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In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

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huh? what lol 75% of my deaths were suicides, and beside they were all on private hives so I didnt really bother, I didnt pick up any loot/gear during the entire game (mostly because it never spawned), so I mainly died with only starter gear, also many of my deaths were me charging strangers shouting ALALLALAL.

Y u heff to be mad


Good meetup guys I really enjoyed it, it was/is really fun ^_^ Several hours in and theres still plenty of people playin, we HAVE to do this another time. Big props to EqD Nightly for promoting this meetup!

Was fun, will have to do this again some other time!

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In order, these are the confirmed Brony kills I got.

Balota ATC Tower Massacre. 4 Confirmed, 1 possible (don't know if it was a brony)

Balota Airstrip, 2 confirmed, one being Huggie.

Huggie KIA at Prigorodki.

Cherno Church Massacre, 5 confirmed

One confirmed a Elektro Super Market.

All in all 14 confirmed, one possible.

By the way, did Inu look up Buket's I.P.'s to find out he created the Steel Seethe persona, and see that he is also Bukethead and Mitt Romney?

Buket created Sir Steel, I used the name for info purposes.

If Inu did, isn't that an abuse of power?

Edited by Nick8478
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You killed 14 people over 8 hours with starter gear? Ok. Congratulations!

Nope we're still going strong.

This. For 8 hours. :P

Edited by Guest

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You killed 14 people over 8 hours with starter gear? Ok. Congratulations!

This. For 8 hours. :P

That's what I remember. I sure kept your group from actually meeting up organizing, didn't I? You guys never left the coast.

You should be ashamed that the only reason you found out it was me was because Inu looked up Buket's I.P.

You should be ashame I was able to single handedly massacre those who met up twice, and kill a few of you a couple times.

Plus I wasn't on for 8 hours. I got home at 5:30 and got off at around 9:30.

More like 4, if that.

Edited by Nick8478
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That's what I remember. I sure kept your group from actually meeting up organizing, didn't I? You guys never left the coast.

You should be ashamed that the only reason you found out it was me was because Inu looked up Buket's I.P.

You should be ashame I was able to single handedly massacre those who met up twice, and kill a few of you a couple times.

Plus I wasn't on for 8 hours. I got home at 5:30 and got off at around 9:30.

More like 4, if that.

Event started at 20:00 and the time now is 4:00 (GMT 1+) also, no, you didnt stop us from meeting up.

-edit- the first 4 hours the group were driving around in a bus going on the MSR's (this was on official hive servers).

Edited by Guest

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Event started at 20:00 and the time now is 4:00 (GMT 1+) also, no, you didnt stop us from meeting up.

-edit- the first 4 hours the group were driving around in a bus going on the MSR's (this was on official hive servers).

Well I was there for about 4 then. The time converter I used must have really screwed up, I was told it would start at 5 pm my time. The time I was there I was quite disruptive to your little meetup.

Also, why no comment on Inu using their moderator powers to find Buket's IPs?

Edited by Nick8478

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You were sniping? when i was with them not a single person got sniped

I joined right before they went to the Private hives. All my kills were on the private hives.

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Glad someone went in and ruined their fun. 3 beans to you Nick.

You honestly think they ruined my fun if we are still playing long after we got killed? Besides, the only reason we started playing on private hives were so we could troll and die some more. We have been playing 8 hours and all of us are still playing long after.

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Had so much fun tonight, good show everyone! absolute mayhem and laughter!! yes we should really get another one set up very very soon!!

Thanks for providing a server and support for the group! :D

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Best. Day. Ever.

It was so fucken fun :P

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Well, that was an incredibly enjoyable night of DayZ. A great group of guys having a hell of a laugh for around 8 hours. Many memorable moments, and much comedy to be had thanks to the 'spies' and the confusion of having 20-30 bronies running around Cherno. Shame that the haters actually helped add to the fun. :D

Looking forward to the next meeting. Cheers to Hugge and Rokor for setting up much of this. Peace.

-Lyra Heartstrings

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You honestly think they ruined my fun if we are still playing long after we got killed? Besides, the only reason we started playing on private hives were so we could troll and die some more. We have been playing 8 hours and all of us are still playing long after.

Actually I recall the reason being the public hive server you had all your vehicles on crashed and wiped everything. I just found it funny that it took you four hours to realize there was an infiltrator in your group, considering he was communicating with you over DayZ and Teamspeak AND killing you simultaneously.

L2identifyvoices lul.

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well, someone was continuously killing me on normal server before switching to private hive, was that you? (Guy in soldier clothes?)

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Thanks for providing a server and support for the group! :D

Hmmm tempted to already start arranging meetup 3.0 :) least it would give me time to actually get my clan to know what they were doing.... but yes sooo much fun, died countless times but each time was funny as hell, and i killed a hater so yeah not a bad run at all!

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Ahh the internet.

It reminds me of how hard people try to troll and grief and how hard they fail at it.

By the way can I get asked a question for this?

EDIT: Mean I'm a brony and would like to join in.

Edited by Theweirdone

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Ahh the internet.

It reminds me of how hard people try to troll and grief and how hard they fail at it.

By the way can I get asked a question for this?

EDIT: Mean I'm a brony and would like to join in.

lol ^^ 1+

I hosted this event but it is unfortunatly over already, however, you are free to apply for derpy hooves event, which will be next week.

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Still, on the subject of this last meetup, why can't I hold all these videos? I mean, what should I do with all the footage I recorded? Ack. No time to pour over them, edit them together and post online. :P

If the "trolls" are this much fun everytime, we should start actively inviting them.

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