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Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

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  On 8/12/2012 at 2:10 AM, TheMachine said:

Was ANY testing done on the patch, or was some code just splurged into the editor then the patch fired out?

Uh, we are the testers..

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I understand your anger, but I trust Rocket n' the team. I know they should be fixing the bugs and not going for the stand alone version to make all of the moolla, unless he makes some percentage of the Arma sales? (If not they are ass holes. (The Arma team of course)) There will be boycoting if the stand alone version is not free to those who have bought Arma II just for DayZ. My older brother is super smart and a computer wiz in every field, and I was surprised to hear him say it has to be free for us, so I trust him. Time will tell, so wait n' see.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 7:30 AM, ctower said:

You: Half of what I said wasn't directed at you. I did quote the person to whom I was respond to directly above each section of text.

Me: Gotcha.

You: So am I smart, or a simpleton... you contradicted yourself, again.

Me: Sarcasm over the internet is hard to follow, my apologies. What have I contradicted myself on?

You: Just because something is a quick prototype, doesn't mean you keep slapping the shit on it when there are fundamental issues with basic function, unless of course you don't give a shit about your potential player base.

Me: That's the thing. He's adding his ideas faster than dealing with the bugs people find (which is absolutely fair in an ALPHA). He's an actual game designer/developer, and he doesn't jump to conclusions immediately. So removing the crap that isn't so good, or "lame" is not on the top of his priority list. It might be on the top of our priority lists as testers, but as the developer, he has a different plan and he's doing what he thinks is best. I'm sure he does care about his player base, but he already knows that his idea/concept is a success, and when working properly it will sell to the masses. 1,000,000 unique players is proof to that and enough to get just about any investor out there. Which is most likely why BI is funding his standalone.

You: Engine also = game... at least, in the way I design an engine. The engine is modular, and easy to add/remove features. I guess to suit your definition of a "game" we just have to add pretty pictures to show what our code is doing... then it's a game, I suppose.

Me: Once again you did not clarify. You said 3D engine, and in no way is a 3D engine a game engine. I'm presuming you're some self taught game developer at this point who has no real experience, which is why you keep using wrong terminology and fail to be concise about what it is your doing. To suit my definition of a game: there is a start, an objective, and an end. I could careless about your pretty pictures. I'm not a graphics whore. In fact, I still code and play on MUDs. I can only go off of what you say, and you implicated you had a 90% bug-free ALPHA tested game. Once again, it's not my fault you fail to give proper information or to articulate yourself in a manner we can understand. I'm assuming it's because you're over there raging that the mod you want to steal ideas from is not working properly for you, during it's ALPHA testing phase.

You: What am I claiming to be that I'm not? Enlighten me... I'm dying to know, how you know so much about who I am, or what I stand for and believe. This ought to be great.

Me: A game developer, so far you've said you have 10 years of game design (I actually chuckled at this, it took you 10 years and you've only got a 3D engine at 90% bug-free ALPHA?). The attitude of your posts tell a lot about how you are and who you are.

You called me smart followed by a sentence or so later, simpleton. You contradicted yourself.

I never said Rocket didn't care, but clearly he has his own agenda and there are numerous thread replies from him where he blatantly ignores the majority community response in favour of his own "amusement".

My 3d engine, is for a game, not for anything else. It will function solely as a game. Fuck me sideways if I didn't go into the juicy details of what I was talking about. It's irrelevant!

Also, your definition of game only defines games as made by the industry so far. Many MANY game ideas do not have a start or finish... like mine. Everything thinks DayZ is so "revolutionary" with it's open world sandbox style game play... I had that idea 15 years ago. My idea will far supersede anything that DayZ has shown us so far, but again, irrelevant! I also never said it was a 90% tested game... I said I am in alpha and it's 90% free of bugs. You should try reading it again, instead of reading what you want to read, and interpreting it thusly.

Lastly, I said I've been planning this for over 10 years. I didn't know shit about developement when I started, and it's been a long journey. I have made several prototypes over the years, all aiming towards this goal. Again, treat me with all the disrespect and candid "lolfag" behaviour all you want. I DON'T CARE! It just proves, once again, that this community is fucking disgusting.

  On 8/12/2012 at 7:31 AM, SadPanda said:

What, I called you a douchebag ONCE and all of the sudden it's ''all sort of wonderful names''? I don't treat people like dirt unless they do it to me or to other people who didn't deserve it either, so give what you get indeed.

It's hard to have a serious conversation with you when you throw around ''shit'' and ''fuck'' in almost every sentence.

Shit and fuck... here let me wash your eyes out for you. At least I don't direct it towards someone in the form of a personal attack. I use shit and fuck as emotional "punch"... not to blindly assault someone because they didn't agree with me. I never called you anything, or treated you poorly, so yes your "one time" was unjustified no matter how you look at it.


Edited by Sol

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:22 AM, CerebralZombie said:

I understand your anger, but I trust Rocket n' the team. I know they should be fixing the bugs and not going for the stand alone version to make all of the moolla, unless he makes some percentage of the Arma sales? (If not they are ass holes. (The Arma team of course)) There will be boycoting if the stand alone version is not free to those who have bought Arma II just for DayZ. My older brother is super smart and a computer wiz in every field, and I was surprised to hear him say it has to be free for us, so I trust him. Time will tell, so wait n' see.

You might be right from the consumer perspective, that the stand-alone version should be free to Arma 2 owners, I bought Arma 2 just for the sake of DayZ. But I do not agree with you, Arma 2 owners still have the Mod and people who are working on the standalone version need to be paid. Especially if we take in account that all the manpower Bohemia Interactive allocate to DayZ project could have been working on a new game instead.

Then again, I kinda expect Rocket and Bohemia Interactive to take DayZ mod to the next level in the standalone build, the level that cannot be achieved through means of modding. To make up to arma 2 owners, people who purchase DayZ standalone could receive some special in-game item or similar. But then again, I'll be just happy to pay if they turn dayz standalone into something 200 times more spectacular and engaging then the current dayz mod without sacrificing realism.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:27 AM, Sol said:

Shit and fuck... here let me wash your eyes out for you. At least I don't direct it towards someone in the form of a personal attack. I use shit and fuck as emotional "punch"... not to blindly assault someone because they didn't agree with me. I never called you anything, or treated you poorly, so yes your "one time" was unjustified no matter how you look at it.

You did to me, and don't come with ''Oh but you started it''.

You treated other people badly, so my one time is justified.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:32 AM, SadPanda said:

You did to me, and don't come with ''Oh but you started it''.

You treated other people badly, so my one time is justified.

Show me where.


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  On 8/12/2012 at 2:10 AM, TheMachine said:

I know it's an alpha, lets get that out of the way first so that canned reply is spewed out of some idiots gullet.

But come on, first the patch is 2 weeks late, then it's broken as hell.

Every single patch thus far has made issues worse and not done anything to fix previous bugs.

And this one is no different.

The graphical glitches are still there (and worse).

Login times are far far worse... that's if you can login at all and don't get stuck on the loading screen forever.

Bear traps still aren't fixed since the last patch?

I spawned invisible with a thermal scoped gun in my backpack, the hell?

I suicided to get rid of it, since I like to play fair.

Just the graphical glitches alone are game breaking, why wasn't this fixed?

Why was it listed as fixed if it wasn't?

Was ANY testing done on the patch, or was some code just splurged into the editor then the patch fired out?

I hope the 'team' rocket is overseeing on the development of the standalone are more competent at coding and he's just giving them ideas, since he seems to have sort of the right ones for this game.

You seem to be the biggest voice of complaint on these forums for what you admitted is an alpha. You don't want me to focus on that, so I won't.

Here is my suggestion, go take a break and come back when the game is retail, or don't come back at all.

Rocket and his team owe nothing to you. They could walk away from this alpha right now and leave it as it currently is to focus solely on creating the retail version, I imagine your cries would be even worse then. 2 weeks late, by who's deadline, yours? Your not the boss of the dev team, just a self entitled gamer acting like a child.

Here's an idea though, instead of posting negative threads such as this, you post the bug reports in the bug reports section and create threads that are actually useful for the community and devs. This will improve the alpha when problems occur.

Or you could just go and create your own zombie survival game since you think that deadlines and everything should go so smoothly.

Edited by Banicks

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:35 AM, SadPanda said:

Where what? Where you treated other people badly?

Where I started to unjustifiably call someone names.

Just because I see a belligerent asshole, then point my finger and vocalise it... doesn't make me the bad guy.

If you think that makes me a douchebag for not taking someone's shit, then hail to you, because you must be Jesus fucking Christ.


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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:37 AM, Sol said:

Where I started to unjustifiably call someone names.

Just because I see a belligerent asshole, then point my finger and vocalise it... doesn't make me the bad guy.

If you think that makes me a douchebag for not taking someone's shit, then hail to you, because you must be Jesus fucking Christ.


Pretty sure everyone thinks you're a douchebag.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:37 AM, Sol said:

Where I started to unjustifiably call someone names.

Just because I see a belligerent asshole, then point my finger and vocalise it... doesn't make me the bad guy.

If you think that makes me a douchebag for not taking someone's shit, then hail to you, because you must be Jesus fucking Christ.


  On 8/12/2012 at 6:03 AM, Sol said:

Blow it out your ass...

I'm a game developer asshole. Alpha does not mean, break it more with every patch. My alpha is currently 90% bug free... and the bugs that DO exist are MINOR. They don't generate massive artifacts that block the entire fucking screen so you can't see anything, then make you log back in 15km away from where you were because you logged out to fix it. It also doesn't eat your inventory for random reasons at random times when it randomly feels the fuck like it. Inevitably making the game unplayable...

Stop using the "it's alpha" argument, since YOU are the one who clearly doesn't understand "what alpha means".

Fuck sakes.

Alpha = add shit

Beta = fix shit

I'm saying, MOVE TO BETA. The standalone game is already being worked on, which means there should be NO MORE FEATURE ADDING to the mod!

Learn to fucking READ.

You think his reply made your name calling justified? If so, then my douchebag comment was clearly justified.

EDIT: Oh, you called yourself an asshole, my bad.

Edited by SadPanda
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Stop playing an alpha game if you cant deal with bugs, fail hotfixes and slow development.

Go play something else until the full release. If its still buggy then, then feel free to whine.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:39 AM, SadPanda said:

You think his reply made your name calling justified? If so, then my douchebag comment was clearly justified.

EDIT: Oh, you called yourself an asshole, my bad.

Since when is it ok to be an evangelist for someone else? If he has a problem with me, let him deal with it... much like I'm doing with you.

You want to insult me, at least get some perspective. If you want to break it down, he insulted my intelligence by whining at me that I don't understand what alpha means. Fuck him, he doesn't know what I understand and what I don't. I call him an asshole for implying so.

I believe that's "check"...


And yes, I am an asshole... when someone sticks there finger in it.


Edited by Sol

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:49 AM, Sol said:

Since when is it ok to be an evangelist for someone else? If he has a problem with me, let him deal with it... much like I'm doing with you.

You want to insult me, at least get some perspective. If you want to break it down, he insulted my intelligence by whining at me that I don't understand what alpha means. Fuck him, he doesn't know what I understand and what I don't. I call him an asshole for implying so.

I believe that's "check"...


And yes, I am an asshole... when someone sticks there finger in it.


Oh he insulted your intelligence? You couldn't simply prove him otherwise?

I called you an douchebag because you insulted my innocence by throwing around insulting words like ''fuck'' and ''shit''. Seriously, this is ridiculous, this is getting us nowhere.

Edited by SadPanda

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:56 AM, SadPanda said:

Oh he insulted your intelligence? You couldn't simply prove him otherwise?

I called you an douchebag because you insulted my innocence by throwing around insulting words like ''fuck'' and ''shit''. Seriously, this is ridiculous, this is getting us nowhere.


I'm a douchebag, so what?

Later on, if my game fails... call me all the names you want. I still won't care... but at least you'll have the right to make fun of me for being an over-confident prick.

All I want to agree on now is that, even being alpha, it doesn't have to be so fucking BROKEN, and getting WORSE by the patch. If you're going to add something, at least make sure it doesn't break 5 other things (because that's subtraction, by my book).


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  On 8/12/2012 at 9:01 AM, Sol said:


I'm a douchebag, so what?

Later on, if my game fails... call me all the names you want. I still won't care... but at least you'll have the right to make fun of me for being an over-confident prick.

All I want to agree on now is that, even being alpha, it doesn't have to be so fucking BROKEN, and getting WORSE by the patch. If you're going to add something, at least make sure it doesn't break 5 other things (because that's subtraction, by my book).


Arma 2 is a broken game, in my opinion.

It's difficult to make a mod for a broken game, it's a miracle that DayZ works as it does, I mean, they use animal animations for the zombies lol.

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I don't know what annoys me most, the complainers themself or the complainers about the complainers. :huh:



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  On 8/12/2012 at 9:04 AM, Nikiller said:


I don't know what annoys me most, the complainers themself or the complainers about the complainers. :huh:



What about the people complaining about the complainers or the complainers about the complainers?

Whoa. Mind = blown.

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  On 8/12/2012 at 9:05 AM, ZekkCC said:

What about the people complaining about the complainers or the complainers about the complainers?

Whoa. Mind = blown.

haha yea possibilities are endless. :lol:



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Wow Sol you are in a tard rage dude.

If you were really a game developer you....................

A) would not give a shit if dayz failed. In all likelyhood you would want it to.

B.) would not have time to nerdrage all night about patches. I mean you said you were self funded.... so you work a full time job too right?

C) would not have 250+ post on the dayz forums

D) would not make ridiculous claims of having an alpha that is %90 bug free

E) would understand the concept of being a tester.

Your not a game developer. Your a fucking rage-a-holic celler dweller with an over inflated sense of self entitlement. And your a liar too.

Edited by Redfield
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  On 8/12/2012 at 9:16 AM, Redfield said:

Wow Sol you are in a tard rage dude.

If you were really a game developer you....................

( A ) would not give a shit if dayz failed. In all likelyhood you would want it to.

( B ) would not have time to nerdrage all night about patches. I mean you said you were self funded.... so you work a full time job too right?

( C ) would not have 250+ post on the dayz forums

( D ) would not make ridiculous claims of having an alpha that is %90 bug free

( E ) would understand the concept of being a tester.

Your not a game developer. Your a fucking rage-a-holic celler dweller with an over inflated sense of self entitlement. And your a liar too.

Hey man, thanks for stopping by to further prove my point.

( A ) I already stated that, it's doing me a favour by fucking up so hard. You should try reading a little more, this is a forum after all.

( B ) I'm self funded meaning I have a shit tonne of money already from doing other crap that I've already succeeded at. What's your point?

( C ) I made all 250 of these posts in about 3 days... again, what's your point?

( D ) It's true, so why would I not claim it? Oh, you're just used to 99.99% of everyone who lies about shit. I understand, no hard feelings mmmkay?

( E ) I've beta tested more games than weeks you've been alive most likely. Again, you have no insight into my life, what I do, or who I do it with. Keep it to yourself please.

Conclusion: I don't have to prove shit you mate, this is the "DayZ discussion board", not the "Sol's life discussion board" :) Also, I don't fucking care what you think ;) Hugs anyway.


Edited by Sol

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  On 8/12/2012 at 8:22 AM, CerebralZombie said:

I understand your anger, but I trust Rocket n' the team. I know they should be fixing the bugs and not going for the stand alone version to make all of the moolla, unless he makes some percentage of the Arma sales? (If not they are ass holes. (The Arma team of course)) There will be boycoting if the stand alone version is not free to those who have bought Arma II just for DayZ. My older brother is super smart and a computer wiz in every field, and I was surprised to hear him say it has to be free for us, so I trust him. Time will tell, so wait n' see.

Too bad man you paid for Arma and you got what you paid for. You will have to pay again for standalone. Just Because you bought Arma just for Dayz doesn't change anything. You can try to sue them but you will not win because you got what you paid for.

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it's alpha and The graphical glitches it's fix for some ppl spawned invisible give it 5 min and u will be visible i to spawn invisible one time and after 5 min i became visible, one of my friends still get graphical glitches but i dont so it's not all pll there have problems

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