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Far Cry 2 idea - YOU WILL HATE ME

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So, this may not be possible in DayZ The Mod, but I am pretty sure this should be implemented in DayZ The Game.

What could I be possibly talking about?

Far Cry 2 system of weapons jamming/breaking. Except I think that most of the jams/breakages should be avoided if the gun is cleaned regularly - simply right click gun and click "clean" the guy will do an animation for a minute or a minute and a half and voila.

I think this would introduce a cool aspect to the game, would also force you to appreciate your working gun :D

Ideas? Thoughts?

P.S. Far Cry 2 was a POS... Grrr... Shoot one guy, everyone aggros from 2KM away. GG

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I think we should have the dynamic fire that was used in far cry 2...that would be awesome.

But yes, this idea makes sense

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  On 8/11/2012 at 8:49 AM, Priceless said:

Nice idea but not feasible with current Arma engine maybe standalone

lol wut

ACE has weapon jamming.

Weapons breaking is unrealistic though.

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To the original poster, I don't hate you, I think it would be a good idea to put weapon degradation in the standalone. :)

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Dynamic fire from explosions, also about the weapon jamming. Too properly clean the gun you need to find a tool box in an industrial spawn area, or find specific tools to clean it. You may find a gun clean, jammed and or dirty maybe in between. You have a subtle effect of the guns appearence showing how dirty the weapon is and certain sound effects if it's going to jam soon. This will strain the players to use single fire or burst and bursting with full and or popping in single but as if everyone doesn't do this already.

I like this idea a lot, it's probably something we all pondered upon but haven't really suggested it.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:13 AM, LatinGeek said:

Not for AKs, though.

Those don't jam. They just don't.


First time shooting an AKMS at the range and it jammed after 4th shot :)

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people with the L85 are gonna be screwed if this happens

Sa80's jam with so much as a sniff of dirt

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:26 AM, Blindingsun said:

people with the L85 are gonna be screwed if this happens

Sa80's jam with so much as a sniff of dirt

Yeah, L85A1s did, from what I know A2s don't jam quite as often.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:28 AM, FrostDMG said:

Yeah, L85A1s did, from what I know A2s don't jam quite as often.

yes the a2's only jam 15 times per day. as opposed to the previous 20.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:30 AM, Blindingsun said:

yes the a2's only jam 15 times per day. as opposed to the previous 20.

That's 25% more reliable! Ah the great British engineering

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i thought about that for a minute and thought to myself thats dumb because guns rarely jam. and for some reason this reminded me of agent kellerman trying to commit suicide in prison break when his gun jammed. conclusion = prison break is a good show. you guys should watch.

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Brings up a good point, could balance some weapons vs cleaning. Can you imagine the drama if you're with a group and your gun jams?

Of course this would just be another thing to make solo play worst, but if you're solo ur supposed to be as quite as possible anyways.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 10:49 AM, Justin619 said:

i thought about that for a minute and thought to myself thats dumb because guns rarely jam. and for some reason this reminded me of agent kellerman trying to commit suicide in prison break when his gun jammed. conclusion = prison break is a good show. you guys should watch.

Guns rarely jam? clearly you've never been in any of the Uk's fighting forces since the Sa80 was introduced.

guns jam plenty.

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yes please, we need more realism, and more items to find. weapon cleaing gear and jamming weapons would be awesome.

weapons do eventually break actually, not physically implode, but they can degrade to the point of becoming unusable.

would be coold to revamp the ammo system too, bullets and magazines, fill magazines from bullet boxes etc.

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Hello there

Firstly we don't hate you.

Secondly, I like the thought of the occasional jam, but guns, on the whole, just don't degrade the way they did in FC2.

There are different mulfunctions that can happen but really jamming is the only one that should show it's face.

It's acheivable now as others have pointed out. But lf it came in it has to be rare.



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I don't think guns should degrade as rapidly as in FC2, but they should degrade

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Jamming and cleaning would be a cool idea, as in the less you clean the higher % it might jam. But guns breaking is dumb. My dads .30-06 has a 100 year warranty on the barrel, and a 10 year on the action, even though the action will still last longer than that lol.

Also ya jamming makes sense. SAs would need the most cleaning, AR styles second, and ak styles last. And the jams would have to be realistic too. Most of the jams in a ak are malfunction related rather than dirt, ie when the shell gets stuck in between the bolt and the reciever during cycling.

Also it would he cool if guns could explode after LONG LONG periods of time if un kept, which is realistic in a dirty survival scenario@

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