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Petition to Boycott Standalone (until hacking is resolved)

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I realize that there are a lot of threads complaining about hackers. I am not here to complain, but rather to leverage my power as a consumer to notify Rocket and Bohemia Interactive that I will not purchase the standalone until they can prove that hacking will not be an issue with the standalone. They need to prove it by resolving the chronic hacking issue in the mod.

I understand that, as a mod, Rocket may not have access to Arma2 files or have any control over how hacking is handled with Arma2, however, Bohemia Interactive does. As both entities are supporting the DayZ transition to a standalone game, I am expecting more from BI to fix hacking.

BI is supporting the transition to a standalone game due to the success of the mod. If the more than 1M players registered for the mod purchased the standalone at even 10 dollars, that is more than $10,000,000 at stake.

Hacks fall into two categories: modifications that the user can make to their own computer and files, such as changing textures to make players highly visible and aimbotting; and modifications that require server interaction, such as the ability to spawn vehicles and aircraft and the way that damage is dealt to players on the server (insta-kill).

If you want to sign this petition, please reply "signed".

By signing the petition, you are stating that:

(1) I understand that hacking is an issue with all online multiplayer games and that nobody has ever been able to achieve 100% success in stopping hacking.

(2) I understand that player-side hacks such as wallhacking and aimbotting will likely never be fixed.

(3) While accepting that hacking will never be totally resolved, I still expect to play without significant disruption.

(4) I will not purchase the DayZ standalone game until such time that all server-side hacks have been resolved.

BI and Rocket need to recognize that every "signed" reply here is another loss to the expected revenue for the development of this game, and that loss in revenue is the motivating factor for them to either fix this themselves or pressure BattleEye to come up with a fix.


[HIT] Phoenix

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The irony of boycotting probably one of the largest anti-hacking milestones of this product is not lost on you I hope.

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The irony of boycotting probably one of the largest anti-hacking milestones of this product is not lost on you I hope.

Basically this.

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I think now would be a good time for you to read up what it means for a Public Alpha Tester to be subjected to and how things quickly change when things go Beta. Sorry, but petitioning the Stand Alone and demanding a fix for hackers is like going back to square zero and sitting there. The road to Stand Alone is this Alpha and if we stop that, that means we will perpetually stick ourselves in an Alpha as each new patch to "fix" these hackers will be worked around by them when a new feature is added.

So again, read the definition and read Rocket's goals in them.

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The irony of boycotting probably one of the largest anti-hacking milestones of this product is not lost on you I hope.

Entirely this.

What a misguided post - always best to research your subject before posting.

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That's a ridiculous post. It's impossible to fix hacking on the mod. The standalone is the only way to combat hacking and cheating and that's what you want to boycot?

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Once the standalone client is working, all of us admins will be even more relegated to paying for the hosting as the standalone client will be regarded as generally secure. The problem is not how vulnerable the client is, the problem is YOU DON'T LET ADMINS ADMIN. I laugh at the standalone client because people will buy it with big hopes and instead they will get even more of the same.

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My advice to you, HITPhoenix: Don't buy the standalone, especially not while it is in alpha. Wait for it to go gold, then read some reviews and follow the forums. If it seems to be relatively free of hacks by then, buy the game.

See? You don't even need to involve other people or make petitions.

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Standalone is the only way to fix hacking

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Standalone is the only way to fix hacking

Pretty much. Hope he doesn't use the ArmA II engine though -_-

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Seriously the most QQ thread I have ever seen.

Standalone is the only way hackers will be removed.

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The irony of boycotting probably one of the largest anti-hacking milestones of this product is not lost on you I hope.

Also this.

Wouldn't it have been better to make a poll instead of counting the "yes"? And you seriously want to boycott the standalone which will be running under a new engine and give the devs direct access to that engine thus enabling them to counter the hacks instead of just hoping for the best as it is with the mod due to non-access and the nature of to the mod's engine? Good luck to you sir, good luck indeed.

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How does the standalone change the picture? Because then Rocket has access to the core program? BI has that access now.

I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking. BI is the one that stands to profit from the standalone.

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You are correct HITPhoenix.

The problem is not scripting in the current game. The immense majority of games have a scripting engine in it, whether it's available for modding or not (that being said the client currently does very retarded stuff like send everyone's position). The cheating cannot be fixed because it is an arms race and the cheaters are always ahead, and making it standalone will not change that in any popular game that attracts enough interest and brain power to spend a couple hours disassembling. What needs to happen is an attitude change, as in admins being the friends and carers of the game and not evil incarnate, and making things they can use.

An admin that wants to cheat can use the regular cheats much like anyone else. What's the point is making his life harder and not giving them proper tools to do their job because some may misuse them? The can already do anything they want via cheats.

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Just when I thought the posts on this forum couldn't get anymore ridiculous...

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How does the standalone change the picture? Because then Rocket has access to the core program? BI has that access now.

I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking. BI is the one that stands to profit from the standalone.

Because BI isn't going to change the core game that affects much more than just DayZ players, to fix a problem that's only really an issue in DayZ.

Do some research. You want to get rid of cheaters yet want to boycott the thing that's going to result in the biggest decrease in cheaters we've seen yet. Herp fucking derp.

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Standalone with resolve the majority of scripting.

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Standalone with resolve the majority of scripting.

Only naive people and cheaters will say that.

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Only naive people and cheaters will say that.

That made me LoL. The scripts will be removed from stand alone. So no more dropping a nuclear bomb and killing everyone on the server, no more spawning ammo crates or teleport other players. But there will always be ESP & Aim bots.

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Is this a joke? Standalone is the first step the DayZ team can take to combatting hackers.

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That made me LoL. The scripts will be removed from stand alone. So no more dropping a nuclear bomb and killing everyone on the server, no more spawning ammo crates or teleport other players. But there will always be ESP & Aim bots.

Lol as much as you like. Modern games have scripting engines or a vm in it themselves, this is no longer the early nineties. All you need to do is hook yourself early and you can do anything your client can do. Standalone will not buy you anything that you couldn't get by setting some decent client side restrictions, controls and logging on the current client, and wouldn't waste as much development time. But of course it is sexier to go for a standalone client and be in a new project rather than just fix the current one.

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The standalone is the only way to combat hacking and cheating

That's nonsense, proven by the long standing tradition of cheating in any multiplayer game. The more popular, the more cheating. You want to stop cheating? You make sure the server and admins can monitor what the clients are doing.

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