not if you can fix the copying items glitch you can fix them fuck faces-es zombies from making you bleed from one hit, hitting you threw walls, walking threw them, running like flash, and chasing you like they are the boys(Cops). Im still getting that graphical glitch when at the airstrip or in town i am not trying to die or have to hit that alt f4 button. They are the main problem i am not mad or complaining about the other ones. Last but not least them dick had players.

(1)Dick head players: Are mostly fiends and hackers all-in-one, they start off as normal players but get bored of just trying to survive so they mix it up a little turn in to dick heads. Dhp often just go around doing things they would never do in real life life changing their voice just to "scare" and play jokes on other players, they like to say friendly friendly friendly then befriend you then kill you just for the fun of it, go to places just to snipe people that are just spawning, find a vehicle and drive around and make random players get inside or they would kill them just for the fun of it. Go ahead and make a living out of making dayz videos on youtube people will like them but remember you are the reason why people say this mod is failing

Outro: if you are like any of them type of players... smh go to/back to C.o.d this is suppose to be a survival game not no what the fuck just happen game. Everyone start out as a Survivor some say and some become Dick Heads> become Fiends and they become Hackers then the game is over.

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I hate to tell you this, but most of the dickheads - as you see above my comment - roam the forums too. It is a shame that most people in DayZ get their kicks off of shooting and looting other players but thats why I play on small servers... to avoid it. It's come to the point where I don't trust anyone...nobody uses chat either. But wait till it becomes a standalone game because the only issue left will be bandits.

Try to find a clan that hunts bandits. :thumbsup:

Edited by HazardousJJ

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Wall of text FAIL. Can't read it.

Shouldn't you be out buying back-to-school supplies?

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(INFORMAL so fuck how you feel)

Hello there

With a heading like that, I was already disposed to think that you yourself are not particularly nice.

I somewhat agree with your thoughts (perhaps split the text up as it's a wall 'o text at the moment) but the way you put them across is not great.

For eg i dont give a fuck if this mod is a alpha . Again you come across egotistical and open yourself to alot of abuse.

IMHO phrase yourself better and you'll avoid posts like the ones above. You have assisted in bringing it on your self a bit i'm afraid.



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At least he made a new abbreviation in his rant, DHP = Dick Head Players. And I like how he compains about the fiends trying to be the BEST, and his forum name is Dayz ELITE LOL. Sounds to me he is an upset fiend, who wanted to be the best, but got his butt kicked by thy DHP's.

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Assholes are assholes. Shoot the assholes, stop complaining.

Hackers are assholes you can't shoot. I think there's a thread for this.

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I was going to make a wall of text showing how the Op is an idiot, but...

  On Invalid Date at NaN:NaN PM, Op said:

fuck how you feel.

We're supposed to give beans to him, not criticize/discuss his AWESOME ideas.

Edited by Again_Dejavu

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