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HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

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Seriously fuck this game!

Im so done! Every single server I join there's a hacker who kills everyone in the server!! My last 5 deaths were all because of hackers!

Once I stole a chopper from a hacker. Guess what he did? He killed me remotely! I joined another server, after 10 minutes everyone was ported into the same building in cherno and got killed immediately by a hacker. On the next server I found some ghillie suit guy standing in the woods randomly exploding trees and shit. Headshotted him a few times. Think he was impressed? Nope. Took his gun and shot me after he took numerous hits to the face.

Then I join another server. I play for an hour, gear up a bit and got some decent stuff together when guess what happens... everyone on the server dies at the same time because of HACKER AGAIN!!!

Unplayable shit! For a game with no save option whatsoever I am completely done now! I cant even play on one single server without getting hacked!

You know this is really fuckin frustrating when you have to start over and over and over and over again because of shit like this.

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That sucks, but you've just been unlucky. xD

I've racked up quite a few hours and I've died by hacker once.

Pro tip: if you see 'some ghillie suit guy standing in the woods randomly exploding trees and shit'... Leave the game.

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1. He could have shot at you in the chopper, you can still be killed.

2. The guy in the ghille suit, are you sure you actually hit him?

I have had no problems whatsoever with hackers.

And its DayZ, you're MEANT to die a lot when you first start out

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Played for two hours about an hour ago. Had a good time and ran into 0 hacks, though I did spy on a known camp and found a tractor for the first time.

Sorry that your experience isnt as good as other people.

You have the choice we all do.

Endure, enjoy or quit.

I choose to enjoy.

You choose to quit.

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i am one of the lucky ones then.

playing 200 hours and just saw a scrippter spawn 2 helos on the beach(he die 2 minutes later due to crashing^^, nearly hit me). thats all.

my brother expirienced a server mass kill.

i mostly play on NL/DE/UK servers.FYI.

it must be very frustrating but the purpose of this alpha is to test it anyway. so stop play/testing and wait for the standalone or stop complaining.

still feel bad for you.

edit: you are really saying you are missing a save option ? haha sry man but lol. you didnt inform youself good on the whole game project.

Edited by Bezki
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Thats, i seem to be able to play the game virtually flawlessly despite the hackers. Unless you were banned from every server then i find it extremely hard to beleive that the game is "unplayable", you "refuse" to play the game, huge difference. And just so you know, there are ALWAYS OTHER SERVERS. Try smaller pop servers if you try again at all, harldy ever run into hackers, and when i do, i simply leave.

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I've found a camp with a few hacked guns in it but that's it, been playing for about a month and a half and never been killed off a hacker. You've had some serious bad luck there

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I have never seen or experienced being teleported, given weapons, thunderdomed, killed, dropped from height or anything else everyone says happens by these hacks/hackers.. Maybe I'm just lucky.

..... I just jinxed myself didn't I?

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I've been playing for about 40-50 hours total and never seen a hacker, Maybe im just lucky

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Over 400 hours and not a single hacker has affected me. I've seen destroyed towns and kill messages with the killer being shown (not friendly fire), but I haven't been killed or teleported. I simply don't play on 60 player servers.

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I've been killed by hackers in this game but pretty sure i've been killed by hackers in multiplayer games since Tribes (1998).

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To the OP: I have played around 50 - 75 hours, across probably 15 - 20 servers, and I have never seen or been impacted by a hack. I keep expecting to be, given some of the posts I read where hacking, it seems, is done by nearly everyone, on nearly every server, nearly all hours of the day, for months and months now. I can't reconcile what I've experienced (0% hacking) to what you have experienced (100% hacking). It is just weird. I don't doubt you - I just wish I knew what you and I do differently to give you some help.

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LOL who cares if 1 sad guy gets killed by hackers and then rages on the forums??? I've been killed by hackers multiple times and just carried on wiv life. This guy is a quitter who doesn't keep going when things are right he is a pussy who wants attention. My advice is to take your cock out of the purse and start being a man!!!!! >:D

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I have 75 hours played and I have only been killed by 1 hacker. I was running around in cherno and the entire lobby got randomly spawned on a shore and everyone just started to shoot at each other. I got away, but I decided to be an asshole and turned around with my Ak-74 and just lit up the whole group, I only got two kills, then the hacker came up from behind me and killed me. It wasn't that frustrating, it was kind of enjoyable lol.

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posted in a different thread about this not to long ago ill paste it here as it contains an interesting experiment it did.

"Over the past couple of weeks it has gotten really bad with hackers, hopefully you will stick it out as it seems that battleye is atleast trying to get shit together. but with that said I have seen more hackers in Dayz then i have in the entire rest of my gaming carrer combined (roughly 25 years of gaming from consoles to PC).

Infact a couple of days ago I actually did what I guess you could call an experiment. after my team logged out for the night and being freshly killed in a legit fire fight, I decided to see how bad it really was. I made it a point to join ONLY servers that where near full and see how many hackers I ran into. Over the course of about 2 1/2 to 3 hours I encountered hackers roughly every 15-45 min's. after each encounter I would change my IGN and change servers, it got to the point that i couldnt even make it to cherno or elektro to gather basic supplies before I got killed. Infact the only time I actually made to a major city was the last run before i logged out that night. but even then I made it to cherno and it was full of busses; there was busses on the silo's, on the factory, some on the fire station and probably about 25-50 just laying around town.

now given this is over the course of only 1 night, and alot of it could be writen off as bad luck. Its still pretty bad, over the course of an average day we can usually plan on seeing at least 1 hacker a day. most are fairly uneventfull, hacked weapons and vehicles mostly but they're around."

I too have got to the point where I just dont bother actually playing anymore i just run around and shoot people till i get killed by a hacker. happens everyday to me and my team. maybe we're just super unlucky but recently even low pop servers are getting hit left and right. was just on a 6, yes thats right SIX person server that got hit with a kill script. I always change servers and my IGN doesnt seem to matter, but im pretty sure im not being targeted. another thing ive noticed is the US and russian servers seem to have it really bad. so it may be a region thing.

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Like a few of the other guys, I've yet to see a hacker in the couple months I've played, maybe you just need to play on less populated servers or something >.>

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Go back to CoD and MW3. Hackers are in every game you will ever play, DayZ is no different, when you see a hacker just log out and change servers. If you bitch about no save option this game isnt for you. Permadeath means exactly that. In DayZ you're nothing more then a meat sack.

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I have only been affected by a hacker once. He teleported the whole server and started killing people, I logged out and joined a different server. No harm done.

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Nah dude its literally unplayable. A friend bought the game exclusively for DayZ. So we started playing and after ten minutes he asks me if there are a lot of cheaters and shit. I started explaining and literally while I was telling him about hacks we got ported into cherno and killed inside a building together with everyone else on the server. gg.

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Well, I died after a 3 week survive yesterday because some dumb cunt teleported everyone to 1 spot and killed them, so I feel your pain OP.

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just uninstall the game now and quit , you will never be satisfied

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