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Siggy (DayZ)

(Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

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What version are you running, what servers are you trying to join, are you using DayZCommander?

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Make sure you haven't make any mistakes when replacing the new files, check your Arma2 again, and if all fails download the latest BattleEye *.dll manually. If it doesn't work after that, I'll give you my Mountain Dew.

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Make sure you haven't make any mistakes when replacing the new files, check your Arma2 again, and if all fails download the latest BattleEye *.dll manually. If it doesn't work after that, I'll give you my Mountain Dew.

1,7,2,4 ;)

I have sixlauncher

Edited by Ankhenaten

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You are probably joining servers that have updated to be honest.

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i have dayz commander, the newest versions of everything and this still happens to me (4th time in 3 days).

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i have dayz commander, the newest versions of everything and this still happens to me (4th time in 3 days).

If you try to join a server on the old version and abort out during the loading phase, you will respawn at coast when you join a server on the same version. DayZ commander seems to only update the the server versions when I restart it and refresh the servers again too.

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You are probably joining servers that have updated to be honest.

Well ... it officially sucks..

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Well ... it officially sucks..

It's not hard to avoid the problem once you know what causes it, spamming this thread with 50 posts for every server you join doesn't help though.

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:ogged out of second nightserver having run inwards a bit, now again on one of the loading thingies .. :D

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I had to logoff several times due to graphical glitches.

Same here. Sometimes if you tilted your head back 45 degrees plus you could catch a glimpse of what ever it was you just tripped over or that open door in the distance to aim for in order to lose the infected you've walked into.

Seems to be less of it about now, unless I have just been lucky.

Edited by RogueNZ

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One guy has 267 ms ping, suspected hacker, next server ...

Please stop spamming this thread, edit your posts ffs. There is a temporary fix on the previous page, this isn't twitter, you don't need to make a new post every minute updating us of your activity.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Please stop spamming this thread, edit your posts ffs.

No because that is how it goes ... Mr Wisenut .. 40 minutes not an acceptable game without ANY loot hopping..

Jo no that's definitely not acceptable. in case I get into a day server, what can i do run to spawn back at the coast, I don't play this for PvP, i liked seaching in the North..

Good try ruined.


Edited by Ankhenaten

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Any reason why you're not updating? Downloading 130MB doesn't take long, and if you have questions about where to put that stuff or what to consider there's a whole forum full of answers and people who can help. It might just ease things for your as the majority of all servers is likely at by now, so finding a match will get more difficult with every hour.

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Server hopping = back to the coast since the latest patch. Atleast so I am told.

Server hopping? You mean trying to join a server and having them all fail or freeze in the load screen? Me and my friend were trying to play again and when we finally got into a server and loaded in we're on the fucking coast. If it doesn't even make sure you actually make it in before tallying you as a server hopper then that's just fucking retarded.
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I got spawned at coast after logging out in Zub. I was not wearing a ghille suit, i was wearing civi clothing and really was not that well geared. this is as of 1.7.5 (w/e newest patch is.)

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I find the ones throwing around the insults are the ones who have had their precious ghosting techniques taken away from them. I'm not gonna stoop to your level and start insulting people at the drop of a hat. Need i remind everyone of the first rule of Chernarus?

Yes it's unfortunate, hell it happened to me too, but i dont remember a time when people weren't getting sniped in these areas so whats new....

i think you may not have read what people are saying here correctly i to have been having issues with this matter in fact i think in the last three days i have run to Zel 5 times when i could be bothered. I to have posted on here and I only play on two diff servers this is not happening when you switch servers it is happening when you log in i tested this and i was on one server ran inland logged came back and hour later to find myself back on the beach i was on the same server i had not server hopped i had waited over an hour so this is a prblem.

First rule there is always someone in in cherno ...................but why the f if i have run the gauntlet do i have to run it every single time i log in

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