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About Again_Dejavu

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  1. 1st paragraph: We can use any real life items we want and we're legally untouchable* 2nd paragraph: *Not guaranteed to not get sued, and if you do it's not my fault
  2. I was going to make a wall of text showing how the Op is an idiot, but... We're supposed to give beans to him, not criticize/discuss his AWESOME ideas.
  3. Again_Dejavu

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    I heard someone mention you can turn height maps into maps somehow using ce3, could someone explain how I could do that for Hawaii?
  4. How do I report a site to Amazon XD
  5. Again_Dejavu

    Hero Skin?

    I think it's a headband, and it's probably obtained with high humanity.
  6. Again_Dejavu

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    BAM! We still might get ce3
  7. Again_Dejavu

    Character Traits not Classes

    Finally, someone else who hates classes and the hundreds of threads for them.
  8. Again_Dejavu

    Character Traits not Classes

    However, this is basically identical to all other class suggestions.
  9. Again_Dejavu

    Character Traits not Classes

    Those are classes, not traits.
  10. Again_Dejavu

    Random events

    Hackers already added airdrops XD
  11. Wut? Also, You're not going to work on a game out of the blue with just one post.
  12. Again_Dejavu

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    However, RV4 was REMOVED from the announcement, even though it had previously been there. So, we don't know what engine will be used. Anyway I know they wouldn't be dumb enough to use an old engine while they have a new one coming out. I'm not sure if they're using real virtuality as the engine, not which version of it.
  13. Again_Dejavu

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    Actually, if you look at the forum post, the line saying it would use Rv4 was REMOVED. So, the OP actually is rather justified.