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Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

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Can we get either a monkey or double Picard face palm up in here? I'm tired.

:facepalm: :facepalm:

ask and you shall receive

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Correct. Not quite as stupid as I first thought. Although, you are still suffering from false self-importance so you are indeed still a dickhead.

Great, we can be dickheads together since you're far from exempt.


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Yeah, the usual 'its alpha replies', which I'm sure we'll hear when the standalone is released.

Why even roll out a patch that isn't tested in the slightest?

It is an alpha. Which means


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I ask you one simple thing dev team, if you cannot handle patches in an alpha, how do you expect to handle them in a standalone game?

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I ask you one simple thing dev team, if you cannot handle patches in an alpha, how do you expect to handle them in a standalone game?

Pre-release as a mod = Rocket and a few others

As a standalone = BIS + publishers

Are you really this obtuse?

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Pre-release as a mod = Rocket and a few others

As a standalone = BIS + publishers

Are you really this obtuse?

Hahah, on a mod, they've had two weeks for this patch, with 4 fixes, you telling me that's going to be there problem?

Are you simply retarded?

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LHO you're speaking from a position of almost zero knowledge I suspect. Of course that is supposition on my part, but it is an educated guess based on the ignorance displayed in your posts. (not to mention your username).

Consider the transitional phase the project is in, and then try an imagine that they may have had other things to deal with.

Also read my previous post here http://dayzmod.com/f...180#entry665518

Then go away and try and grow a brain.

Edited by Strategos

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Hahah, on a mod, they've had two weeks for this patch, with 4 fixes, you telling me that's going to be there problem?

If your sentence made any sense whatsoever I'd have an answer for you.

Are you retarded?

Yes I'm retarded :rolleyes:

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If your sentence made any sense whatsoever I'd have an answer for you.

Yes I'm retarded :rolleyes:

But not full I hope. You know you never go full retard.

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yet again a thread of dribbling and op proving once and for all he hasn't a fucking clue

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Leave then, you are not forced to test this mod.

There is a disturbing lack of patience in people these days.

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I still think that mini patch addressing graphical glitches should have been released first.

Only once graph.glitches were stomped would I start adding dogs , bear traps or bigfoot.

So yea I'm a bit sad about current situation but then it alteast drove me to explore world of Arma 2 (+ACE and ACRE mods) and boy, it is IMMENSE FUN! I found it hard to return to DayZ to try new patch, because after certain time you might get bored a bit of every random dbag sniping,axing or generally molesting you while you did not pose any threat to them nor did you have any special stuff for them to take (it will be probably killing spree to get that cool bandit "mummy head" now).

So guys if you feel like DayZ is trolling you,try some Arma 2 multiplayer.

If you can find server promoting team play, you might have a blast playing it provided you are not Call of Duty bunny hopper addict.

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There is a disturbing lack of patience in people these days.

Rocket seems to be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

On the one hand, people are upset because they feel this patch (and others) "wasn't tested at all/enough prior to release" and that he should take his time to test everything before releasing a patch. On the other hand, there's people who want things now, now, now and get more restless with each passing minute that they don't get what they want. It's a shame but it seems that no matter what group of people Rocket tries to please, there's always another group ready and waiting to light their torches and grab a pitchfork. Particularly during any open public testing stages (and Alpha adding to the pressure), it simply becomes increasingly difficult to appease both sides as popularity of the mod grows.

I'm not suggesting one side is any more right than the other. It's just a shame that something so good can quickly allow all of us to get carried away with our own expectations and excitement.

Edited by Hotdog
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And here we have reached the 201st use of the word "alpha" in this thread, congratulations everyone this is a big success.

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i play fine with the new patch, and i cba to read through all 11 pages (sorry) but serriously, i saw you saying stuff like "why give out a patch before it's tested" well. it aint really given out on the updater normal, if you decide to update it manually, you sir, are one of the testers of this patch ! CONGRATULATIONS ! a alpha is one big test, you are the one testing it before it's release!

quit the damn moaning about bugs etc, you are a alpha tester, you are the ones that are supposed to help out posting bugs, not complain about shit that all people know!.

if you CANT handle being a alpha/beta tester! QUIT THE GAME. Wait for the full release and enjoy the game then! untill then, let the rest of us enjoy helping out making that happend!

Thank you!

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LHO you're speaking from a position of almost zero knowledge I suspect. Of course that is supposition on my part, but it is an educated guess based on the ignorance displayed in your posts. (not to mention your username).

Consider the transitional phase the project is in, and then try an imagine that they may have had other things to deal with.

Also read my previous post here http://dayzmod.com/f...180#entry665518

Then go away and try and grow a brain.

My username and the fact i see 2 weeks, and 4 fixes not dealt with is ignorance, you for real?

I'm simply wondering how this is possible, you say its just an alpha, that's fair enough, its an alpha its there to test things out, but if people can't play it because of certain bugs, how will get tested out, you say they have other things they're dealing with, well, with the game now having a daily player base of 170k don't you think they should hire some more body's too help the game playable and testable in the first place?

Stop with making excuses for poor work, yes this mod is great, and the thought behind it is even better, of that no doubt, but stability on it at the moment is awful, and the big point you're missing at the moment, is alot of people CAN"T ACTUALLY GET ON TO THE GAME.

Do you understand now? Try and remove your head from your ass for one minute before you reply to me again.

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now you use the word "hire"

ofc i dont know if rocket have a giant company somewhere hidden in his personal stash.. but if not, it might be a bit expensive to go out and hire shit loads of people to fix this, without some kinda "sugar daddy" (please dont ever pick EA !!! )

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Those with graphical glitches, have you tried to set your video memory to the correct setting?

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It's a mod.

It's an alpha.

You answered your own whine in your own post you dumbass moron.

You've had it with the game? Who cares? Nobody. Not one damn person gives a crap.

When you have to pay something to play the game, you will have the right to act like the douchebag that's bursting out from inside of you. Right now, you are god damn privileged to be playing something that someone invested so much time into, for the benefit of crying little scrotum rats like you.

Edited by AzinGaming

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I keep spawning on the fucking coast with all my shit, keep having to run back to the airfiled. i have had it WITH THIS ALPHA TESTING PHASE.


you are a fucking crybaby. be happy you still got your LOVED gear. i cant imagine what will happen to you if you also would loose it. seriously.

are you an ALPHA tester or not?

Edited by Bezki

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Yeah, the usual 'its alpha replies', which I'm sure we'll hear when the standalone is released.

Why even roll out a patch that isn't tested in the slightest?

I'd bet money he adds dogs into the game before fixing the graphical glitches, wait and see.

He's trolling us.

LOL are you clueless. Did you read what you said.. The Alpha is the testing build to find and eliminate bugs in, he is letting the public find them because it makes the tasks quicker. Rather then having a dedicated team.

He will then most likely see if either a majority have a positive or negitive effect on something or a bug and either leave it in or take it away before a full roll out is done.


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Can we get one competent coder on the DayZ dev team or at least one person who tests patches before they're released?

Seriously, I'll do it myself, it'll take me 1 hour max to walk around and see if dead military zombies or barb wire is still causing glitches.

I'm up for it.

Does the 'dayz forum team' do anything except post sarcastic remarks on threads that criticise rocket?

Are you seriously that misguided ? YOU ARE A TESTER IN THIS GAME. You did not pay $30 to play this game. You paid for the honour of testing it.

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Are you seriously that misguided ? YOU ARE A TESTER IN THIS GAME. You did not pay $30 to play this game. You paid for the honour of testing it.

Maybe they should have made it a free to test Alpha then, they should just call the game Alpha.

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One thing I don't understand is that the only people to bring up the point that Rocket and the dev team are doing this for free is the team themselves. Everyone else uses a petty excuse that it is alpha in order to excuse buggy, unstable updates.

If a paid-for game is in alpha and it is buggy, graphically glitchy, and unstable, then you have an excuse to be mad. The Dev is providing you with a partially-broken game that you had to pay for. Just because it is in Alpha does not mean it is an excuse to be constantly coming out with unstable updates. You still paid money for a playable game that the dev is suppose to provide you with. Alpha is no excuse.

However, the fact that the mod Rocket has been making is FREE makes a huge fucking difference. I have seen people complain that even though he is doing it free, he should sitll be obliged to make it perfect every step of the way. Have you lost your fucking minds? If someone walks up to you and gives you a copy of Battlefield 3 for FREE, but says the disc is screwed up and only can play half of the maps, do you spit in their face and tell them that if they are going to give something for free that they better give the best thing they can? Yea, maybe if your a fucking ungrateful prick who sits in his basement and whines when his mom refuses to bring your fatass hotpockets. Rocket is that person (not the fatass). Although the mod may not be fucking amazingly fantastic and all you've ever dreamed of right now, that doesn't mean you have the right to stomp all over someone who is trying to make you HAPPY FOR FREE.

If you are going to complain and rant and bitch about Rocket putting out a "piece of shit" (as some of you like to phrase it) for FREE, then you have to also sit here and complain about the thousands of useless, pointless, time-wasting Youtube videos that are uploaded everyday for FREE.

Now, when the standalone comes out and it costs money, there should and will certainly be a higher standard for the playability of the game, specifically because we are paying for it. Rocket is following the Minecraft Model. It will still go through alpha and beta, fixing bugs and adding features, but the tolerance for game-wrecking graphical glitches will certainly be much lower. And I am sure Rocket and the whole Dayz team knows that. They are not stupid. If they were, they would not make a mod that harbors nearly 1 MILLION players in a few months.

Constructive critiscism is all good and fun, even when it seems like you are being a dick, but whining is counterproductive and a waste of people's time.

Edited by Spart248
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