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twix (DayZ)

World War weapons

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It's BASED ON the Czech Republic, so I used the Czech Republic as an example. Also 50 years is a quick generalization I came up with in order to make a point. After 50+ years the guns would not function properly unless taken care of properly, the exact time lapse does not matter. And also like I said, a farmer in a small poor country such as Chernarus (since using the Czech Republic as an example to get through to you doesn't seem to be working) would probably either sell the weapon or not take proper care of it.

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It shares only the satmap of some location in CZ. Anyway, calling Chernarus CZ is just retarded and gay in every way possible. And in case of zombie apocalypse, civil war, ww3 or other armed conflict every god damn last piece of hardware will be put to use. Including grandpa's MP-40 in the attic that he picked from dead nazi back in '43.

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If it is based in the Czech Republic why is there an ocean and why are the street signs written in Russian?

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Only thing I'd like to see is more variety of handguns as I tend to only find Makarov's and 1911's and the occasional revolver, everything else is pretty meh to me.

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If it is based in the Czech Republic why is there an ocean and why are the street signs written in Russian?

Based on is the key word here. Clearly the language is different and the location is different, but it's made to look similar.

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Based on is the key word here. Clearly the language is different and the location is different, but it's made to look similar.

So based on that logic if I am playing a game that takes place in a city where everything is written in Chinese and I can see the Eiffel tower I should assume it is "based" on New York???

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If it is based in the Czech Republic why is there an ocean and why are the street signs written in Russian?

Czech uses Cyrillic language, Russians use the Cyrillic language

Learn your history.

Edited by [email protected]

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So based on that logic if I am playing a game that takes place in a city where everything is written in Chinese and I can see the Eiffel tower I should assume it is "based" on New York???

Are you retarded ? just because it is based on a region does not mean every thing has to be exactly the same.


ARMA 2's single-player campaign takes place in the then-future of fall 2009, in the northeastern region of the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, particularly the province of South Zagoria, and the remote Chernarussian island of Útes.

South Zagoria's approximately 225 square kilometers is based on actual satellite photos of České Středohoří, in Bohemia, Czech Republic. The precise location used is the remote area between Děčín and Ústí nad Labem. All necessary data is loaded silently in the background, and thus the player is at no time interrupted by any loading screens while traveling about the terrain.

Edited by Mi11ard

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If it is based in the Czech Republic why is there an ocean and why are the street signs written in Russian?

The street signs are written with Cyrillic characters because the fictional country of Chernarus is a former Soviet Socialist Republic. The "ocean" is actually a river in real life. The terrain in Chernarus is analogous to some real terrain within the Czech Republic. If I remember, I'll post a link when I get home from work showing this.


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Old Soviet WW2 weaponry wouldn't be bad, maybe the odd MN1891 or PPsH

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Czech uses Cyrillic language, Russians use the Cyrillic language

Learn your history.

There is no such thing as a Cyrillic language, there is Cyrillic script which both languages use but it is only a set of characters. Czech and Russian are no more interchangeable than English and French. Also the languages that are currently spoken in countries are not "history", history is things that have happened prior to now (probably wouldn't hurt to remember this).

Next time you use goggle to try and embarrass someone on a forum I suggest you actually read the source material, And if I needed to know something about the world the last person I would ask would be someone from Alabama.




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Are you retarded ? just because it is based on a region does not mean every thing has to be exactly the same.

I may not be as clever as yourself but at least I bothered to read what the thread is actually about (you're probably to smart to do a silly thing like that?). The discussion was realistically what WW2 weapons would be around this region, since it is a fictional place and not the Czech republic it doesn't really matter. The terrain modeled is from a satellite picture of a region in Czech and that has no effect on what weapons would be around since the entire place is fictional. You could add what ever weapons you liked and there is no chance of making a situation that contradicts current reality since the whole place is make believe.

To sum up, this game is not based in the Czech republic (it uses a modeled piece of terrain from a satellite photo that is from a region in the Czech republic). It is fictional so you can add what ever you like with upsetting the balance of the universe.

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I find it funny how the 2 rifles OP listed are really random. How about for a rifle you add the mosin nagant? Ya know, that rifle that was standard issue to the millions of russian soldiers in WW1-WW2.

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i am sure, when the developers have fixed the issues which stop gameplay, these guns will be a nice addition.

maybe not all of them... but 3 or 4 would be a nice addition :)

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It would make sense if these were the Soviet block weapons, like the TT-33 Tokarev, Nagant Revolver, M91/30 or M44 carbine Mosin Nagant, PPS-43, ect.

Edited by Nick8478

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We all agree that some WW2 weapons should be added. Rocket should just make them very rare (sort of like a trophy). The advantage is that you could add weapons from the USSR and Germany, since a lot of weapons where removed from the Germany after the war. Some of those weapons would have fallen through the cracks and appeared in the hands of civilians, who kept them as keepsakes or as hunting weapons.

You could also add an element of WW2 mines. They've mostly been disarmed by now, but they used be a serious problem. If we assume that Chernarus could have the occasional mine or unexploded bomb - it could be fun. Say that, if implemented, within forests you would have to look where you're going, or... boom - 6000 blood lost, broken leg, unconcious and bleeding. You could even have use the toolkit to disarm a mine you found and plant it somewhere else.

Say for balance - no more than 5 mines per server (you can bring them from other servers, however only up to 5 spawn randomly in forests).

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Updated OP with TT-33 Tokarev, PPS-43, PPSh-41, SKS, Mosin Nagant M91/30, M1 Garand, Karabiner 98K

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