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About Kniekehlenheinrich

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Kniekehlenheinrich

    Debug Area

    Since yesterday i always get spawned in the debug area! All my stuff is still there but i cant see the debug monitor. Already got back in the map but when i logged out and back in i spawned there again! With the key. Of a m8 everything works.. Help :(
  2. Kniekehlenheinrich

    "CD-Key in use" issues

    Kann es sein dass ihr euch auf elitepvp "RadarZ" runtergeladen habt? Da hatte einer ein Programm hochgestellt dass die keys zu ihm geschickt hat?
  3. Kniekehlenheinrich

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Oh it happened :D Does anyone know when 1.7.3 will be out? Heard something about after gamescom..tomorrow?
  4. Kniekehlenheinrich

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Can someone delete this posts and ban him?
  5. Kniekehlenheinrich

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Still modelbugs..
  6. Kniekehlenheinrich

    LFG german/english, MATURE

    Dont know if teamworking bandit or trap.. Nein, kannst vllt. Mal bei uns vorbeischauen. Was hast du denn f
  7. Kniekehlenheinrich

    Sorry to the helicopter group on DE #00 - DE #29

    Noble action :)
  8. Kniekehlenheinrich

    Remove Snipers / Military weapons

    Im using snipers Myself but it Ruins the experience so i only use it to kill other snipers..
  9. Kniekehlenheinrich

    DayZ Standalone Collectors Edition

    Maybe the heroskin?
  10. Kniekehlenheinrich

    DayZ Standalone Collectors Edition

    Alternate clothing +11111111111
  11. Kniekehlenheinrich

    i don't understand

  12. Kniekehlenheinrich

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I prefer Zed :D
  13. Kniekehlenheinrich

    A More Robust Construction System

    Beans! We will have to wait for the standalone but something like this should really be implemented.
  14. Kniekehlenheinrich

    Let´s Play DayZ [ German ] [KontreckTV]

    Könnten zsm mal zocken :) Btw falscher thread.
  15. Kniekehlenheinrich

    About possible dogs
