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jdz (DayZ)

Ridiculous load times and constant script restriction kicks

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Anyone else having this issue? I am constantly seeing people getting kicked for script restrictions, including myself and then having to wait 10 minutes to join a server. Seems to be worse on some servers.

Damn annoying

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I think the long wait times are from the servers.

And what id on the script restriction are you getting?

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Various script restrictions, I've seen the whole server get kicked multiple times. It's only shows a number, script restriction #91 seems to be a big one

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Yeah strange me and my mate playing next to each other just got script restriction #80 and kicked then rejoined and bam #90 kicked

Been playing fine for 3 weeks and arnt hacking

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Yep, started getting script restriction #98 a few minutes ago, I see lots of people experiencing the same issue.

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I just got kicked for #98.

With your loading times, does it stay on the "Loading" with the green bar...or what?

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I just got kicked fro #87, #86 and #90.

Before I got #87 I had loaded onto the beach (I had logged much further north.) Then I tried again and loaded onto the beach and saw Battleye kicking the entire server. That's when I got #90.

Battleye.com said this, but after re-installing battleye and making sure it's up to date i still get the errors. :

We're aware of the global banning issue and are investigating since yesterday. Appropriate action will be taken if a false-positive scenario is found. If that is indeed the case we're terribly sorry for it and will take measures to prevent this from happening in the future.

An update will be posted once more is known.

Update: The issue has been investigated with the help of Ondrej Spanel (BIS lead programmer) and we found that there is a possibility of a race condition on BE's side during the game's disconnect process. It can essentially destroy the integrity of the environment that BE expects and trigger a certain detection. The problem has been fixed and all of bans of the past two days that could have been triggered by such a condition have been removed. There might still be cheaters among those, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that the innocent players should be unbanned now.

We're honestly deeply sorry for this and will do everything to ensure that something like this won't happen again.

EDIT: Found thisover in the server forums:

Edited by JollyZ

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Battle Eye is here to protect you.... from the fun you might otherwise experience.

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Same here, for an hour now I get kicked for #90, whatever that is. Very annoying. Oh, and while we are at it: The server browser seems to be messed up. It seems to take 1-2 complete Arma2 restarts until I am able to find my usual servers. Very weird.

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Getting kicked for #98 on my own server. No one can get in for even 30 seconds before being kicked. Guess I'll restart the server & call it a night. Hopefully this will be addressed by tomorrow morning. And like someone else already mentioned, the server list does seem to be weird. Servers not showing up like they normally do. I know of the gamespy issues, and what not... but this is different.

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