gute360 0 Posted October 13, 2012 I downloaded xpadder but it isnt a program folder so I cant put your layout into the xpadder folder like you told me to do?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 18, 2012 How does one judge "competitiveness" in video games? I sure different people will have different guidelines and such. Which video games are included in determining being "hardcore"?I'd like to admit that I've played competitively in CoD but I've never played the top levels of tournaments or MLG. I played a single season on Gamebattles a few years back. I was a "strategist" (if you will) for clans and teams back on CoD 4 MW, where I'd be "temporarily recruited" to test and attempt to break their strategies as a single person or with a partner. Does someone have to be playing in tournaments or leagues to be considered "hardcore'? I play intensely when it comes to piloting jets in BF3. I seriously dislike players whoring advantages and I play to win but I play fair, does that make someone "hardcore"? All of this is intended to show that a person's preferred platform doesn't depict their style of play. Neither does someone's Skill or talent.By competitive gaming I mean playing with an organised team against other organised teams in ladders, cups or at LANs. Whatever. I don't really see how there can be a difference in opinion there? As for being 'hardcore', that's purely a matter of opinion and IMO not really something you should strive for. I only mentioned it because you did...And Gamebattles is pretty much the special olympics of gaming. Running around in the new CoD games, with dead silence, throwing stuns at everything. Dem_skills. I'd keep that one quiet to avoid embarassment if I were you TBH.If the competitive scene's anything to go by then I'd say a person's platform says a lot about their skill, lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 18, 2012 Cool :beans: s. I DON'T CARE. :)Well that's a damn shame because I really value your opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TruYadoo 36 Posted October 18, 2012 (edited) As I said, played a single season and haven't touched in since. Calling it the special Olympics is a bit extreme, I wouldn't take it that far..How does one's platform preference say about their Skill? A loser* that abuses an OP weapon/mechanic on a PC video game is no better than a loser that abuses an OP weapon/mechanic on a console video game.Some people just don't prefer the handicap and complexity of PC shooters. Like, I prefer the smooth aiming of a controller instead of the rigid, hyperactive mice.A good Skilled player is still a Skilled player no matter the platform.* - Not used in the sense of someone's Win/Loss but of being a complete "loser". Edited October 18, 2012 by TruYadoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wüstenfuchs (DayZ) 105 Posted October 21, 2012 Added to Index of Helpful Threads and unpinned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) As I said, played a single season and haven't touched in since. Calling it the special Olympics is a bit extreme, I wouldn't take it that far..How does one's platform preference say about their Skill? A loser* that abuses an OP weapon/mechanic on a PC video game is no better than a loser that abuses an OP weapon/mechanic on a console video game.Some people just don't prefer the handicap and complexity of PC shooters. Like, I prefer the smooth aiming of a controller instead of the rigid, hyperactive mice.A good Skilled player is still a Skilled player no matter the platform.* - Not used in the sense of someone's Win/Loss but of being a complete "loser".It's the fact that the console community seems to be completely incapable of coming up with a balanced rule set that gets me. It seems to be a case of pretty much anything goes, I've seen them running around with stuff like 3 x stun, dead silence, red dot sights etc. etc. in CoD4 GB. That stuff pretty much destroys the tactical side of the game.Also, when you factor in stuff like aim-assist and peer2peer hosting (host advantage) I really don't understand how people take it seriously. Edited October 22, 2012 by mZLY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TruYadoo 36 Posted October 22, 2012 I was never a fan of the red dot sight back in CoD 4 but since then, CoD has added almost an infinite number of other sight attachments which makes the red dot sight seem better balanced out. However I still prefer iron sights. (A reason I had been a long time fan of CoD for it allowed those who wished, could aim and shoot accurately.) A lot of PC shooter TRAILERS even, I feel disappointed because the trailer is promoting the extremely inaccurate Run & Gun play style, which is a major turnoff. (For me at least.) First, I'd like to thank you for using the correct term, aim assist instead of auto-aim. A lot of ignorant people mix those two up quite frequently.There is some aim assist but it isn't overpowering especially when compared to how overpowering some weapons in video games are over other weapons, such as the three round bursts from every CoD since 4 with additions like the AA-12, etc. So the aim assist on consoles is commonly exaggerated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 24, 2012 I don't really know about the new CoD games, I only play CoD2 and CoD4 TBH. I know all weapon attachments and perks are banned in competitive play though, IDK why that never caught on on console. :SThere's nothing wrong with rushing in arcade shooters TBH, especially in a game with massive weapon damage like CoD. 1 player can devastate a team if you throw the right nades to slow them down and push the right spot at the right time. But then again teams like ANEXIS are proof that static, defensive gameplay can pay off big time too...Thank me for using the right term? I know, it's almost like I know what I'm talking about... xDI think 'auto-aim' is the product of non-native English speakers not really knowing what they're implying. We (the PC community) are aware that console FPS games don't come with a built-in aimbot but really, there needs to be a way to disable it for competitive play. It should just be you, your teammates and your guns against the enemy without any external BS to interfere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TruYadoo 36 Posted October 24, 2012 (edited) Rushing almost always leads to spraying which I personally wish CoD would better the overall quality by punishing Spraying.Of course I had to thank you as I find a LOT of people on all sides of our platform war using "auto-aim" in place of "aim assist". To your added comment, I can sometimes understand that mistake but when it comes from people that perfectly understand and speak English, there's no excuse. First, the built-in aim assist is very minor but it is still there however. Second, on the Xbox 360 at least there's a default preferences window/page/whatever you want to call it where you can 'disable' the aim assist BUT I don't know if and how much reduction it truly does. Edited October 24, 2012 by TruYadoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted October 27, 2012 Stop hijacking threads to babble about controller vs keyboard - it distracts from the people on here who have problems getting this working and need help. Nobody cares about your ongoing battles. I can't get XPadder to work in DayZ at all :(. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 28, 2012 Rushing almost always leads to spraying which I personally wish CoD would better the overall quality by punishing Spraying.Of course I had to thank you as I find a LOT of people on all sides of our platform war using "auto-aim" in place of "aim assist". To your added comment, I can sometimes understand that mistake but when it comes from people that perfectly understand and speak English, there's no excuse. First, the built-in aim assist is very minor but it is still there however. Second, on the Xbox 360 at least there's a default preferences window/page/whatever you want to call it where you can 'disable' the aim assist BUT I don't know if and how much reduction it truly does.Well there are a lot of ill-informed people out there, so I wouldn't be surprised, lol... But the vast majority of people I've seen talking about things like 'auto-aim' type in broken English so I always assumed they were foreign and the language wasn't their strong point. Maybe they're just retarded though, who knows.You haven't played with good rushers then. xDIn arcadey shooters like the old CoD games, CS, Quake etc. a good player shouldn't have to spray. The engines are tight enough that you can develop insanely twitchey aim if you play a lot. I still get accused of hacking every time I have a good game and I don even play much these days, lol.The 'aim-assist' setting in the Xbox options just sets your default preferences in games, and in CoD the option only affects the singleplayer campaign. You know that crazy aimbot style aim-assist where it locks on to enemies when you pull the trigger. I don't think it does anything at all in multiplayer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 28, 2012 Stop hijacking threads to babble about controller vs keyboard - it distracts from the people on here who have problems getting this working and need help. Nobody cares about your ongoing battles. I can't get XPadder to work in DayZ at all :(.It's pretty much inevitable when talking about using a controller in a game made to be played with a mouse and keyboard, lol. And we're keeping it civilised so I really don't see the problem...If you want help you might want to elaborate on your problem a little more BTW. 'Can't get it to work' is a bit vague... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mime_mimington 12 Posted November 10, 2012 Is there any way to loot with this controls? I always have to use the mouse to get things in my inventory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted November 18, 2012 Prepare to get owned son. try aiming that gun on a tiny little pixel with a controller. Hah never use a controller for fps shooting. FPS games started on PC and are better played on PC. note: to the flamers: I know most of the time we are in third person so you dont like considering this game to be fps. But when you are shooting you are in first person ok. Capeesh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted November 18, 2012 On another note I have a PC controller that I never use mapped to the Heli controls and it works wonderfully. Nothing i cant do without it but still it feels great try it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NateMac00 0 Posted November 23, 2012 (edited) I'm just coming into DayZ, but for the controller side of this argument, my gamingPC is also my Home Theater PC and using a keyboard and mouse is just not realistic on a couch. I do have a logitech k400 to type and basic mouse movements, but when it comes to games, the controller is the only way to go when your sitting 13 feet away from your screen with no desk.... to stay on topic though, great guide btw, I use Xpadder all the time. Edited November 23, 2012 by NateMac00 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted November 24, 2012 Thanks. A lot of my console buddies are afraid of the keyboard and mouse for some reason. So this will help. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamz 253 Posted November 24, 2012 I remember having trouble going from controller to mouse/keyboard at first but its worth persevering with for the added degree of control and accuracy it gives with an FPS, particularly a game like this where accuracy is so important. I found the best way to get used to it was to play Doom for a couple of hours (its an easy game to learn M/K on) and go from there. I find using a controller to play an FPS similar to using an etch-a-sketch to draw a piece of artwork... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summer (DayZ) 1 Posted November 25, 2012 I think this is great. I am a xbox fan, pc fan, ps3 fan and I mostly play on my PC.I don't understand why everyone so mad or ashamed. I guess it because they're jealous.I am going to try this out and hopefully it will be fun eighter way. I am a gamer and I wanna play the easy way for me. I am sorry if I made you people jealous (: now i am playing with a controller. Teha me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted November 25, 2012 Jealous?Why would anyone be jealous of you using an inefficient, inferior and inaccurate controller?There are a few games that controllers are better (Racing, Football) other than that a controller cannot keep up with a mouse/keyboard, that's a fact.There have been numerous attempts at having a PC vs PS3 vs XBOX style multiplayer with ALL platforms involved but the PC players just absolutely destroy the console players, the Mouse/Keyboard is significantly better that a controller for any competitive game, that is a fact (not including the racing/sports games I mentioned).If you like playing single-player, fair enough, but you will not be able to compete against any proper players with a mouse/keyboard, a controller is just so much slower in acquiring targets accurately, there is no competition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derangedxzombie 1 Posted December 13, 2012 (edited) Console kids will never learn. Even after being destroyed by mouse and keyboard players for the millionth time. "but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." Says the PC elitist.I love using a keyboard and mouse for certain games, it just feels right. Then I love using an xbox 360 controller, just as I loved using a N64 controller, or a Sega master System II gamepad.You probably think of an xbox controller and immediately think of moany 14 year old COD fanboys? Shame about that bunch and the Halo kids. I strongly doubt they'll migrate to PC games though, they won't know how to set them up. The military uses xbox controllers to navigate reconnaisance drones, damn those skill lacking kids right.Don't colour everyone in with the same crayon. What peripheral someone chooses to use doesn't mean they have a certain skill level etc. It's simply a matter of preference. It's as dumb as calling people that use inverted aim or write with their left hand weird.Hey if anything (using your frame of thinking) people using controllers would be much more skilled than pc players due to it's restraints, the controllers lacking accuracy or ease of use, yet people opt for the harder option! No not really, it's pointless either way, someone who isn't skilled with a certain periphal will find it's opposite rubbish or lacking, when really those attributes only apply to the persons own level of skill.Sensivity settings make a controller and mouse/keyboard no different to someone skilled with both, that's the hard truth, swallow it.And have a nice day. Edited December 13, 2012 by Derangedxzombie 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mucwa 68 Posted December 24, 2012 Wow this thread really got off topic since I've last been here. Sorry to all those people that I didn't reply to, I had to concentrate on my school work, but I'm back for now.. I'm currently in the process of making a new profile, one that doesn't require so many keys to be changed in-game. If anyone has any questions/problems with the current set-up please ask, I'll try to help you out the best that I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 58 Posted December 24, 2012 Inverted never made sense to me outside aircraft.. Why would someone want to look up with a weapon by pulling down on the stick? But I guess if that's how YOU need to play, as it isn't the consoles' or the controller's fault.So you're saying that pulling down to aim up in an aircraft is normal, but pulling down to aim up the rest of the time is not... ?That, does not make sense to me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Guardian- 206 Posted December 24, 2012 I played BF3 on xbox for a while and became an ace pilot with a controller, so now i use that on pc anytime i fly. i can see this being useful for the same reason, just have it ready for when i hop in the bi-plane or Huey. Beans for a good post, even if it was resurrected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Outypoo 59 Posted December 25, 2012 (edited) Guys, I have a broken shoulder and I'm in a sling, so I can't play this game.With my controller and this layout I can, so please stop saying it's for console fanboys, I realize you have an opinion, but it's stupid.+BEANS OP. Edited December 25, 2012 by Outypoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites