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Is this worth $30

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Hello I've been thinking about getting the arma 2 combined operations bundle in steam so that i can get this mod can someone tell me if this game is worth the $30 it costs to get the bundle to play this mod.

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I got CO from steam just for this mod. I regret nothing.

And if you feel this mod ends up not being your cup of tea, there are other modes you can play. You can get your money's worth if you want to try everything the ArmA Engine has to offer. <:

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You just have to know one thing. This ain't no CoD nor Battlefield, this is a military simulator.

If you are okay with that I have to tell you that It worths more than 30.

ArmA won't end with this mod, actually It won't never end. You won't get tired of it. The only end that ArmA 2 will encounter is with ArmA 3.

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My opinion:

ArmA2:CO is worth a lot more than $30.

DayZ will be worth that. But it is an Alpha. It is buggy as . If you are keen to help out with the development of this project (and can keep an open mind), then we'd love to have you. But buyer beware.

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My opinion:

ArmA2:CO is worth a lot more than $30.

DayZ will be worth that. But it is an Alpha. It is buggy as . If you are keen to help out with the development of this project (and can keep an open mind)' date=' then we'd love to have you. But buyer beware.


I've had no problem so far! It's a great mod for Alpha.

OT: ARMA II is well worth the money, the open Mod support is great. You won't be disappointed in my opinion.

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Well, I've had ArmA 2 since 2009 and I've had OA since release day. I'd say it is worth 100$, but that is because I love the game, a lot. I've been playing zombie mods since the Undead mod was released and I played Quarantine in the ArmA 1 days.

If you are getting it for only DayZ, then I would say it is worth 30$, yes. If you plan on branching out to the other aspects of ArmA play, then I think you are getting the game for a bargain price.

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It may seem expensive for a mod but it's truly worth it.

It's a fun game. Very different. It depends on what level of stimulation you require and if you enjoy exploring in games. For example, I've been lucky and come across alot of loot from various dead players along the way. The sense of danger and questioning why and who killed the players makes the game pretty tense.

Especially when your moving through the forest or a city and you hear gunshots in the distance. Tense moment.

Literally if a player is sneaky enough, they can literally pop out of nowhere, which leads to the tense question of wherever you pull the trigger or not!

In this mods defense regarding it's bugs, it's extremely playable and the mod team are very receptive to their fans and address issues in a timely manner. The game might be alpha, but the game is comparatively bug free compared to what slips through the net of high budget and high profile games these days.

So yeah. Buy it. Play it. Enjoy it. Invest some time, get some friends together and play, watch YouTube videos and get involved in the community.

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If you're getting it only for Day Z, 30$ is an alright price.

If you're getting it for Day Z but for ArmA also, 30$ is an amazing deal.


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I was talking with a group of friends about new games and DLC, and this Mod came up in the conversation.

The hour that followed was all about DayZ, but in the first 5 minutes i had already formulated a plan in my mind to go home and buy ArmAX.

The minute it was done installing I launched the game and began playing DayZ. I had watched some videos on YouTube about DayZ so i had a rough idea on what to do and what to expect, but NOTHING had prepared me for the immersion. I was crawling through abandond cities listening very closely to my surroundlings, each noise and shadow was a question: "What was that?" "Is that a player?" "Did a zombie just see me?"

Many pants were changed while playing this game, and i have to say that this game is well-worth the money.

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I've bought ArmA2:CO twice (both times for $30) and ArmA1 four times (for $19.95 a piece) so that friends could play. After a week they bought the extra copies from me.

I was a CoD player until I discovered ArmA in 2010.

I have not gone back. It's the game I always dreamed about. No bullshit.

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Look, to sum it up:

Ive been playing PC games since 1992. I was a small kid playing scary games (namely, Doom), and shitting my pants, being totally immersed in the game.

I have rarely had the same reaction in 2 decades, until now.

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I bought it for 30, would have paid more. I guess i did since i bought a copy for my friend. He got 5 more people to buy it, too and they would agree with its worthiness; we play almost nightly.

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I think it's totally worth it myself. Look at it this way, if you get 30 hours of enjoyment that's a buck and hour, way cheaper than a movie.

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It's a totally new experience in my opinion, my friend and I bought this totally blinded and we are enjoying a lot our 2 days of dayz, yeah we just played 2 days this game.

I think this mod have a lot of potential and its still in Alpha, we should enjoy the progression of this mod at every patch.

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If you play it the way it sould be played its worth a whole lot more then $30 just dont play it like COD or BF then you will enjoy the game not just the Mod

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I bought arma2 just for this mod. But apparently, you dont have to buy the bundle. Just arrowhead, then free version of arma2. But you lose out on some eye candy. From what ive been told.

After about 3 weeks of dayz, I decided to finnally try arma2 regular multiplayer.

What i found is, that dayz is more popular than said game. By far........ Server/player wise currently.

They should put arma3 on backburner. Throw it up for dayz official debut :P.

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It was worth $30 once, and then $15 for a second copy during the Amazon deal. Not ARMA 2 that is. Pshhh... why would I want to play that. DayZ, however, is definitely worth it.

Amazon deal, out of stock -


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I bought Arma 2 about 8 months ago because I played it a mates place, and I still think it's a bloody good game. Then about 4 weeks ago that same mate told me about this mod, told me to check out some vids on Youtube and I was sold. Within the first 5 mins of the vid I knew I wanted this. Unfortunately I didn't have a credit card, but my mate bought me Operation Arrowhead. I have had so much fun since. Like Griff said, this game actually makes you feel shit. Contact with other players is often very tense. Do we fire? Are they going to fire? But you know they are going through the same thing, and I really enjoy the psychology behind it all. I have been gaming for probably 16+ years, this is the first game I have gotten adrenaline rush from.


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Been playing DayZ for over a month now and I still have not played the REAL ARMA II yet. LoL

This mod is great!

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I just bought for my brother so we could play together.

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I think DayZ is probably the best game I have played in years, and it's not even a game. Worth the $30? Hell yes.

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