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=ANz= Zentile

how do you end game? what is end game for you?

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il start it off by saying my end game goal is to fill my tool belt and too aviod the temptation to KoS in cherno.

end gaming for me is the ability to give away loot to newbies or help people getting through towns without getting sniped by raging 12 year-olds who think dayz is CoD..(call of douchebags). i also love killing hackers with a makarov haha (happend last night) funny story

my new goal is too fill 5 tents with BEANZZ i have already got 3 full tents hahahaha

i love my beans..

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End game for me is all about seeing how long i can stay alive and gearing up, I would love to come across some cool people to group up with but still not had any luck in that department yet.

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I'm at my end game, basically. Tents filled with every thing a man could want.

Namely 37 cans of mountain dew and 4 extra radios.

I'm basically the living conduit of the Mountain Dew gods.

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haha MD is cursed sorry to break it too you =[

and yeah the other night in elek i saw a guy get sniped (he broke his legs) so after i killed teh idiot sniper i went and helped him gave him bandaids morphine and blood and he shot me,,, so yeah people are veeeery aggressive lately hahah

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Kill all the zombies

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My end-game is walking to skalka, spinning around three times, walking in the direction I stop, and squashing the tents I inevitably find. Also, sometimes, bicycle. Sometimes two, which is the happiest day of all, because then you and a friend can bicycle joust.

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End game for me is counter-sniping snipers on high pop servers and seeing how long I can stalk people without them noticing..

Yes I am the friendly neighborhood creeper.

And i'm watching you.

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End game for me is putting everything into my VS3 and driving around Cherno/Stary/NWAF on a 70 man server, honking the horn.


Which, I think I might do so.

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There isn't really anything adequate in the game that I would consider "end game". There is not enough content and not enough achievements. When you get so far you end up making up random goals for yourself. Mine is to find the most efficient looting paths and to kill as many zombies in the process.

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yeah thats why i want to fill my tool belt haha is it even possible to fill it?

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This games content arises from randomisation and player interaction. Sorry to break it to you, but the term 'end-game' doesn't apply.

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haha MD is cursed sorry to break it too you =[

and yeah the other night in elek i saw a guy get sniped (he broke his legs) so after i killed teh idiot sniper i went and helped him gave him bandaids morphine and blood and he shot me,,, so yeah people are veeeery aggressive lately hahah

As I try to tell everyone, it is not that Mountain Dew is cursed, it is that the cans are direct channels of communication with the Mountain Dew and Bean gods. These gods are angry. They demand sacrifice. In turn, they will protect you from mortal wounds, pull you out of impossible situations alive, and direct you to the loot... As well as more Mountain Dew cans.

They only ask for the blood of the innocent.

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As I try to tell everyone, it is not that Mountain Dew is cursed, it is that the cans are direct channels of communication with the Mountain Dew and Bean gods. These gods are angry. They demand sacrifice. In turn, they will protect you from mortal wounds, pull you out of impossible situations alive, and direct you to the loot... As well as more Mountain Dew cans.

They only ask for the blood of the innocent.

ahhh so those are the voices in my head telling me to kill freshies on the shore..!!!

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My endgame goal is run through Electro on a high pop daytime server while carrying nothing but a bandage and a flashlight and aggro every single zombie while blasting "Eye of the Tiger" over my mic.

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yeah thats why i want to fill my tool belt haha is it even possible to fill it?

It stops one slot short.

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For me there is no "end game". The war between our clan and the bandits never ends, casualties are expected on both sides.

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For me there is no "end game". The war between our clan and the bandits never ends, casualties are expected on both sides.

You should challenge them to a bike jousting tournament.

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I'm currently on my personal record of 68 days survived, with all the equipment I want (exluding rangefinders and maybe a pair of NVG's) I have an L85 and a DMR with a stack of ammo for both and aside from finding the aforementioned optics and an AS50 (found more FN-frickinFals and M14's on crash sites than I can shake a stick at) I have everything I could need to not go near a city, town, settlement or deerstand for weeks.

To be honest I'm at a bit of a loss now to be honest as to what my end game is going to be. Most days now revolve around player watching, hunting for animals, finding lakes to refill my waterbottles and roaming the north for more crashed helicopters to loot. I don't enjoy PVP (although I agree it is essential, hearing gun shots in my vicinity is the only thing that gets my heart racing in this game now). Have managed to get through the entire time without a murder or bandit kill and have only ever had to fire one warning shot at a player who was headed directly towards where I was watching him from who promptly ALT-F4'd.

I really don't know what to do now, I have considered finding a vehicle and repairing it but driving draws way too much unwanted attention & leaves you very vunerable and securing, repairing, fueling and flying a chopper as a solo survivor is out of the question. My other thought was maybe try and patch up a boat and just cruise it up and down the coast for a week between Kamenka & Berezino providing some kind of ferry service for newly spawned players and giving them a shortcut up north. Although I don't know if I could get close enough to the shore to be heard over direct chat without being too close to be shot out of the boat.

Aside from that I'm out of ideas.

Edited by Fortran
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Re: filling my toolbelt. I was so damn near it. I found a radio, so all I needed was a military flashlight to top it off. Now I died after messing around in Elektro and couldn't get my radio back.

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