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Big Red Husker

3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

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Over the past couple of weeks it has gotten really bad with hackers, hopefully you will stick it out as it seems that battleye is atleast trying to get shit together. but with that said I have seen more hackers in Dayz then i have in the entire rest of my gaming carrer combined (roughly 25 years of gaming from consoles to PC).

Infact a couple of days ago I actually did what I guess you could call an experiment. after my team logged out for the night and being freshly killed in a legit fire fight, I decided to see how bad it really was. I made it a point to join ONLY servers that we're near full and see how many hackers I ran into. Over the course of about 2 1/2 to 3 hours I encountered hackers roughly every 15-45 min's. after each encounter I would change my IGN and change servers, it got to the point that i couldnt even make it to cherno or elektro to gather basic supplies before I got killed. Infact the only time I actually made to a major city was the last run before i logged out that night. but even then I made it to cherno and it was full of busses; there was busses on the silo's, on the factory, some on the fire station and probably about 25-50 just laying around town.

now given this is over the course of only 1 night, and alot of it could be writen off as bad luck. Its still pretty bad, over the course of an average day we can usually plan on seeing at least 1 hacker a day. most are fairly uneventfull, hacked weapons and vehicles mostly but they're around.

edit: after seeing some of the other replies I do play US servers only just as an FYI

edit 2: super late lots of spelling and grammar mistakes :(

Edited by Des86

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The problem with this software is that it's a simulation, not a game. As a simulation it's very open to customization, which makes it easy for people to write scripts for it.

Most "hackers" you run into are actually people that got mad at the game for some reason and bought scripts, so they could finally get that great gun they never find in cherno.

Popularity is what killed the mod.

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Well shit, I have to say...I've not ran into a hacker in 4 months, been playing for quite some time, some off, quite a hell of a lot of time on, while being a bandit.

So...Australian server are filled with Cod Kiddies, PVP whores, Aboriginals who only spam, 'Cunt' but not Script Kiddies, c'mon...Where's the free train ride around the map of Chernarus...I'd take script kiddies over cod kiddies, pvp whores and swearers, because this game is fun without faggots spamming ' Friendly', you help them and you get shot instantly.

Edited by ZoggleDeOrange
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Threads Merged.

Why does everybody have to start a new Topic when there are already a whole bunch of em on the same page.

Stick together, if you have the same problem as another guy, let him know, show support.

One decent Thread will get a lot more response than seven (7),Threads that nobody looks at because there are already seven (7) Topics on the same page.

I forgive the people that have no idea how a Forum works...

Thats a lot of forgivness :facepalm:

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Hello there

Firstly, there is no such animal as a "good scripter".

Secondly, Play vanilla A2CO for a while. Forget the campaign, but download some of the astounding user made missions from the Bis forums.

There's also a couple of undead mods and campaigns/dynamic missions which are rather good and DAYZlike if you must have zombies.

Stay away from high population servers as that's where the greifers mainly like to attack.

Be patient, the scripters are on the wane at the moment due to Battle Eye stepping things up a little.



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